
Sunday 2 December 2012

The Central African Airways Group 1964

Central African Airways - Air Malawi - Air Rhodesia - Zambia Airways

The Creation of the Group
Out of the political break-up of the 1953-63 Federation has come the 1963 Act of Agreement entered into by the  Governments of Southern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland, whereby a new Central African Airways  Corporation has been born, with new and greatly increased responsibilities. For, within each Territory the  Corporation has undertaken to form separate airline companies, owned by CAA. In Southern Rhodesia, CAA's new  subsidiary, Air Rhodesia, will have its headquarters in Salisbury; in Northern Rhodesia, Zambia Airways at Lusaka;  and Nyasaland's Air Malawi at Blantyrc. Needless to say, the hard-won experience of CAA over the years, together  with the skills and loyalty of its personnel, will stand the entire group in good stead. Now, along with the familiar emblem of CAA, the distinctive markings of Air Malawi, Zambia Airways and Air Rhodesia will take their place in the  African sky.

Sir Robert Taylor, C.B.E.,
 Chairman, CAA.
M. Stuart-Shaw, C.B.E., M.Inst.T
 Chief Executive, CAA.

Central African Airways Viscount in flight.

Rolls-Royce Engine Maintenance—Central African Airways Base

In 1962 CAA contracted for the delivery of two BAC One-Eleven rear engined jet liners, mainly for regional service in  mid-1965. These will augment the existing Viscounts, which in their turn had superseded CAA's Vikings of the fifties. Such has been the forward thrust of Central African Airways that today it offers a fast commercial link over  an area of more than 485,000 square miles—larger than the British Isles, France, Germany and Holland combined.  Incidentally, the BAC One-Elevens will cut the flying time between Salisbury and Nairobi from 5½ hours to 3½  hours; Ndola-Nairobi from 3¾ hours to 2 hours; Blantyre-Dar-es-Salaam from 2¾ hours to 1 hours, and Salisbury-Durban from 3¼ hours to 2 hours only. Reputedly the first airline outside the U.S.A. to offer family  excursion fares, CAA were also the first in Africa to organise all-inclusive holidays by air. This breakthrough resulted in the overwhelmingly popular Flame Lily holidays. Now, under its new constitution, CAA will be jointly owned by  Southern Rhodesia (45 per cent), Northern Rhodesia (45 per cent), and Nyasaland (10 per cent). A specially constituted Higher Authority for Civil Air Transport, which is composed of the Ministers of Transport of each  Government, has been formed to represent the interests of the three Governments, and Central African Airways will  be responsible to this Higher Authority for its operations, including the subsidiaries. The Higher Authority will also  negotiate air traffic rights for all the Territories, and approve such important matters as inter-Territorial fares and  rates. CAA's DC-3's and Beaver aircraft have been transferred to the newly formed subsidiaries and will carry the  Territories' various colours. All services will be operated by CAA on behalf of the three subsidiaries. The training and scheduling of aircrews and engineers, together with inspection and maintenance, will be in the hands of the parent  body—CAA. Maintenance will be carried out at CAA's Rolls-Royce-approved workshops at Salisbury Airport, so that on whichever of the Group's airlines you travel, you fly with the great experience accumulated over 17 years airline service.

Symbolic of the start of a new era in Nyasaland, the leopard of Malawi spreads its wings from the modern Blantyre  Airport. Viscounts and DC-3 airliners will link points in Nyasaland with the other two Territories, and East Africa,  providing both a passenger and freight service. The justly famed Beaver service will continue to make  communications and travel possible for the communities in outlying areas. The Beavers cover 11 stations over a 775- mile network between Blantyre and Mbeya in Tanganyika. Piloted by CAA's experienced Captains, Air Malawi's  passengers will be well looked after by the Company's air hostesses in their attractive new red uniforms. All  engineering and technical services will be provided for Air Malawi by CAA. And passengers and freight bookings to  anywhere in the world may be arranged through any of the local offices of the Territory's airline.

   P. Howard, O.B.E.,
 Chairman,Air Malawi.

Highly experienced crews fly Air
 Malawi aircraft.
An Air Malawi DC-3 at Blantyre Airport
Beavers serve the less developed areas

The famous Zimbabwe bird flies again. This time as the emblem of Air Rhodesia, the new Southern Rhodesia  subsidiary of CAA. Soon this symbol and the blue, while and black markings of Air Rhodesia will be familiar at the  modern Southern Rhodesian airports of Salisbury, Bulawayo and Kariba, in the adjoining Territories and in South  Africa and Mocambique. Air Rhodesia will also operate Viscount and DC-3 airliners and the Passenger Booking  Offices and Freight Offices previously occupied by CAA in Southern Rhodesia. Through the new national airline, the  many spectacular sights of Southern Rhodesia will continue to be enjoyed by visitors from all parts of the world. Air  Rhodesia will also provide the highest standard of traffic handling for all the international airlines which operate  through Salisbury Airport.

 An Air Rhodesia Viscount.
 Air Rhodesia's City Air Terminal, Bulawayo
 Salisbury Airport—home base of Air Rhodesia

 Traffic handling at Salisbury Airport

The fish eagle, proud emblem of the North, is Northern Rhodesia's chosen insignia for Zambia Airways. Along its national air routes, in the neighbouring Territories and East Africa, Zambia Airways Viscounts and DC-3 airliners will provide passenger and freight services to and from Northern Rhodesia. And above the Barotseland Territory of Northern Rhodesia, Zambia Airways Pratt and Whitney-engined Beavers will link 10 stations, spread over 800 miles. As with Air Malawi and Air Rhodesia, the Zambia Airways fleet will be captained by CAA's experienced pilots. The Zambia Airways air hostesses, in their smart green uniforms, will add a note of national colour to the service. Maintenance and specialist services will be provided by CAA. Travellers may book through Zambia Airways main offices at Lusaka, Ndola and Livingstone, or through any of the airlines local offices, to anywhere in the world.

 M. T. D. Miine, Chairman,
 Zambia Airways
 Zambia Airways airliner with its green, black and copper markings

 Passengers boarding at Lusaka—home base of Zambia Airways

 Passengers enjoy the friendly service on board a Zambia Airways Viscount



Extracted and recompiled by Eddy Norris from a publication which was made available by Dave Vermaak

Thanks to Dave for sharing his memories with ORAFs.

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