Cheetah Magazine March 1980
Please address all correspondence to:
The Secretary,
RLI Association,
P.O. Box 8294,
Editor: Capt M. L. M. Blackman
Co. Editor: Brian Streak
Art Work: Capt M. L. M. Blackman
Assistant Producer: Carrie Taylor
RLI on Urban Deployment
Photograph by T. Anderson (Army Photographer)
Corporal Trevor Pearson (Training Troop) stands in
silent vigil under the statue of the Trooper during the
retreat and wreath-laying ceremony which marked the
19th anniversary of the RLI. The occasion also marked
the first anniversary of the unveiling of the statue.
The Commanding Officer of the RLI, Lt-Col Charles
Aust, lays a wreath at the foot of the Trooper statue
in tribute to fallen members of the Battab'on. On the
right is Corporal Trevor Pearson, one of the four guanls
of honour posted round the statue for the ceremony.
Warrant Officer II, "Log" Enslin (left) needed helpfrom the RLI chaplain,
Major Bill Blakeway, to show off the spoils captured during the inter-commando
sports and military events held during 1979. CSM Enslin holds the trophies won
by Support Com-mando for inter-commando parachuting (The BaseGroup Shield)
and the Colonel Jack Caine trophy forthe champion commando for military events.
Major Blakeway holds the Officer's Mess Trophy for inter-commando shooting.
The guests of honour at the RLI birthday parade included the Commander of the Army Lt-Col "Sandy" Maclean(right), the 'Mayor of Salisbury, Councillor Jack whiting (with chain of office), the Commander of COMOPS, Lt- General Peter Walls, and the Army Chief of Staff (Administration), 'Major-General "Derry" MacIntyre (left).
ON FEBRUARY 1, 1980, the 1st Battalion, the Rhodesian Light Infantry, celebrated its 19th anniversary with a retreat and wreath-laying ceremony at the foot of The Trooper statue in the Holy Ground at the Battalion's barracks in Cranborne.
It was 'a moving ceremony at which the reviewing officer was the Army Commander, Lt.-General "Sandy" Maclean. Among the special guests at the parade was the Commander of Combined Operations, Lt.General Peter Walls, the Army Chief of Staff (administration), Major General Derry MacIntyre, the Mayor of Salisbury, Councillor Jack Whiting, and other high-ranking officers and their wives. More than 200 close lelatives and next of kin also attended.
Wreaths were laid at the foot of the statue by the Commanding Officer of 1 RLI, Lt.-Col Charles Aust, by
Commando Commanders and the RLI Association. Next of kin also paid tribute to fallen members of the Battalion.
The Retreat ceremony included the Piper's Lament and the band of the Rhodcsian Corps of Signals playing the Last Post.
The service was conducted by the Battalion's chaplain, the Major Rev. Bill 'Blakeway.
After the ceremony the association hosted a cocktail party which included the presentation of trophies to the
winning commando in the inter-commando competitions for sport and military events.
The birthday celebrations were rounded off at the respective messes with parties that went on long into the
next morning.
At the presentation of trophies, the Army Commander paid tribute to the Battalion for its work during some of the toughest times faced by the country. He said he believed the RLI would enjoy many, many more birthdays 'and that he was confident that as long as there was an RLI, the people of this country could be certain they could continue living in peace.
'The Big Red"
1 Commando Notes
Since the last time of writing the Big Red has seen many changes. The first off, there was our loss of Major Pete Farndell, replaced recently by Major Ian Buttenshaw following his long stretch at the School of Infantry. We say cheers and thanks to Major Farndell and welcome to Major Buttenshaw, we're hoping as much as you are that you may don your bone dome in the near future.
Lt Rick van Malsen must be congratulated on the efficient way in which he ran the Commando for some 11 weeks. The Big Red didn't see a problem and continued to hack it under the watchful and sometimes map like eyes of the Punchy Goblin. Lt van Malsen, BCR has left us recently for the dusky wares of Mauritius. We all hope he enjoys his well earned leave and returns fit (all limbs included).
We lose 2 Lts Gavin (Hymie) Wehlburg and Mark (Fierce) Linton. Gavin leaves us to count his carefully
horded dollars and then make some more. We regret his leaving — the first time the Commando funds have ever been up after two weeks in the bush was when skylock Wehlburg had a finger in the monies. On a serious note we say cheers and thanks, we saw good jousting together, long may you remember the Big Red and the even bigger hole in your neck. Cheers and good luck to Mark Linton, off to delve into the fleshpots of England. The CQ can now sleep at night knowing he will have enough rations to feed the troops.
We give a big welcome to Alan and Pauline Gingles, who have joined us recently. They decided to brave the
wilds and join the Incrediblcs. We hope you haven't missed the jousting. Having come from Northern Ireland we presume you are demolitions trained.
TLt Steve Walters (going through the good patch) is still getting used to the lowly rank of subaltern after the
dizzy heights of an active 19 and acting OC. It's good to have you back in the ranks. Where we think you belong, incidentally. The Big Red Romeo definitely does us proud in recent catches. Still recuperating after a serious fake alarm 2Lt Wayne Grant is no longer concerned with the population explosion.
Since his Umtali hiding, the CSM Studley Edwards is definitely on the rebound with a recent victory over an
incredibly keen pipe-bender. They learn young says Studley, returning to the Umtali ring.
We congratulate our former CQ Colour Bramwell on his promotion to W02. We now lose him to 3 Commando. Cheers ad good luck Brams (you will at least add a bit to the losers), in the same breath we say welcome back to the bush and congrats on your promotion to Colour Sgt Dave Hoskins, our commando cross country champion. No, seriously..welcome, back,. hang it in.
Sgt Gomo Myburgh has now left us for the civilian life. Good luck out in the big wide world Ben. On a clear day you can see for ever — well, Mtoko airstrip anyway -— from the Prospectors that is — on a serious note — the loss of our mobile OP is felt throughout the Big Red.
We're glad to see Sgt "Um' Red" Kerr has thrown his um sticks away, like. We wait his arrival back in the bush. Welcome back to Sgt Fingers Leatham, who is once again fully operational, met double pistol grip. Funny how you can adapt when you have to—ever tried drinking using
3/2 fingers on the mug only?
Sgt's Jersey Smyth and Dome Ellison have left us recently. Ed Smyth to become a civvy once again and Rod
Ellison to attempt to become an officer. Good luck Rod, don't let the bed packs get you down.
We've seen quite a change amongst the junior NCO's in recent months, we say cheers to Cpl's Cookson, Calitz and Swart. Cpl Swart leaving us to join Int Section, and to LCpIs Seawood, Wessels and Inglis congratulations, to Cpl's Harding and Chilcott on well deserved promotion. A new string of heavies now muscle in on the Corporals Mess. LCpl's Frazer, Fletcher, Kropp, Burgess, Robb and Coetzee. Well done guys, and Good Luck, we're sure you'll make it. In recent weeks it's been left to a mere handful of the hard core Corporal sector of the Big Red to hold the fort. Cpl's Hulley-Miller, Greenwood and Nulty sharing odd post of guard commando between them, when not away "running my farm" LCpl Lyman has managed to hold his troop together.
The Lady and Tramp party went off well, and the ouens must be congratulated on their fine effort. Some serious groovers were scraped up from places unknown and after easing their bods into something slinky put up a fine display in the Gatooma Room. The Adjt put in a clandestine visit, but was found out when the hand that slipped into his bra emerged, tightly grasping yesterday's rugby socks. Thanks to the party we have at last picked up 2 Lt Grant's tactics. First, consume as much alcohol in the shortest time possible. Select a crow, any crow as long as she's got the 'basic structure, in between frantic sidestepping slowly manoeuvrethe crow backwards towards the window. Bear in mind we are now in the 2nd storey. When you have cornered the unfortunate lady with her back to the window you now proceed to tuck in with a vengeance before: (a) Her boyfriend comes back, or (b) She knocks you unconscious, or (c) She falls out of the window.
Some serious festivities have taken place since the Lady and Tramp party. The Big Red enjoyed a good Christmas, consuming some alcohol, resulting in a slight misunderstanding with the local Club. Possibly why the commando saw New Year in entangled in the jesse.
The Big Red would like to take this opportunity to extend a conciliatory hand to the authorities, and hope
there are no hard feelings about the odd missing monitoring force sign or a political flag here and there. We are embarrassed about our Commando's knack of acquiring things.
A big well done to the Commando for coming 2nd in the inter-Commando competition. Congrats to Support. A really surprising win with their "really limited manpower". Seriously well done . A jammy win is still a win. The big Red will have to pull finger in the next competition, just to remind you all who's boss. Next thing you'll be calling us by our first names.
On Friday, 1st February, the Commando had another excuse to dive into another alcoholic binge, and as soon as the last bars of The Saints died away some serious festivities were under way. The songs sung that night were a tribute to the L.P. "Sounds of the Bushveld". As long as one learns the complicated words it's a real pleasure. The unique call of a mating camel. Congratulations to the whole Battalion as well as all ex-saints in the incredibles 19th birthday.
We say cheers to Intakes 162 and 163, as well as a lot of the old soldiers — but don't get shot away ouens we'll see you on call-up shortly. We await the arrival of 166 eagerly.
One Troop say goodbye to five regulars and 10 national servicemen. The regulars being Sgt Jersy Smyth, who goes to Varsity down South. Cpl ''Bear" Calitz, who's off back to the plaas in Darwendale. Tpr Andy Mutch leaves for his new home overseas. Tpr McKeith to wander around aimlessly, and "Bad Ass" Wheeler, who seems to be on an indefinite clandestine OP in S.A. With the departure of 162 and 163 one troop ranks have been decimated. Tprs Badcock, Kneepers and Andersen go to Varsity. "Johnno" Hunt and "Stumpy" Van Der Zandt are now farmers. Troopers "Cheeky" Fenton-Wells, Robertson and Struthers are waiting to be called up, but Trooper Rich Jackson won't be available to do call-ups — he has gapped it to S.A. Trooper Andre' Grobelaar who wouldn't be tempted by a stripe should finish his sparky apprenticeship next year.
Our congratulations to LCpl "Ginger" Burgess and LCpl Rod Kropp on their promotions. They should have
been temporarily attached to Training Troop, we await their return.
The loss of all these soldiers has been handsomely made up for by our rookies from 165, Tpr "Spook" Petrie, our new 'gunner — all 120 lbs. of him. Two NS Tprs, Robinson G. and and Blanshard decided to sign on for six months and they have now joined the hard core Troop which includes Acting Troop Sgt, Cpl Hulley-Miller. Troopers Sammy Tombe (returning from leave and will undergo an intensive retraining period before being allowed back in the bush). "Paddy" Daglish, Craxford and Lewis. Mr. Walters, our Troop Boss is the new O.C. of the flying circus. He makes the sweepline a more interesting place than ever.
As usual the Commando has had to rely on Two Troop's numbers and talent to keep abreast of recent exiting times . . . yawn! What with the accursed plague of 163 having finally left to prove their heaviness elsewhere. (Dear Lord may they never return!) With Tubby Norton and "Nelly" Season's rise to four lettered infamy. All we needed to make the perfect Troop was a real Irish Sunray — so hey presto! — riding out of the sunset on a wave of post para-course fervour appeared Lt "Letter Bomb" Gingles. The troop's gunners were overjoyed to note his legs to be nowhere near the length of "Strider" Linton's.
It's getting about as difficult to remember our OC's names as it is to remember whether we're Southern Rho-
desia, Zimbabwe, or outer Enkeldoorn. It seems to have become fashionable among the higher echelon to see who can stay the Big Red the shortest. Latest record breaking attempt is by Major Buttcnshaw.
Without doubt the troop's "Best in the Coiiunando" reputation is due to the unfailing efforts of Cpl Kev
Cookson — so-long Cookie, leave some of Durbs for us to tear apart when we finish!
It is with considerable embarrassment that we say farewell to another good man trying to degrade himself, Sgt Ellison at present on P.O.C. Course — well, it's his decision.
3 Troop, "The Jousters", has changed greatly over the last few months, namely, in its numbers, as the happy exconscripts of 163 took to the hills. The troop is now down to its hard-core, "The Magnificent Seven". It was with great reluctance that the troop parted with Sgt "Gomo" Myburgh, who is now well advanced on his civvy cadre.
We also say cheers to some long standing members who have elected to face the meanest of foes, "civvy street". Cheers and Good Luck to Lubs and W-W-W-Woody. Also congratulations to L/Gpl Frazer on being made up. Talk about setting a thief to catch a thief to catch a thief! We also look forward to the cherry faces of 163 when they return to swell the ranks on their first call-up. "The Magnificent Seven" are doing very little that is magnificent, the most constructive move being the runner up of huge canteen accounts as we dream of days' past grandeur in the metropolis of Wankie.
We remain in the stern but fatherly hands of our new troop Sgt, "Blondie" Leathern, who returns to the upper echelons of his old troop. The chief gangster of the seven remains 2Lt Grant, the world's shortest casanova. Orrible Ollie returns to us after six weeks leave, but still on light duties. He will now only carry two MAGs on fire force until he gets well again.
Maybe by the next issue of Cheetah, 3 Troop will be back in the forefront of the jousting — paving the way for the rest of the Big Red.
Well, faces have come and gone. Farewell to 2Lt Gavin Wehlberg, L/Cpl Inglis, L/Cpl Wessels and Troopers Biagus, Bower, Gallagher, Holloway, Pretorius, Lane, Roberts and Spencer.
We are hit with the sad loss of Trooper Gary Brandt.
Well, faces have come and gone. Farewell to 2Lt Gavin Wehlberg, L/Cpl Inglis, L/Cpl Wessels and Troopers Biagus, Bower, Gallagher, Holloway, Pretorius, Lane, Roberts and Spencer.
We are hit with the sad loss of Trooper Gary Brandt.
We remember him with the affection born of days soldiering together; Our sympathies to his family:
We will remember him.
Welcome to Trooper Mariller, and in the same note we're glad to see that Cpl High and Tpr Brakespear will
hang it in a little longer. Brakespear is away, again on para- course, but reckons he will master "feet together" this time by tying boot laces together.
"Pull through" Striven® is off the sick list, to come and manage the Canteen now that Tpr Snyman has left. The deficiencies should be interesting. Sgt Le Compte has also arrived back from leave, well tanned but with a runaway waistline. The boys will soon have the gut off and the grey hairs back.
Cheers to 163, but we're awaiting your speedy return! Bring the odd dollar boys. We now have troop funds.
Tpr Gary Brandt —"Umvu" to his troopie mates — joined 1 Commando with Intake 163,, and was a member of 4 Troop, who will always be remembered with affection, happy go lucky — we will all miss him. Our thoughts and condolences are with his next-of-kin.
Quick Blondie - Exit stage left!
2 Commando NotesReg (Prockter) Ayling and Mike (Pollock) Slater took the 1RLI Cricket Team to victory with their superb batting, whilst Ernie Botha and Buge Williams both retired as they were "thirsty" at 1RLI cricket -field against Grey's Scouts.
The team's fielding was good all round, with Andy van der Heever "bowling and heaving", whilst Basil Dippennaar in the deep outfield was shouting "I want to bbbbowl".
Grey's Scouts were all out for 93. 1RLI Retired for 149.
C/Sgt Cliff played well as "wicky" stumping the players out after pushing them out of the Crease, "good old Kiwi". Sgt Mason, the "Umpy", saw and judged the game in true form. His umpiring was the cause of two wickets. "Poor Greys." Well done, Colin.
Our star of the game, Basil Dippenaar, who was the opening batsman, was a bit disappointed after coming out with a "golden duck". Hard illluck BBBBasil!!!
On behalf of 1RLI we would like to thank CSM Hosking and his team and wish you better luck next time.
Since our last edition and after an evening drinking session by our elite caterers, it was unanimously agreed that all of us — hie!— would volunteer for the next para-course. The list was submitted, the Admin Officer fell of his chair laughing and nothing more was heard. Anyway although no one will admit it I am sure the relief all round was profound and let's 'face it, Spider Pavoli with his weight (or lack of it) would probably have been blown away and never seen again.
The yard awaits with gleeful anticipation the MTO's impending fall from his cycle. Then we will see who is invited to pay.
With visions of Bruce Lee dancing on his head, Cpl van Bruggen tried his leg at ye olde martial act, KUNG-FU. It will be some time before the resultant thirty-five stitches heal. (There must be an easier way to get sick leave).
Tpr Ross, before his reincarnation, must have led a dog's life. He can't seem-to avoid lamp-posts.
After "hairy" trips to the bush with Training Troop, L/Cpl "Pappy" Papier is back with us safe and sound.
Congrats are in order to the following:
S/Sgt Roodt on award of MFC.
Cpl Bos, L/Cpl Campbell, Robinson, Van der Merwe, Coetzee on promotion.
Sgt Greebe, and Mrs. on the birth of a lovely PRWS (Potential RWS).
Although the Commando has reduced quite considerably in numbers over the last few months the activities of its members are going ahead at full tilt.
Initially we bid farewell to one rather perverted Troop Commander, 2Lt Brian Peck, who has decided that employment as a water baliff would be a lot safer than being a rugged leader of steely eyed commandos. Also to 2Lt Noel Dent, who has decided to become a long-haired university student along with a number of troopers (far too many to list on these pages), all of whom chose "civvy street" on completion of their National Service. To all of them, we wish the very best of luck and hope that we will see them visit the Commando other than when on future call-ups.
A/Sgt "Krus" Krusberski leaves us after some six years. His quick humour and even quicker eye will be greatly missed by the Commando. We also say farewell to L/Cpl "Lovers" Watson and L/Cpl "Fonze" Grimbeck on .completion of their contracts and we thank them for their valuable contributions to the Commando. 10 Troop will miss Cpl Sellors "SAS Selection" PT every morning at 0530 hours and special thanks to him for having gone AWOL from Lt Maclntyre and for the resultant board of inquiry.
The new "drill pigs" in the Commando are L/Cpl Patterson (presently attached to Training Troop) and L/Cpl Behrman.
Additions to the "budding Barnards" are Tpr Perkins, attending an MA 3 Course, Tprs Le Vieux, Voight and Lazell, who have passed Troop Medics Course and Tprs White and Van der Merwe, who are presently on that same course.
New "meat bombs" to the ranks are Tprs Tapsell, Mossop, Kruger, Falconer and both Stephensons, recently having passed para-course.
The following members decided it would be a good idea to see how "the other half operates" and have passed OP Instructors Courses, L/Cpl's Tapsell, Mintern and Van Zyl.
Tprs Mylrea and Seeward, whether willingly or not, are about the become "telehands" in the Commando.
Posted from the Commando recently were Cpl Washborne and Tprs Patterson and Almond to Armoured Cars.
Best wishes to L/Cpl Opperman now with Selous 'Scouts and Tpr Vidal who broke several records while on SAS Selection. We also wish Sgt Janson van Vuuren all the best on his POC Course at "Hooters".
Congratulations go to Tprs Crouse, Hulton and Kelly on their engagements and to Tprs Wilkins and Murray on their 21st birthdays.
We also welcome the decision by certain members (the largest number in the Battalion) of 163 who decided to sign on for a further six months.
Further congratulations to A/CSM Firth, A/Sgt "Brains" Braunswick and A/Cpl van den Bosch on their recent appointments.
8 Troop claims to have scored a first in the Commando by having three of the four members who "creamed in" whilst attempting their first 'free fall in an amber section chopper to Cpl Ingram, L/Cpl Traun and Tprs Bronkhorst and Wilsenach. We wish a speedy recovery, also to Tpr Le Vieux, who "took flak" in a recent contact.
During our last R and R the Commando organised a well attended Christmas thrash which was a tremendous success. Very special thanks to the Rotary Annes for all the "goodies" they donated that evening for Christmas in the bush.
Christmas-Eve produced some "fireworks' 'of a different kind and was fairly heavy on certain members pockets after OC's Orders. New Year's Eve was fairly quiet by comparison but the inevitable few that never learn had their pockets^even more heavily hit for the same reason.
The Commando made quite a name for itself while deployed when Lt "Hey Joe" Maclntyre thought he qualified to play Dirty Harry. After having been Stop 1 on at least twenty-five occasions, whilst doing a follow-up on a gook who started taking pot shots at "Hey Joe" and a couple of civvies in the car park of the local club, he followed up at night and eventually, after having at least six stoppages with his well-maintained pistol, arrested the gook who turned out to be a civvy who had stolen a rifle from a liquor drinking troopie.
The OC certainly made some impression at the Battalion birthday celebrations when, in a slightly alcoholic haze, he decided it was time to talk firmly to certain members of the hierarchy and make presence of his Commando felt. The result was a flood of visitors to the bush which included The Army Commander, The Director General Comops, The Commander 2 Brigade, The Adjutant General and the Battalion Commanding Officer, who's visit was most likely part of his scheduled itinerary.
With R and R being cancelled at present, several members were growing rather long hair and sidies, so it was decided to bring a couple of barbers to the bush to sort out the problem. Never in the history of the Commando have so many hairs been shed so willingly by so many troopies, when they realized that the barbers were two lovely ladies in "hot pants" from none other than Esquires Men's Hairdressers, in Salisbury. The work was all done over a weekend and all monies taken (1,00 a time) was donated by the ladies to Tsanga Lodge. A troopie was later heard saying: "I'll pay three bucks fifty any time to have my hair cut by- these birds during our next R and R".
The Commando and the "lover" being based up together for a while, 3 Commando with their "rugby mad" 2 i/c Lt Dave Greenhalgh decided to challenge us to a game. The result was a very narrow win by 3 Commando and a couple of casualties on our side including a broken collar bone for Trooper John whom we hope will be back with us soon. The 2 i/c Capt Shaw having now taken over the coaching of our team. It has improved greatly so watch out next time "Lovers"!!!
3 Commando Notes
The "Lovers"—contrary to the normal "buzz" of "There's not much news, etc." since last going to press, have led a full, varied and long enjoyable life; the highlights of which we intend to let you, the more privileged in on!
On the evening of 15th December, 1979, the "Lovers" joined company with crows and guests to celebrate past successes and to toast the oncoming Xmas/New Year festivities as, as per usual, we could be deployed. The evening started off on a formal note with the "senior" Cdo crows having a few sights in the Cdo pub before moving down to join the owens in the Institute Hall.
Charlie Norres, splendidly dressed in a white suit resembling a bald, short version of John Travolta, occupied himself by treating the ladies, and owens on occasions, to exhibition dances. The air of supreme culture was shattered whilst Mr. Goss (Triangle hierarchy) was presenting the OC with a Cheque for some Christmas toots. The problem occurred when one of our "heavies" (karate medic who shall remain nameless) dished out a few well placed "snot shots", kicks, etc. to some dude who had voiced bad vibes about the "Lovers". The speech never finished as the disposed of dude in the horizontal position broke bottles and glasses en route to the floor amid screams and yells from the delighted "lolligobbles". On a more serious note a very many thanks. Triangle, for the superb gifts and the "bread". On the other scene think about your timing Ted.
Christmas for the "Lovers" was a traditional affair with"Gaze" being served to the owens by the Officers and Senior NCO's, accompanied by Matonkie singing his version of "away in a manger".
Fortunately the day was unhasselle(J by no call outs and festivities continued that evening with the Cdo "heavies" again doing their thing by servng the owens an immaculate dinner. The normal down, downs followed before the former "Twice" (Roger Carloni) presented as compere, the best-ever Cdo Christmas Variety Show on a troop competition basis. Guests of honour in the form o'f Maj Gen Macintyre and Brig Rich, graced us with their presence after of course, giving us a song and downing a chibuli.
It was indeed a good evening and we were privileged to have present two ex CO's.
The best troop performance went to 11 Tp with the Rockie Horror Picture Show, while the best individual prize went to Tpr Ferrari of 14 Tp with Yappie Short. Needless to say the subbies were awarded the booby prize for Babies Breakfast — Harrison was the mother and looked quite smooth with a set of hard boobs, short dress and black tights! We'll done the owens on a great evening.
We bid farewell to the following Lovers and thank them for their hard work and loyalty: Lt Roger Carloni (BCR), who leaves us for MTD. Roger last seen in black suit, home- made elephant skin briefcase, magic markers and sharpened snooker cue, looked -well dressed for his new job — hang it in Rog. 2Lt Mark Scott, who leaves us for Varsity — a great shame Scotty but once they kick you out give us a shout! W02 Brian Lewis, who leaves us on promotion to RQMS — Brian the lads are grieved but at least you won't be too far away—Cheers!
Numerous other owens -who are best dealt with in the Troop News.
We welcome back to the Cdo to the post of Twice — Lt Dave Greenhalgh. Well done Davie — good to have you
back — we don't expect you to hand back your plaque!
Nash-O subbies 2Lt Rob Rees On joining us and taking the reins in 12 Tp.
WO II Bramwell as CSU — welcome to the Lovers "Brammie"—in time the owens should be able to interpret that immaculate accent!
C/Sgt Micky Peart as CQ — one of the old hands who has already made his name as a reincarnated Elvis/Little Richard.
Other additions, too numerous and junior will obvoiusly in time grace these pages.
Charlie Warren, elated in his position as acting CSM prior to CSM Bramwll's arrival, whilst running a promotion cadre was heard to comment 'Nucklehead—if your brains were chocolate there wouldn't be enough to fill a smartie!"The Boss is now para trained and rumour has it he's so chuffed he even had a set of wings on his combat under-rods!
New Twice — Davie, on checking the OC's new Senior Browning 9 mm pistol whilst clearing it with the magazine on remarked —"gee there's two rounds up the spout!"
Rumour has it the latest smoothy/flex Sgt Theo Nel is masquerading as a life owner in mini tight red costume met sun tan cream.
Taking the lovers name to heart we congratulate the following on making things legal:
The OC and Felicity.
Ex Twice (Roger) and Joyce.
Sgt Charlie Norris and Tanya.
Our farewells are extended to 2Lt Mark Scott (Scotty), the seniors civvy-come-soldier. Cheers and all the best at Varsity.To Sergeant Charlie Norris, alias "Baby Face"—who has, after much dedication to 14 Trp left us for higherranks.
We would also like to extend our best wishes to Charlie and Tanya Norris on their recent marriage.
To intake 163 — cheers guys and all the best in whatever occupation you might be lucky enough to land yourself in.
Cheers to L/Cpl Oylslie, who has been back-squadded to 12 Trp.
Welcome back to Gomez (Derek Adams) after attempting a free-fall crash course in the valley. We think he was expelled or banned from A.F.H.
Recently The Brahman (Ian Foulds) has been in a world of his own as he's got his here's-your-dads in a huge
knot of some dumb blonde.
Tprs Ferreira, MacFarlane and various others have the same problem.
Officials are having a bit of difficulty trying to draw the dividing line between serious soldiering and womanising.
Congratulations to Weith Leighton on his recent appointment to L/Cpl. Well done Corp.
Hello to the rest of the Battalion from that elite squad of fighting men, 11 Tp. We invite the rest of the commandos to attend Cpl K. D. Clark's Knitting Cadre which is held on Sunday afternoons in preparation for this coming winter.
Morale, festivities and minds were both high and smashed over the Christmas period, during which 11 Tp took the honours in the Commando Variety Show with a slightly different version of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, presented by that well known pervert and transvestite L/Cpl Budgie Holmes. The main reason we won, is mainly because of the beer? that was brewed and drunk beforehand in the 11 Tp area. Legs Lager Rules. O.K. ?
2Lt "why walk 5 ks when you can walk 10" Harrison has gone on leave in Mauritius, letting it all hang out. We are in no doubt that when he comes back he will have a hangOVER.
For the first time in living memory Cpl Niel "Death wish" Hooley has managed to go home on leave without being shot or bayoneted.
Tpr Monroe appears to be on a first name and waving basis with the Commander of Comops. Whenever they drive past him. Tpr McLean is at present on a month's holiday in Bulawayo after attempting to fire a round into the Cpls mess while they were drunk. Naturally he missed and said it was an accident.
L/Cpl Holmes recently went on patrol with eight men and returned by himself. The rest disappeared throughout the seven days due to bees and landmines.
We say goodbye to the 11 Tp members of 163 and hallo to 165, including Hecle.and Jeckle, who cannot quite get the hang of the 60 mm Mortar.
The following members of 11 Tp have exchanged cave clearing kits for regular numbers: they are Tprs Monroe, Frost, Grobler and McLean. Welcome to the team.
12 Tp would like to bid farewell to 163 and hope that it was only a rumour that when you cleared you also cleared a couple of barrack-rooms as well. We'll be "sooo" glad to see you back on your call-up!!
The end of an era with the loss of our beloved wit, Caveman. We are all still wondering how you conned your way past SA Inunigration officials but know you'll be happy at Cape Town.Varsity with all your Coloured relatives down there. Hope they don't just use you in the Research Lab.
Tpr Mackay made it back from Wafa Wafa okay but brough some strange eating habits back with him. One of them, eating live insects and snails whilst everyone else is just happy drinking beer.
Many happy landings to our new officer, Mr. Recce, on his basic para course. Welcome to Sgt Warren and L/Cpl "Miss Piggy" Orylski and L/Cpl Fourie. Hope you're happy back in your old troop, we all are!
It was good to see 12 Tp hold their own after initiating the Xmas party with barrage of greasy turkey and cubboard pudding at the placid "coke and crunchie troops".
Everyone thought Jesus was white till we hung Caveman Forrest on a cross and crucified him in one of our plays.
Welcome to 165 NS making 12 Tp the most intelligent troop, our latest member being "best academic tpr", Tpr "tennis ball" Boswell.
12 Tp still leads the canteen bill as the champion pcats with Tpr Babollaas Barnard Mr. Super G's best customer and heaviest investor in the canteen still sporting the biggest "rubber tyre" in the Cdo.
And now for a closing joke! Did you hear about the guy from Support Cdo who stayed up all night to swat for his urine test he was having the next day?
13 To is all quiet at the front due to the fact that "gunning is my life, you must enjoy it, Mr Baker Mr. Schmeet" is suffing it for ten days. Standby for wedding checks.
We would like to welcome Sgt "slick back and sides" Nell, a new arrival to the 13 Tp hair-do club. We hope you enjoy your stay.
Tprs Hogan and Foulds found spoor in the middle of the fireforce camp during an extremely drunken party. Alas all was in vain, due to the fact that there is very little light at 0400 hrs in the morning. Follow-up operations were planned for first light, but due to prevailing hangovers, this was called off.
Congratulations and farewell go to Cpl "Pugsley" Gibson on his BCR. Well done. Don't eat too much whilst you are looking for elephants in Mana Pools. P.S. Stay clear of green oranges.
Farewells go to Tpr Serfontein (who still doesn't know where he is) and members of 163. In the same breath hello to 165
Due to a printing error please accept our apologies for incorrect information in volume 3., No. 4.
The obituary should have read:
Killed in Action
21 October 1979
123471 Trooper Andrew Petrie Houghton.
Your Life in the Starmy
AQUARIUS (January-February 20)
You have a great personality and a great deal of common sense. Women are always after you today for one reason or another. Positive decisions always pay off, i.e. you find it hard to say NO. If ever you should find
yourself in deep water don't worry, water is your sign. Buy yourself a lottery ticket.
PISCES (February 21-March 29)
If you are below the rank of sergeant and above the rank of Colonel you'll be in for a couple of good weeks, however, if you are neither you will find yourself landed with a stable future, i.e you'll be in the proverbial.
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
You are not a very popular person except when you're buying the drinks. Don't let this worry you because there is always a woman somewhere willing to seduce you. All Arieians have the clap.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
You will never have a problem in the bush and can always be relied upon to come at the right time. You may reach the rank of a Colonel for a while. Only can't be trusted.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
You're the kind of person who is always found on a snooker table with a cigar in one ear and a bottle of beer in the other.
You're always safe to invite to parties and usually end up as the life and soul of it.
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
Gladly we are able to say that unlike your Cancerian sign, you have nothing to do with crabs. You're a great smoker and will easily win the wheelchair award for smoking the most. You're generally a Party pooper.
LEO (July 23-August 22)
You have far-reaching ideas concerning women, and often you find yourself covered in slap marks and cigarette burns. Your favourite programme on T.V. is U.F.O People generally think you're kinky.
VIRGO (August 23-September 22)
You always find it easy to smile while you stab someone with a blunt knife. Your self-control is second to none and you would make a fortune if you took up gambling in the RLI. You are definitely R.S.M. material.
LIBRA (September 23-Ottober 22)
You are the artistic type and it really comes to the fore when faced with a position of power. Whenever you get the chance you use colourful language, build mountains out of mole hills and know all the words to dirty songs. Your R and R will soon be cancelled, unless you're a General.
SCORPIO (October 23-November 21)
You suffer from a persecution problem and you're right. At about this time of the year you normally develop a nervous twitch below your left eye which will give you away Women think it is quite cute so don't worry.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21)
Sagittarians are known for their ability to get out of sticky situations. You have a large lucky streak and have never yet been caught streaking in nite clubs. People laugh at you a great deal
CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)
People think that you're a bit of a goat most of the time, but underneath we all know that you're really a sheep. Overflying birds often crap on you while you're on the parade square.
"Support the Champion Commando"
Since the December extravaganza the Elite has enjoyed feudal rights over most suitable inhabitants of its Eastern domain, been out for helicopter rides occasionally, staggered through an amazing Christmas, and carried off the Champion Cdo title. To mark the latter event, Commando artistic types like Tpr "Woody" Crombie and the OC created a new Cdo "T" Shirt designed to inaugurate the inter-Commando boxing Championships.
WELCOMES. Lt Graeme Murdoch joined Recce Troop in succession to a long line of eccentric "Hoods" leaders, and to an inheritance of crippling troop debts. We wish him a long series of detachments to more of the country's gambling meccas to recoup the troop's fortunes. 2Lt Alan Balson came to us from RAR, impassing us straight away with efficiency of his liver and his determination to learn how to have pins stuck in him and feel no pain. C/Sgt's Taylor, from Trg Tp and Matthews, from School of Infantry, are other welcome additions.
FAREWELLS go to 2Lt Ian Ward, stalwart of Forces Requests. Best of luck at Varsity down south. Also to C/Sgt John Naested, on exchange with C/Sgt Taylor, to Trg Tp. The Beech tribe will be missed, as will Cpls Shane Meaker, "Big Mac" MacLaughlin, Carl Salzman and Dick Tandy. The OC's proteges, the boys of 163, look like being back before this is published, so a "so long" to them. Sgt Mike Rossouw has been fed into the Officer factory, and we look forward to having him back after his course.
For the best of reasons, a change of OC's earns its own paragraph. We welcome Major Pete Farndell from I Cdo. The notable achievements have been artistic to date. Apart from the "T" shirt, we have a clover leaf foundain" outside the Cdo bar designed by the OC. Pickles joins the Cdo dog pack, and in the Bosse's absence enjoys an hour or two's tag with the Cdo troops prior to consenting to any long road move out in the sticks. Farewell goes to Major Nigel Henson after a highly successful 2}/2-year tour with the Cdo. Best of luck on your Staff course.
CHRISTMAS. Memories of Xmas evening are vague. What is true about the day is that the Blues turned orange; someone dropped a balloon or something full of water on the CSM from a great height while he was conducting guard mounting: C/Cpl Gee's alarm failed to work and the K Car needed three attempts to fan him into life; Flt Sgt Benjie eats flaming mini-flares and the 2IC eats glasses under stress.
The troop welcomes new regulars, Troopers Gardner, Vazquez-Bruno, Couldrey and Sperhoud.
We bid farewell and best of luck to Sgt Mike Rossouw. "Dad" will be missed in the troop, but as he has gone on a POC course, there is a chance of his return to Dog Section. Good luck, Mike.
Further cheers and best of luck to Corporals Carl Salzman, "Cliffy" Clifford, "Fish" Fishwick, Glen Gee and Mike Wilsher. To those of you who are still unemployed and out of pocket, feel free to make us an offer and we will consider it. Cheers also to old soldiers Andre McDonald and "Chapatie" Greig. We do not feel obliged to bid farewell to 163 wankers since they left us before we really got to know them.
Above: L/Cpl Gee's Christmas morning alarm buzz.
Below: In the heat of battle we find Col Glen Gee contemplating
how he can find a job like this in "civvie street".
how he can find a job like this in "civvie street".
Congratulations to Cpl "Buzz Doulgeris and L/Cpl Underwood on their promotions.
Cpl "Parachuting is my life" Doulgeris has been exiled to Fern Valley. We can only assume that there is some
attraction there, as this section is quite unenthusiastic about a relief change over.
The Bunters, though having lost some of their more meaty members, continue to show the rest of the Cdo where the talent lies, being undefeated in any sport the Cdo cares to choose.
The troop extends a warm welcome to our new OC, 2Lt "Tugs" Balson, who unlike past OC's comes equipped with his very own dayglo thatch.
We wish Chris "Old Man" Stone all the best with his marriage, and hope he is enjoying his honeymoon — now in its fourth month.
The troop was surprised by the unexpected return of Tpr "Spud" Murphy after a year's attachment to the
Research Laboratories as a guinea pig. Rumour has it he is now employed as a part-time gigolo.
We say farewell to the Beech Boys, Cpl "Bronzed Anzac" aspiring to be a poofta shoe designer and Sgt "Rock" as a would-be Jockey/horse trainer and sometime marriage counsellor.
It is felt that Recce Troop, being so heavy clandestine, should not divulge too much of their doings or their personal lives —"No photographs of the men's faces or any other identifiable parts please!" On the other hand, a request is made that should anyone know what we ARE doing, could they please let US know.
The troop has spent so long at Kariba that they are thinking of applying for permanent accommodation here and there is no truth in the rumour started by the CSM, that Recce TrOop Hippie Colony is alive and well and making a fortune in the casino or flogging RPK's, bino's bergens, etc.
The troop has yet another troop Commander, this time in the form of Lt Murdoch, posted in from the School of Infantry, whose opening address consisted of five minutes worth of begging for money to pay the troops outstanding debts— hence the sale of the RPK, bergens, etc.— and in a vain attempt to find out who tore all the wiring out of the monitoring force Land Rover on the last night of the last bush trip. Thank you Scouts or whoever had us blamed for that, because it resulted in us being temporarily banned from the local hotels.
On a more serious note the Troop said goodbye to the 163 "wasters" whose services were much appreciated, and to "Ugli" on going AWOL, whose services were not that much appreciated. Hark, a news flash —"Ugli has returned"— come home Ugli, al! is forgiven and Mr. Murdoch is dying to see you.
The Troop lost two invaluable members in Tprs Greyvenstein and Banks. They will both be sadly missed.
This is also as good an opportunitty as any to say hullo to Paddy Windrurrt, sick in hospital with hepatitis — stay-yellow Paddy, we desperately need a clandestine Chinaman with an Irish accent for an undercover operation.
Anyway, by the next edition of this magazine we hope to publish the time-table of our all-inclusive holidays to Kariba,
with opportunities to see the Beast at work on a B22.
To the rest of the Champion Commando, don't forget us.
Above: Recce troop before camo-ing.
Below: After camoing up.
We would like to start out by extending our congratulations to Rod "The Fonz" Howden and Patrick "Titch the "Cripple" Morgan on their navigational genius in locating the only land mine in the Zambezi Valley.
We have recently said goodbye to Cpls Neil "Big Mac" MacLaughlin (BCR), Shane "Two Crates" Meaker, L/Cpls Andy "Where's the Weights" MacDonald, Dicko "Baldy" Tandy, Tpr "I am not in the mood" Beech, and all the 163 slobs.
However, to offset our losses L/Cpl Nigel "Basic Model" Wells has seen the error of his ways and joined us from Mortar Troop.
Congratulations go to Phil "Would you like a game of bridge, Sir" Smith on attaining his second stripe and to L/Cpls Nigel Wells, Dave "Pretty Boy" Jefferies, Andy Macdonald and Rob "My ankle hurts" Follett-Smith, who have all now joined the Commando executive committee.
Once again the troop officer has been away due to illness and was last seen playing with a rubber duck at Kariba. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery go to L/Cpl "You have been insulting me for 700 days" Caffin, who we believe has caught a tape worm from his camel.
We have recently said goodbye to Cpls Neil "Big Mac" MacLaughlin (BCR), Shane "Two Crates" Meaker, L/Cpls Andy "Where's the Weights" MacDonald, Dicko "Baldy" Tandy, Tpr "I am not in the mood" Beech, and all the 163 slobs.
However, to offset our losses L/Cpl Nigel "Basic Model" Wells has seen the error of his ways and joined us from Mortar Troop.
Congratulations go to Phil "Would you like a game of bridge, Sir" Smith on attaining his second stripe and to L/Cpls Nigel Wells, Dave "Pretty Boy" Jefferies, Andy Macdonald and Rob "My ankle hurts" Follett-Smith, who have all now joined the Commando executive committee.
Once again the troop officer has been away due to illness and was last seen playing with a rubber duck at Kariba. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery go to L/Cpl "You have been insulting me for 700 days" Caffin, who we believe has caught a tape worm from his camel.
Trooper Gary Banks, who joined the Cdo on 25 Mar 78. A Recce Troop stalwart who will be sadly missed.
Trooper A1 Greyvenstein, "Gravy" who joined the Cdo on 10 Jan 79 with Intake 163. A very sad loss of a young soldier.
SEVEN men of the Rhodesian Light Infantry — one of them pothumously — were decorated for bravery at a small but moving medals parade -at the 'Battalion's headquarters on January 10.
The medals were presented to the men and next of kin by the Commander of the Army, Lt-General "Sandy" Maclean.
Six men were awarded BCRs and one the DMM. The father of 2Lt "Chappie" Rosenfels, Mr. Max Rosenfels, received a BCR on behalf of his son who had been killed in action. 2'Lt Rosenfels served with distinction in Commando. Trooper Ian Traynor who also received a BCR, was a valuable member of Support Commando. He was killed in 'a vehicle accident soon after the parade.
The other awards of the Bronze Cross of Rhodesia went to Sgt "Red" Kerr (1 Cdo), Sgt Kidd 'Bruce (3 Cdo), Cpl Rex Harding (1 Cdo) and Cpl Rob Gibson (3 Cdo).
WOII "Log" Enslin of Support Commando was awarded the DMM.
Major Fred Watts, former OC of 1 'Commando,
receives his MLM from the Commander of the Army,
Lt-General "Sandy" Maclean at a medals parade at
1 RLI.
Lt-General "Sandy" Maclean at a medals parade at
1 RLI.
WOII "Log" Enslin, DMM, of Support Commando.
Mr. Max Rosenfels receives the RCR from Lt-Gen Maclean on behalf
of his late son, 2Lt "Chappie" Rosenfels who was killed in action.
of his late son, 2Lt "Chappie" Rosenfels who was killed in action.
Sgt. Bruce Kidd, BCR, of 3 Commando
Sgt. "Red" Kerr, BCR, of 1 Commando
Cpl Roy Gibson, BCR, of 3 Commando
Cpl Rex Harding, BCR, of 1 Commando
Tpr Ian Traynor,BCR, of Support Commando,
Tpr Traynor was killed ina vehicle accident shortly
after this picture was taken.
After some consideration and with due regard to present circumstances it was decided that Signals Troop should make an additional contribution to Cheetah which should take the form of a brief resume, or a glimpse back into the past, especially since the troop's history is obviously part and parcel of the Battalions.
When 1 Training Unit formed in Brady Barracks in Bulawayo in 1960 there were, of course, no specialist sub-units. Once the unit became trained the various sub-units were formed and amongst the first to be formed was the Signals Platoon.
In about March 1961 the Rhodesian and Nyasaland Corps of Signals attached the first RSI to the unit in the form of S/Sgt Mike Green, who was tasked with forming the Platoon. His right hand man became Cpl Tony "Skous" Tiernan, who had joined 1 Training Unit from the British Army as a Cpl and was already trained in Signals.
Three trained soldiers were then posted in to form the nucleus of the platoon. These three, chosen for a variety of reasons, were privates Fred (excused boots) Austin, Clive Span and Derek Sager — chosen for the troop because of his background (auto electrician!).
Training in morse code, voice procedure, radio equipment and line laying, etc. commenced. After a short time additional members were posted into the troop — some names of the earlier members that spring to mind are Taffy Town, Eddie Roelofse, John Sibbald, Olie Webster, Trevor Kirrane and Brian Legg — and a need for additional junior NCO's arose. Either because of his blue eyes or exceptional knowledge (?) the first person to be promoted in the platoon was private (to be L/Cpl) Sager, followed shortly after by Taffy Town, Fred Austin and John Sibbald.
During the course of one of the earlier radio exercises the first RSO arrived. He joined the platoon "in the field". He arrived as a newly commissioned officer, lily white and fresh from the "UK". Complete with monocle (which only appeared necessary once he commenced socialising!) and a very noticeable British accent. His name — Lance Taylor.
Soon after the formation of the platoon the CO, Lt Col Salt, decided that the time had arrived for the unit to show itself to Bulawayo. He decided that the way to do this would be a march through the suburbs, the periphery of the town and back to Brady. Sounded like a good idea and preparations were duly made. At the last moment the CO stated that he felt Signals should manpack their equipment! To those who are not familiar with the old valve type equipment that the platoon possessed at that time, suffice to say that it was exceptionally heavy, the 68T incorporated a dry battery weighing about four kgs alone and the 62 was powered by a 12 volt vehicle battery. AH this had to be manpacked on frames which were, to say the least, exceptionally uncomfortable. Anyway on the appointed day the unit, including Signals Platoon, fell in. The CO led the march swinging his walking stick and setting a cracking pace. The Signallers, gamely, put all their effort, etc. into keeping up with the long legged leader who was weighted down by the manpacking of his pistol and carrying his stick!
The only, thing that kept us all going was the strain of the bagpipes thumping out "The Saints" (which thereafter because the Regimental March) and the wish to prove our capability to keep up with the unit, heavily loaded down as we were. As the unit neared the camp the order to march to attention was given, through the gates of Brady the column marched (receiving a present arms from the Barracks quarter guard (provided by the unit) — trying to hide their unregimental smirks) down the road towards the unit HQ and, without any further orders, as the column passed the camp hospital, virtually the whole of Signals Platoon marched out of the column, into the hospital and there, out of sight, collapsed in a groaning heap! The congratulatory message from the CO to the platoon later helped ease the pain considerably!
The platoon was deployed on all exercises and operations from then on. Although voice was used, most traffic was passed in morse code for a variety of reasons not least of which was the very outdated, British Army obsolete, equipment with which they had to operate. The standard of operator was very high. It had to be to maintain communications with the type of equipment used! Perhaps the largest operation at that time, during which Signals Platoon were fully deployed, was the Katanga Uprising in the Congo.
On returning from Northern Rhodesia the unit was very highly efficient organisation. In modern warfare and,
in particular, the tylpe of operations in which the unit is currently involved, communications play a vital role. The signals troop, with the assistance and full co-operation of Lt Col Jaaback (who, incidentally, was also an original product of 1 Training Unit and later an ERE of 1 Cdo) and his team in Army HQ (Signals Directorate), has showed itself to be equal to all the tasks set it.
The battalion has, at times, been required to change its MO from Fire Force to mobile to airborne to conventional (and at one stage water borne!) in the space of, literally, weeks. The attendant communications problems can well be imagined. With the very close and unstinting co-operation of 2(Bde) Sigs 'Sqn, 12 Sigs Sqn and S Troop, the Signals Troop has always "'been through".
Although we now appear to be reaching the finale of yet another era, Signals Troop do so on a very high note and the troop of the future is going to have its time cut out to maintain the reputation justly earned by the current men of Signals Troop. The RLI can be justifiably proud of the highly skilled, dedicated members of this important sub-unit, the life line of the RLI.
A comparison of the equipment in use in the unit in 1961 and that in use now is of some interest. The main HF sets in 1961 were the 68T and the 62 set. Both valve sets and, as the pictures show, very cumbersome for the work they were required to do. Now we have the HF manpack in lieu of the 68T and the HF static station in lieu of the 62 set (as shown in the photograph). The Australian set, A510, was a manpacked, 4 crystal controlled channel set which was also, later, in use in the unit as was the 31 set. VHF communications were provided by the 46U, which had a ground to ground range of about 5 metres! A tree in the line of transmission completely blocked the transmission. This has been replaced now by the current VHF manpack set, which is far superior to those mentioned. See photograph. informed of its impending move to 'Salisbury. When all the equipment, etc. was loaded, the full complement of Signals Platoon equipment (UE and BRE) fitted on to one 3 ton vehicle!
In 1963 a Radio Amateur Club was formed. Since most members of the platoon were very interested, lectures on radio theory, etc. commenced and the club operated AS ZElBN (Sager's callsign). Unfortunately, although everyone's progress was exceptional, due to the enthusiasm shown, the club sold up its equipment, etc. due to the loss of members on the break up of the Federation.
The platoon moved from strength to strength, members now worked with the various companies and people disappeared on courses, etc. After a short attachment to units in Kenya and completing various courses the present RSO rebadged Rhodesia and Nyasaland Signals and was immediately posted back into the unit as RSI replacing Mike Green, who left for service in Northern Rhodesia. Lance Taylor, after a good innings, was replaced by Freddie Ingram as RSO.
The platoon at this stage had moved from a strength of four ES plus one attached RSI to one officer, one attached RSI and about forty NCO's and men, the platoon Sgt being Sgt Tiernan.
On the breakup of the Federation many members left the Army, were posted, etc. Trevor Kiraine became the platoon Sgt and Reg Lotter arrived as the RSI.
The Signals Troop, as it is now known, has become a very highly efficient organisation. In modern warfare and, in particular, the tylpe of operations in which the unit is currently involved, communications play a vital role. The signals troop, with the assistance and full co-operation of Lt Col Jaaback (who, incidentally, was also an original product of 1 Training Unit and later an ERE of 1 Cdo) and his team in Army HQ (Signals Directorate), has showed itself to be equal to all the tasks set it.
The battalion has, at times, been required to change its MO from Fire Force to mobile to airborne to conventional (and at one stage water borne!) in the space of, literally, weeks. The attendant communications problems can well be imagined. With the very close and unstinting co-operation of 2 (Bde) Sigs Sqn, 12 Sigs Sqn and S Troop, the Signals Troop has always "'been through".
Although we now appear to be reaching the finale of yet another era, Signals Troop do so on a very high note and the troop of the future is going to have its time cut out to maintain the reputation justly earned by the current men of Signals Troop. The RLI can be justifiably proud of the highly skilled, dedicated members of this important sub-unit, the life line of the RLI.
A comparison of the equipment in use in the unit in 1961 and that in use now is of some interest. The main HF sets in 1961 were the 68T and the 62 set. Both valve sets and, as the pictures show, very cumbersome for the work they were required to do. Now we have the HF manpack in lieu of the 68T and the HF static station in lieu of the 62 set (as shown in the photograph). The Australian set, A510, was a man- packed, 4 crystal controlled channel set which was also, later, in use in the unit as was the 31 set. VHF communications were provided by the 46U, which had a ground to ground range of about 5 metres! A tree in the line of transmission completely blocked the transmission. This has been replaced now by the current VHF manpack set, which is far superior to those mentioned. See photograph.
It is obvious that the greater sophistication and reliability of the equipment has had a very large part to play in the increased efficiency and flexibility of the signals troop.
The two group photographs show, firstly, the start of the platoon in Brady Barracks round about the middle of 1961, the unit having just been named RLI and prior to moving to Northern Rhodesia for the Congo operation. This photo features Cpl Tony Tiernan (Tp Sgt), Lt Lance Taylor (RSO) and S/Sgt Mike Green (RSI) and the full platoon as it then existed.
The other shows the troop as it Was in November 1963 just prior to the break up of the Federal Army.
Following is a list ('for the sake of posterity) of the various personalities who served in the posts of RSO, RSI and Tp Sgt in Signals Troop "through the ages". Not only were these men responsible for guiding and building up this troop, but
it is certain that many of them gained much from serving with Signals
Lt Lance Taylor
Lt Fred Ingram
Maj Tony Wells
Maj Peter Batty
Lt Col Meyer
Maj Lambert
Maj Douglas
Maj Bert Sachse
Maj Steve Cary
Maj Fred Watts
Maj Moose Erasmus
Capt Ryal De Villiers
Capt Bob Richardson
Capt Cecil Luke
Lt Derek Sager
Mike Green
Derek Sager
Reg Lotter
Dennis Turnbull
Bob Moodie
Les Hall
Nobby Clark
Brian' Anderson
Des Turner
Jim Farmer
Alan Pearson
Tony Tiernan
Trevor Kirrane
Bordy Boardman
Alan McKinley
Manny Faulkes
Mike Slater
Gilly Gillmore
STOP PRESS: Just prior to going to press it was discovered that our gallant and fearless Bailiff reserves still use the 31 set (mentioned above). Good luck to you gentlemen!
Signals Troop, that small but gallant band of potential war heroes battles on bravely against a "brain drain".
Our fearless leader, Lt "The Fonz" Sager, continues to do a remarkable job in keeping the troop at the peak of efficiency in the face of a continuing exodus of experienced hands and no replacements being found. The men left behind have shown remarkable team spirit in willingly taking on the extra work load — often for nothing more than a couple of chibulies.
Since the last issue we have said goodbye to Corporals Santoski and Ross and Lance-Corporals Reeders, Van Zyle and Du Preeze. Rising to dizzy heights on their way up the command ladder are Lance Corporals Robb, Pirie, Du Preeze, Van Loggenberg, Colrin and Aldridge. At an even dizzier pay scale is Corporal Steve McFarland and there among the top ranking men is that super-cool ex guardsman, Graham Gilmore as a sergeant.
The troop's best wishes go to colour sergeant Mike Slater on his recent marriage to the very lovely Karen — they are both now tuned in on a new wavelength after a hectic reception.
In keeping with the fantastic team spirit in the troop it is no coincidence that all members have arranged their run out for the same day.
Yet it is with pride and confidence that we face the coming months and if anyone has a comment or complaint in the future please get in touch with "(Sticks" Collins, our troop heavy and future sole member.
Hello once again. Firstly thank you all for the excellent ceremony and subsequent parties on the Battalion's 19th Birthday. It was indeed a festive occasion — may there be many more.
Congratulations to Lt Rick van Malsen, BCR, on being awarded the "Best Subaltern" Trophy. You had better start hashing it up or you will be posted to you know where! Also congratulations to Support Commando, the Champion Commando; a fine effort and well deserved. This can be attributed to the new arrival of a Hooters Lieutenant, namely Graeme "Fangs" Murdoch.
The RLI contihues to hold the School together under the careful guidance of Lt Col Bate, who is still bent on trying to cause kidney failure in all his subalterns whilst at the same time keeping his Mess bill below twenty dollars.
For those of you who have not been to "Hooters" before but are in danger of being posted, try one of the following instructions:
(a) Russian Roulette (preferably with a fully loaded automatic).
(b) Visit ward twelve at the Andrew Fleming so as to study how you should act on arrival.
(c) Go to a National Park and try to train a pack of baboons. By so doing you will be pleasantly surprised when you first meet Cadets.
From all us frustrated Green and Silvers in Gwelo we wish you all good with this year."
It looks like a normal beauty spot to me, Janelle!
It is that time of the year again when our literary tendencies are taxed to the full and Base Group again outshine the rest of the Battalion.
We bid a fond farewell to Major Jackson, who is leaving us after nearly a year, for saner pastures. We understand, Sir, that your application for a disability pension has been turned down and Military Studies are going to ignore your nervous twitch. Trundling huge cheeses Major de Vries joins Base Group as the new OC. The language problem was quickly overcome; we hear that on orders if a man is innocent it's a thumbs up signal, if not the index finger is drawn lightly across throat. The effect is shattering—Base Group has not had OC's orders for over a month. We wish you all the best, Sir.
With promises of wine, women, song and money we finally managed to persuade our 2i/c, 2Lt Coutts to leave. It has taken him just over a year to bring Base Group to its knees; after a quick assessment, on joining Battalion HQ, he promptly signed on until December; it shouldn't take you that long, Sir. It is interesting to note that since 2Lt Coutts joined Base Group we have had three OCs, two CSMs, two CQBS, two Chief clerks and uncountable orderly room clerks, the AWOL rate has also been the highest in the Battalion. It is a wonder POU have not discovered you, Sir. All the best in your new post.
With trepidation we meekly welcome our new 2i/c, steely-eyed ex SAS killer, Capt Don Atkinson, who arrived from the gambling halls of Kariba with not a cent to his name, driving, a 1955 model Rover 'with a boat full of chains, manacles, bull whips and other instruments essential for the job. Good luck, Sir, you're replacing a giant in the administrative world. By the way, check your company funds.
Our CSM, "Big Lou" Thackwray is too good to be true. He's meticulous, disciplined, always immaculate, a first-class soldier. Base Group have put up with this for too long, it's about time we got a proper CSM.
Welcome to Sgt "Mobile Mac" MacMaster, who has joined us from Training Troop to see what CQMS work is really all about; may you have a long and enlightened stay.
There's not much to say about our orderly room staff, they're so nebulous, but to avoid tears we'll give them a mention. L/Cpl Coetzee has gone up in the world since the last edition of Cheetah (nearly two millimetres, but then without a haircut). Tpr Turner having lost his virginity before the last edition, has found it again, much to Mum's delight. Out Arms storeman, Cpl "Chocolate Charlie" Gallager, is back from training "boogs"—he's almost white now. Hang it in there Charlie.
In conclusion, Base Group have noticed the Commandos getting slack in the last few months; they have obviously not been following our example. With this in mind we would like to declare the 1980 hunting season officially open. Go to it Commandos, don't wait for Base Group to take the lead in everything.
That article everyone has been waiting for . . . the debut in the Cheetah Magazine of the Battalion HQ's very own notes. And what a painful birth it has been!
For the first time since the magazine made its appearance, the responsibility for gathering Battalion Headquarters news, views and thoughts became the responsibility of the section under Sgt McMaster. Pleas sent out over several weeks, indeed months, to the various sections and troops which go to make up the super-effiicient HQ for material seemed to fall on deaf ears. Then — a sudden rush of loo paper, signals and other scraps of paper and it was almost there.
In this issue the super-cool signals troop tell readers of their continuing search for IBronzies"; and the RP's weigh in with a brief spiel of their exploits.
What we can't offer this issue — and let this be a gentle reminder for the next issue — are notes from MT and the Quartermaster. Although in their defence it should be pointed out that they "are the busiest people in the Army".
Since the last issue Battalion Headquarters, aided and abetted by Combined Operations, has done its best to ensure the Rhodesian Light Infantry lives up to its title, "The Incredibles".
The routine boredom of Fireforce has been broken from time to time with exploits Hollywood and Audie Murphy would have been proud of, and it goes without saying that the Commandos have benefitted remarkably from their outings with the Battalion's headquarters.
If the Battalion as a whole can proudly lay claim to being called "The Incredibles", Bn HQ are heading for a title of their own — the "Remarkables".
Sometimes it's remarkable the show ever gets on the road after moves from one end of the country to the other; tasks set; tasks cancelled; orders given; orders cancelled and so on.
Looking back over the past year the Battalion has undergone several changes in the command structure, and is proud to have been associated with some of the finest leaders the Army has to offer.
The most recent farewell was to Lt-Colonel Ian Bate, the CO, on a swop with School of Infantry Commandant and former 2i/c, Lt-Colonel Charles Aust. At 2i/c level Major Peter Mincher has taken over from Lt-Colonel Pat Armstrong on his promotion and posting to command Selous Scouts. The post of Adjutant changed from Lt Jug Thorton to Capt John Dixon, while the most overworked man in the Battalion became Capt Mike Lonquet-Higgins in place of Major Colin Dace.
These notes are to be read either sitting, lying or standing to attention; members not security cleared on an SB 52 form are to read the following notes in a suitably darkened closet or cupboard. Having adopted the necessary position you may now read on.
A couple of months ago the Adjutant noticed that the Commanding Officer, Lt Col Bate, was not in his office; further investigation revealed that someone else was. The Adjutant beat a hasty retreat and tasked Int Section with finding out the identity of the intruder and his purpose for being there. Capt Dixon and Int Section join us in extending a warm welcome to our new Commanding Officer, Lt Col J. C. W. Aust, MLM. It is rumoured that Lt Col Aust, late of School of Infantry, only came here to see what it was that the Battalion offers which is causing Officers and NCOs to defect from S Inf to 1 RLI. He never went back.
The Battalion 2IC, Maj Mincher, presently on para course, is rumoured to 'be taking flak; he is, however, unable to tell us how he got the nickname Major "Michellan-Man" Mincher. He also denies that he gets bandaged up at camp hospitail before every jump; a hospital spokesman declined to comment.
Capt Dixon/ having been seen on a number of occasions engaged in earnest conversation with Maj Mincher, has withdrawn his name from the nominations for the next para course.
Capt M. R. Longuet-Higgens, the Administrative Officer known and feared throughout the Battalion for his wild, uncontrollable tember induced by incompetent staff, missing files, incomplete returns, insubordinate RWS, unrealistic working hours and his assistant, is a changed man — he no longer raises his voice or abuses his staff; thank God for alcohol and transcendental meditation.
RSM Reed can be found at most times of the day standing in front of the full length mirror at the WOs' and Sgts' Mess Single Quarters, practising faces designed to strike fear into the hearts of men. Let us know when you've perfected one, RSM.
Battalion HQ has long been known as the "Brain Centre" and the "Back-Bone" of the Battalion; the powers-that-be are obviously trying to live up to that name. In an unparalled strategic manoeuvre (including promises of money, wine, women and better working hours) they have tempted 2 Lt G. J. A. Coutts from Base Group to join their ranks.
Our ORQMS having recently received his third stripe, can be found, in his spare time, lurking behind trees and bushes down at Training Troop and leaping out at unsuspecting recruits, with his right shoulder thrust well forward anticipating their awed reaction with barely concealed glee. Sgt Hawtrey's mum has sewn sergeant's tapes on everything ranging from, pyjamas to underwear — we understand, however, that she drew the line at a request to sew tapes on his teddy, Arnold.\
Our typists are both typical civilians— they have their own union; two one-hour tea-breaks, one two-hour lunch break and a good three-hour gossip break —we've worked out that with all their breaks they have an effective one-day week and we have to coax and cajole them to get that much.
Any TA readers we have, can relax, the state the TA Section is in, you might receive call-up papers sometime in '89.
To the Commandos, hang it in there, we've got our finger on the pulse.
Four part-time Civvies have been added to the Battalion Headquarters staff in the form of Intelligence Officers. Founder members Captain Brian Streak has won his battle with his parent unit RIC and has now got fellow officer Capt Ian Cuthbertson, Lt Allan Durrett and Lt Ian Falk — joined in that order — to form a "regular" team.
During last year farewells were also said to the MTO, Capt Neville Waterhouse, and a welcome to Capt Rob Souter. Lt Geoff Liversedge made a return "home" after the transfer of Quartermaster Major George Walsh.
At base group there were similar changes and shuffles and we now say a sad farewell to Major Nic Jackson, who has handed over to Major Carl de Vries
One constant factor, adding the much-needed stability and continuity has been RSM Ken Reed.
Through all the changes and tasks performed by the Battalion during 1979 has been the unstinting support of the Commando Gommanders, who in their own right fought as many battles against disruptions as they did against the enemy.
The Rhodesian Light Infantry looks forward to many more years of successful service to the country. And in the words of the Army Commander: "As long as there is an RLI there will always be hope, stability and a bright future for this country."
Six hours after the wedding in the remote Australian mining town the walls of the ramshackle pub still reverberated to the noise of the celebrations. Suddenly the best man lurched to his feet "OK everybody all the beer's gone and the bride's been had. You can all scram!"
Groaning everyone got up and staggered toward the doors, when the best man sprang up again.
"It's all right, sports," he cried, "forget that. We've found another crate of beer and the bastard who had the bride has apologised!"
Having listened to the appeal of an elderly streetwalker, the newly elected Magistrate was reluctant to sentence her. He ordered a short recess, then went to the Chambers of an older Judge and asked, "What would you give a sixty year old prostitute?"
The learned jurist thought for a moment and replied, "Oh, no more than a dollar and a half."
When the troopie and his wife got into bed for some lovemaking one night, instead of responding, she began complaining about economic conditions, in the world.
"Everything is going up," she winged. "The price of food, the cost of clothes, the beauty shop. I'd be so happy if just one thing would go down."
Came the sleepy reply, "You just got your wish."
"Darling," cooed the Captain's wife sweetly over morning coffee, "do you remember those trout you spent two weeks fishing for back in April ?"
"Sure," mumbled old three pip through his newspaper.
"Well," she continued, "one of them called last night to say you're going to be a father!!"
A lot of people rely on us. Let's not let them down. I personally have never been let down by an RLI soldier and I can't believe standards have changed. In an effort to avoid the embarrassing stories told by past C.O.'s please try and recognise your C.O. as such and not as the Battalion groundsman.
Description: Six foot tall
Large protruding ears
Dark brown hair
Seedy moustache
Glasses and intensely ugly
Two false teeth.
Let's all get on with the job in the best RLI tradition. The best battalion in the world.
Lt Col John Charles Wyatt Aust, the son of an Essexvale farmer, was commissioned at the School of Infantry on 22 August, 1963 after completing an Officer Cadet Course.
2 Lt Aust was posted to 1 RAR on commissioning, where he served until his posting to School of Infantry on 1 October 1966. During his time at the School of Infantry, Lt Aust spent short periods on temporary attachments to 1 (Indep) Coy RR as it was then, and HQ 2 Bde.
On 1 August, 1969, Capt Aust was posted to the Staff of HQ 2 Bde and it is believed that it was during this period he became 1 RLI "orientated". So much so that on 24 January, 1972, Capt Aust was posted to 1 RLI as 2i/c and eventually OC, 2 Commando.
On 1 February, 1975, Maj Aust was posted away from the BattaJion and served a period at Army HQ (JPS) until his return to the Battalion as 2i/c on 15 April, 1977, where he remained until his appointment to Commanding Officer, School of Infantry on 4 December, 1978.
Lt Col Aust was not to be kept away from the Battalion for long and so on 1 December, 1979, he was appointed Commanding Officer of 1 RLI.
The Rhodesian Light Infantry gets "tuned-in" to urbanops. A trooper takes
up his position behind a machine-gunoverlooking the main entrance to the
ZRBC studios at Pocket's Hill in Borrowdale. The Battalion added yet
another aspect to their versatility during their urban deployment to guard
key installations while the voting was on in last month's general election.
Joint exercises were carried out with Armoured Cars and Artillery in
Salisbury during the run-up to the election.
During our urban operations we had troops positioned at various key points, one of which was at the ZRBC/TV Studios. Shortly after dark the officer in charge at the studio decided to telephone the duty officer.
The duty officer at this time was at home having a bath before going on duty. The scene is now set.
"Tring, Tring, Tring."
One duty officer dripping wet runs through to answer the phone with great trepidation.
Duty officer: "Hello."
Studio officer (in his Irish accent replies):. "Hello is that Lt....................................
D O.: "Yes, Yes."
S.O.: "Are you the duty officer?"
D.O.: "Yes, Yes."
S.O.: "This is the officer at the RTV Studios."
D.O.: "Yes, Yes."
S O.: "Are you the person I should ring if there is a problem ?"
D.O. (who at this time is on the verge of collapse): "Well, yes, is there a problem?"
S.O.: "No, I was just phoning you to say that when and if there is a flap, I will phone you as the duty officer.
D.O.: Blubbers back into the phone and thereafter slams it down.
I'll get you now RSM!
GENERAL:— Leaps tall buildings with a single bound. More powerful than a steam engine, faster than a speeding bullet. Gives policy to GOD.
BRIGADIER:— Leaps short buildings with a single bound. More powerful than a shunting engine. Is just as fast as a speeding bullet. Walks on water (if the Lake is calm). Talks with GOD.
COLONEL:— Leaps short buildings with a running start in favourable winds. Is almost as powerful as a speeding bullet. Walks on water in indoor swimming pools. Talks with GOD if special request is approved.
MAJOR:— Barely clears an RL. Loses tug-of-war with a steam engine. Can fire a speeding bullet and swims well. Is occasionally addressed by GOD.
CAPTAIN: —Makes high marks when trying to leap tall' buildings. Can sometimes handle a gun without inflicting self injury. Dog paddles and talks to animals.
LIEUTENANT:- Runs into tall buildings. Recognises trains two out of three times. Is not issued with ammunition. Can stay afloat if properly instructed in the use of a life jacket. Talks to walls.
2nd LIEUTENANT: — Falls over doorsteps when trying to enter buildings. Says, "Look at Choo Choo." Is NEVER issued with a gun or ammunition. Plays in mud puddles. Mumbles to himself.
R.S.M.: — Lifts tall buildings and walks under them. Kicks steam engines off the track. Catches speeding bullets in his teeth and eats them. Freezes water with a single glance... HE IS GOD.
During the many hours of discussion I have had with chaps recovering from war injuries at Tsanga Lodge I have, through odd remarks, apparently uncovered a disturbing trend in reasoning within the ranks of the "troopies".
It would seem that many chaps who have received injuries as a result of the war — or others for that matter — decline the opportunity to come to Tsanga Lodge (even if they inwardly wish to do so) lest they be thought of as "sissies" by their friends or by the unit.
If this remarkable philosophy is followed — and there's the off-chance it might be — .then I feel it my duty to discourage it. Hence this short article.
There is little doubt in my mind that no true friend would wish to deny a disabled comrade the opportunity to improve his physical function — the unit-most certainly wouldn't. The chances are then that the man's fears of ridicule are, in fact, groundless.
If there are people with a distorted idea of Tsanga and really believe it to be a passive home where one sits around all day let me assure them that it most certainly isn't. Tsanga is a very dynamic and positive establishment where the accent is on ACTIVITY and FUN. I have seen very few "sissies" at Tsanga — quite the reverse. 'During the past three and a half years I have witnessed remarkable demonstrations of courage and determination which have filled me with indescribable admiration for our security forces. These men would earn the respect of any unit or individual.
The whole objective of Tsanga Lodge — YOUR OWN REHABILITATION UNIT — is to help disabled chaps to regain maximum possible function so that they can become, once more, ACTIVE members of their unit and enjoy life to -the full. Each man is assessed individually and treated accordingly. Some people actually think we are too physical and that the staff are all ex Gestapo fired from their former job for being cruel. This is not true! No man is asked to do more physical activity than he comfortably enjoys — unless, of course, he wishes to. We encourage exercise and the quickest way to kill interest in exercise is to overdo it. For those Who wish to grind themselves into the ground the facilities, simulation and often opposition are available.
No matter what your opinions on exercise or the typeof injury you have we honestly believe we can, 'at least to some extent, help you. Additionally I think you will have a damn good holiday. The variety of sporting and recreational activities available include:
Archery - Golf
Swimming - Volley Ball
Horseriding - Badminton
Fishing - Snooker
Boating - Darts
Weightlifting - Table Tennis
Running - Painting
Walking - Model Making
Climbing - Reading
Bowls - Pottery
Squash - Woodwork
Tennis - Pub
Finally I personally think it is rather unintelligent to hide away within your unit and deny yourself the chance of possible improvement (and all that goes with it in the future) because someone else MIGHT think you're a bit of a wet. Have the guts to decide for yourself what's best for you. If you think you can benefit from a spell at Tsanga please give us the chance to try — after all, no one will force you to stay.
In 1960 it was decidcd for the first time to include a Regular European Battalion in the Army order of battle and as a result No. 1 Training Unit was established at Brady Barracks, Bulawayo. No. 1 Training Unit not only provided personnel for the Battalion, which was formed later, but also provided personnel for C Squadron, The Special Air Service, and the (Selous Scouts a reconnaissance squadron.
The 1st Battalion, The Rhodesian Light Infantry, was officially formed on 1st February, 1961. This day is now recognised as the Regimental Birthday.
In the latter part of 1961, the Battalion moved from Bulawayo to the new barracks in Salisbury, Cranborne
Barracks, having just returned from operations on the Northern Rhodesia-Congo border.
In1964, the organisation and role of the Battalion was changed from the conventional infantry unit to a Commando Battalion. The wearing of the Creen Beret was also introduced.
Colours were presented to the Battalion on 19th June, 1963, by the then (Jovernor, Sir Humphrey Gibbs, K.G.M.C., O.B.E., on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
On 27th June, 1970, the Regimental Colour was trooped before the Prime Minister, The Honourable t. D. Smith, I.D.
Regimental traditions which form an important part of Battalion life, are gradually being built up. Two are noteworthy, namely the Regimental Quick March, "The Saints", and the mascot — the Cheetah.
For the past few years the Battalion has borne the brunt of border control operations in Mashonaland and has been engaged in numerous, most successful operations against terrorist gangs that have infiltrated into Rhodesia.
(a) To establish liaison between the Regiment, E.R.E. and ex-members.
(b) To nurture the traditions of the Regiment.
(c) To organise social functions for re-union of all ex-RLI E.R.E. members.
(d) To rehabilitate wounded ex-soldiers.
(e) To render guidance to members leaving the Regiment.
(f) To offer welfare assistance to widows.
(g) To assist with the Public Relations of the Regiment.
(h) To raise funds.
(i) To implement any projects which may, from time to time, be approved by the National Executive Committee.
Branches at:
Head Office:
ENd of Page 32
Life Membership:
He must have served in the Regiment and badged R.L.I. He must pay Life Membership Subscription of Thirty Dollars ($30,00).
Full Membership:
He must have served in the Regiment and badged R.L.I. He must pay Annual Subscription of Three Dollars ($3,00) per calendar year.
Associate Membership:
He must have served in the Regiment for a minimum period of one year, as an attached personnel; in other words, any other Corps other than R.L.I. He must pay Annual Subscription of Three Dollars ($3,00) per calendar year.
Back Cover
The following advertisements appeared in this magazine.
End of Magazine
Thanks to Ken Reed for making the magazine available to ORAFs. Thanks Ken.
OCR, recompiled by Eddy Norris for use on the "Our Rhodesian Heritage" blog
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