
Thursday 18 October 2012

The C.A.A. Technical School (1959)

The introduction of Vickers Viscount Aircraft by the Corporation in 1956, brought in its trail, the necessity for the establishment of a Technical Training School, established by the Engineering Manager.

The Technical School is controlled by;

MR. I.M.C.HEPBURN, Administration and Training Superintendent, assisted by the following Technical Instructors.

Ph4 Moore, The CAA Tech School

Above - MR.S.MOORE, A.M.S.L.A.E. Licensed Aircraft Engineer, who was transferred to the School from Senior Outstation Engineering duties, Salisbury. Joining C.A.A. from S.A.A., he was a former Technical Instructor in the South African Air Force at Lyttleton, part-time lecturer at the Witwatersrand Technical College and Instructor to apprentices in S.A.A.

Pg3 Hood, The CAA Tech School

Above - MR. J. S.HOOD, A. R.Ac. S. Joined R.A. F. as an apprentice in January, 1938, terminated service in 1952 as Fitter I and joined Rolls Royce Ltd., Scottish Group, as Technical assistant in Technical Services Dept. Left Rolls Royce when head of Provisioning Dept. to join C.A.A. in September. 1957.

Ph1, The CAA Tech School

Above - MR .A.J. COE, A.R,Ac.S. Joined R. A. F. as apprentice in January, 1939. Served in French N.Africa, Middle East and Italy. Left Service to join De Havillands in Production Planning and Methods. Later joined British European Airways Training Unit. After sixteen years in aviation, took rest cure with Federation of Malaya Police. Returned to aviation via charter firm and C.A.A.

Ph2 Don, The CAA Tech School

Above - MR.P. DONNELLY. Been in the aviation industry over the past 20 years, 9 of them with the R.A.F. , the remaining 11 in commercial aviation. Joined C.A.A. in 1950.

The operation ot pressurised aircraft with Turbo Prop. Engines required new techniques by trained Engineers, and as the large majority of personnel who had been trained in the U.K., were required for Outstation and flying duties, it was necessary to train more ground staff, to fulfill maintenance requirements and obtain maximum efficiency. The approval, recently, by the Director of Civil Aviation, of the Viscount/Dart Courses run by the Technical School, is reward for the very fine effency  of those concerned, and the ground staff by their success in the examinations set  by the D. C. A. , which are to A.R.B. standard.

It should be appreciated that this means considerable saving to the Corporation in that it is no longer necessary to send personnel overseas to undergo Viscount training.

In addition to the Viscount/Dart training for Ground Engineers, the Technical School runs Pilots Viscount/Dart Technical Courses, Douglas Dakota Technical Courses and refresher courses for the Pilots on these aircraft, which includes all the Electrics.

A basic Gas Turbine Course is a preliminary to all Dart courses and advantage is taken by the Engine Repair Shop personnel of this course, to acquaint them with the theory of the Gas Turbine Engine.

Rolls Royce and Vickers equipment acquired by the Corporation for training is used throughout, supplemented by parts rejected in the Workshops and has assisted greatly in the high standard achieved.

Since June, 1957, the following have passed through the Technical School:
70 Pilots,
4 Flight Engineers,
37 Engineers,
23 Flight Hostesses.

Several Ground Engineers who have been sitting basic Engine and Airframe Examinations, have received tuition prior to their examinations and all apprentices have completed a week's revision course in the School, prior to sitting their N.T.C. Examinations at t he Technical College, Salisbury.

Preparations have been made for 'A' and 'C' Licence Courses on the Dakota, which it is hoped to start early in 1959.

The request by the Engineering Staff of Maintenance and Workshops for further Technical knowledge has been most encouraging, and every assistance is afforded them in their efforts.

The results of technical advancement cannot be assessed in figures, but they most certainly must reflect themselves in the high standard of safety achieved by the Corporation.

The transfer of the apprentices under the supervision of the Administration and Training Superintendent will ensure that the standard of training will be maintained for the future Ground Engineers in the Corporation, and provision has been made to ensure their technical advancement.

Ph5 Lexture, The CAA Tech School

Above - View of the lecture room.


Extracted and recompiled by Eddy Norris, from the C.A.A. magazine "The
SCAANER" dated January 1959, which was made available by Dave Vermaak Thank you Dave.

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Ref. Rhodesian Aviation

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