
Saturday 24 November 2012

DC. 6 Delivery Flight

Arrival of the DC. 6 at Salisbury Airport

As told by Captain O'Donovan who few over to Rome for official acceptance of the DC.6 from Alitalia, and travelled back to Salisbury on its delivery fight.

Our planned e.t.d. from Rome was 1400 hours on Sunday, 21st October. The whole crew were at the airport by 1000 hours that morning and by working flat out the whole time just managed to get the aircraft loaded and ready in time — we brought back 4½ tons of DC.6 spares!

There were 16 tyres in the cabin and all the holds were choc full of crates. Two Alitalia engineers also travelled out with us and they, and a third, are now working with our chaps in the Hangar.

Mr. Delport and E/O Wyatt doubled as 'hostesses' on the trip, and very good they were too!

Above. Captain Tony Beck smilingly displays the string of garlic which he bought at a market in Rome, and brought back to Salisbury with him.
Above. The Chairman, Mr. R. M. Taylor, and the General Manager, Mr. Max Stuart-Shaw, were at Salisbury Airport for the arrival of the DC.6 on its delivery flight from Rome. They are photographed with the Operations Manager, Captain M. O'Donovan (left). Captain Bob Hodgson, Captain Frank Flote, Engineer Officer Harry Smith, Captain Tony Beck, Nav/Officer Peter Osborne and his 'souvenir', and F/O. Micky Delport.We flew Rome/Khartoum in one hop. The routing was via Benghazi, and as they passed over Benghazi without having to land there the old 'Zambezi' pilots all gave a loud cheer.

We had a very quick turn-round at Khartoum, took off from there at 1 a.m. and flew direct to Salisbury (approx. 2,150 nautical miles), landing there a few minutes ahead of schedule, at 0940 hours. When we reached Salisbury, and by using a long-range cruise technique, the aircraft still had enough fuel for it to have gone on to Johannesburg if necessary.

 It was a typical aircrew delivery flight as there were seven pilots on board and three Engineer Officers plus an Alitalia Flight Engineer, and a Navigator. The flight itself was extremely smooth and comfortable.

By scooter of course — how else? soy Tony and Frank who bought a scooter whilst they were there and saw most of Rome on it. We understand that Frank had the licence to drive it but not the courage, whilst Tony had the courage but not the licence — so he drove it nonetheless — and took Mike for a ride on the back of it, up the Via Venito!

Captain 'Scotty' Fraser (right) in the cockpit of the DC.6 with Captain Tony Beck. We are told they look much happier than when Captain Conti, Alitalia's Chief Pilot, DC.6's, was standing behind them. The next batch of CAA pilots to be trained on the DC.6 will be the Chief Pilot, Captain J. R. Orbell, Captains Garner, Wood and Wilson, and Mr. Church and Mr. Mann. They are at present doing a five-week ground technical course, after which Captain Fraser will do their flying training

Above. Air Hostess Mariette Kokkelenberg and Chief Air Hostess Molly Harling seen in the cabin of the DC.6 at Salisbury.


Extracted and recompiled by Eddy Norris from the November  1962 SCAANER publication which was made available by Dave Vermaak

Thanks to Dave for sharing his memories with ORAFs.
(Please visit our previous posts and archives)

Ref. Rhodesian Aiation

1 comment:

  1. My father was Peter Osborn the navigator with the souvenir in the photo. He passed away in 1976 and I want to speak to anyone who flew with or knew my father as I'm researching his great career- please contact me on or 01689 852994 United Kingdom - many thanks
