
Wednesday 22 May 2013

Air Excursions 1952

CENTRAL African Airways Corporation (Phone 20351-2-3) offer some popular excursions at reasonable rates.

1. Victoria Falls. A Viking aircraft leaves every Sunday at 7 a.m. and returns by 6.30 the same evening. The trip  includes a coach ride from Livingstone Airport to the Falls, a conducted tour of the Falls themselves, a launch trip up  the Zambezi with lunch at Kandahar island, tea at the Victoria Falls Hotel and "sundowners" on board the aircraft  returning home—all for £10.

2. A longer air excursion is provided to Lourenco Marques, passengers staying at the Hotel Polana for a week or fortnight as required. The all-in cost is £36 10s. 0d. for a week, £49 15s. 0d. for two.

3. A similar all-in holiday flight may be taken to Lake Nyasa, the cost for one week being £24 9s. 0d.

In both the latter excursions the plane leaves and returns on Saturdays.

Allen Wack & Shepherd Ltd., Cotton's Buildings, Manica Road.
Dods Brooks and Co. Ltd., Box 1898.
G. Fountain, Box 429.
Halsted and Co. Ltd., Box 620.
Hendrie and Co. (Sby.) Ltd., 57 Speke Street.
W. C. MacDonald and Co. Ltd., Box 56.
Manica Trading Co. Ltd., Box 776.
Mitchell Cotts and Co. (S.A.) Ltd., Box 507.
Pickering and Co., Box 1555.
South African & General Investment and Trust Co. Ltd., Box 11.
Thos. Cook and Son (S.A.) Ltd., Box 593.

The offices of Automobile Association are at 63 Jameson Avenue, and the Royal Automobile Club is in Lydesia
House, Moffat Street.


Source. Official Guide to the City of Salisbury, priced at 8s/6d in October 1952 made available to ORAFs by Dave Vermaak. Thanks Dave

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 (Please visit our previous posts and archives)

Ref. Rhodesia, Civil Aviation

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