Cheetah Magazine September 1979

Please address all correspondence to:
The Secretary,
RLI Association,
P.O. Box 8294,
Editor: Capt M. L M. Blackman
Co. Editor: Brian Streak
Art Work: Capt M L. M. Blackman
Assistant Producer: Carrie Taylor
VOLUME 3 - Number 4
By Carrie
The 11th Annual General Meeting of the 1RLI Regimental Association was held on Friday 29 June 1979. The President Col J. Salt was unfortunately ill in hospital and unable to attend but has since recovered and is back in good health.
Present were Mr. W. Watson (Chairman), Mr. H. Springer (Vice Chairman), Lt N. Neville (Treasurer); Mrs. C. Taylor (Secretary), Maj A. C. Dace, Lt Col I. R. Bate, Mr. B. Rushforth and Lt D. Evans, whom we welcome onto the Committee as our new Treasurer because of the transfer to Army HQ of Lt Norman Neville. There were 14 ordinary members present, whom we thank for their interest.
Mr. Wally Watson presented the following report:
Following last year's Annual General Meeting it was decided to improve communications to members through the revamping of the Report Newsletter to a magazine format with paid advertising to cover expenses. This was called "Cheetah" and has become very popular with Association members and members of the Battalion.
In addition a mornings only position for an Association Secretary was created with the main objective of raising funds, keeping close liaison with the Battalion and Association members.
Membership has remained at a steady level throughout the year and with the improved communication there has been an increase in new members and renewal of membership from those members who's membership had lapsed.
Mention was made last year of affiliating members to the Association. This was implemented during the year and given the title of Friends of the Association. This was done for members outside the Association who wished to contribute their support towards our objectives.
In addition it is felt that the time has now come to appoint Honorary members to the Association with the approval of its members.
The aims and objectives of the Association were promoted and active support given to the Battalion; in addition a programme for the year was implemented which included a business lunch, braai social, cheese and wine and the Bavarian evening for members. It was interesting to note that these functions were given increased support from Association members, but it is felt that many more members could have made an effort to give these functions their full support.
The loss of lives of RLI members in the field is regretted and following an approach from the CO it was agreed to raise funds to erect a statue in memory of those who had made the supreme sacrifice. In addition the Association agreed to make funds available for the major refurbishing of the Chapel.
A target figure of $16 000 was set for these two projects and a major fund raising programme implemented to appeal for funds from the public, using the media of TV, press and radio.
This appeal met with a favourable response from the public and over a period of three months $22 000 was raised.
The status was erected and dedicated on the 1st February 1979. The Chapel was refitted and new pews installed.
The public relations arising from the project benefited the Battalion as good publicity was given to the fund raising effort and unveiling of the statue.
Although $22 000 was raised this has been used to pay for the statue $6 500, refurbishing of Chapel $9 000, security lights $380,00, advertising $2 000 and administration $1 000.
The last 12 months have indeed been very interesting for the Association and have given it the standing within the Unit which it rightfully deserves. This has been achieved by a hard working Committee and from the outside support already mentioned.
In conclusion I would like to make special mention of thanks to our Committee and Association Secretary who have given their time freely for the implementation of these projects and to members of the Battalion who have contributed willingly with suggestions and practical help.
The following financial report from 1 April 1977 to 31 March 1978 was presented by Lt N. Neville:
1/4/1977 to 31/3/ 1978
Subscriptions: 443,74
Donations: 150,00
Profit on Sales of Ties: 7,48
Surplus from Entertainment: 396, 18
Interest on Investments: 134,27
$1 131,67
1/4/1978 to 31/3/ 1979
Subscriptions: 823,96
Donations to Memorial Statue: 21 897,36
Surplus from Entertasinment: 138,00
Interest on Investments: 177,70
Printing and Stationery: 713,00
R & C: 16,00
Excess of Expenditure over Income (excluding Memorial Staute: 1 953,99
$25 720, 51
231,09 Administration Expenses: 3 194.07
Secretary's Salary: 1 078,O6
Printing and Stationery: 2 015,33
Postage: 21.60
Advertising: 79,08
Loss on Sale of Ties: 13,75
Memorial Statue: 16 574.33
Loss on T-shirts: 491,01
R & C: 13,03
Write off Debtors — R/DCheques: 61.00
Misc Bank Charges Etc: 49.79
900,58: Surplus of Income over Expenditure
Surplus of Income over Expenditure on Memorial Statue: 5 323.53
$1 131,67 - $25 720,51
The following comments form part of the accounts. I certify that according to the best of my knowledge and belief all liabilities and assets are shown in the balance sheet.
31 March 1979
31 March, 1979
I have examined the books, vouchers and records of the Rhodesian Light Infantry Regimental Association, and find them to be correct and in accordance with the information supplied to me.
28 June 1979
(D. W. Bennetts)
31/3/1979 31/3/1979
3 231,50 - As at 31/3/1979 As at 31/3/1978- 4 132,08
900,58 Plus surplus of Income over Expenditure Less excess of Expenditure over Income 1 953,99
4 132,08 - 2 178,09
Memorial Fund: 5 323,53
Bavarian/Beer Mugs: 2 695,00
$4 132,08 - $10 196,62
560,93 - Cash at Bank - 5 470,90
Cash on Hand - 88,01
Stocks on Hand
510,15 - Ties - 353,40
- Beer Mugs - 655,00
- T-Shirts - 359,32
61,00 - Sundry Debtors
Investments — CABS:
1 000,00 - Permanent Shares - 10 000,00
2 000,00 - Fixed Deposit - 2 000,00
- Savings Account - 269,99
$4 132,08 - TOTALS - $10 196,62
The Chairman put forward the proposal that the Constitution should be amended to incorporate Honorary Members. "These would be people who have greatly helped the Battalion and who are not ordinarily entitled to become members of the RLI Regimental Association. They will be invited to become Honorary members of the RLI Regimental Association if so elected at a (General Meeting." Mr. Watson put forward the following persons for election of Honorary membership:
1. Mr. Pat McLaughlin
2. Capt M. L. M. Blackmail
3. Mr. Tommy Russell.
These appointments were all proposed, seconded and approved.
It was agreed the Committee would be re-elected and the only change would be the appointment of a new Treasurer. Lt Dave Evans to replace Lt Norman Neville.
It was agreed Col. J. Salt should remain President. It was proposed that the CO. Lt Col I. R. Bate. MLM be elected Vice President of the Association and the following were re-elected:
Maj Gen A. N. O. Mclntyre, OLM, DCD
Lt Gen G. P. Walls, OLM, DCD, MBE
Lt Gen J. S. V. Hickman, OLM. MC
Brig R. A. Edwards, DSO, MC
Brig P. S. Rich, DMM
Col J. Caine, DMM
Lt Col R. W. Southey, DMM
Lt Col R. F. Reid-Daly, CLM, DMM, MBE.
The meeting closed at 1845 hcurs and was followed by drinks and snacks in the Golf Bar.
Above: The chairman, Wally Watson addresses the Association at the AGM.
Below: Wally Watson, Maj Colin Dace and Lt Col Ian Bate (ML'M) chat together after the AGM.
RAR and RLI march past the steps of the Anglican Cathedral.
Hello once again from the Big Red. Since the last edition there have been quite a few changes in the Commando.
Firstly we say farewell to "Foxbat" and Colleen Watts. Maj Watts having been posted to CS02 Army HQ. Congratulations on your posting, the Commando is really going to miss those bristles appearing through the ear pieces from 600 ft as K Car is orbiting. On the same note we also welcome Capt Pete Farndel as the new "Big Red". Hang in there we will soon get you into shape.
At least the change of Bosses has not affected the "Punchy Goblin" (Lt Rick van Malsen) Boxing Team. Maj Watts was getting fairly valvey after losing 2 pairs of glasses in pub brawls but Capt Farndell got off to a good start after giving 2 Fort Vic hippies the Big Reds message, unfortunately the 2 i/c was badly out of
training and technique, losing a few rounds to appear the next morning with lumps various.
Welcome also to 3 new subbies, 2Lt Steve Walters, Wayne Grant and Mark Lynton. Steve having seen the light joined us from Support Commando. Wayne and Mark from 163 both underwent the normal "Lost in Africa" phase within their new surroundings. Capt Fierce (Mark) soon got a grip of things 'in the CQ department and ensured that rations were over indented so he could have 7 steaks with every meal. General Cool (Wayne) just played safe keeping a low profile.
The well known CSM, "Studley" Edwards has left us for a short spell to instruct 106's at the "Mad House" in Gwelo. After meeting him in Prospectors he seems a changed "Gentleman". The brids in Hooters are obviously never going to be the same again!
The Bundu Bashing CQ is still setting his high standard. Getting a bit upset with things, he decided to do a spell on the ground and show the "kids" of the Commando how it was done in the old days, but after a bit of crack thump, decided rations, scrabble and gin rummy were much more fun!
Congratulations on promotions go to our 2 new Sgts Tucker Ellison and Jersey Smyth. Hang it in. Also to L/Cpl Williams-VVynn. Different c.ongrats go to Sgt Como Myburgh who seems quite concerned with populations explosion and Lady Chancellor's telephone number. That Q Course will definitely come in handy with Nappy Admin!
Farewell also goes to Sgt Stewart Taylor who has gone to Training Troop to pass on his knowledge. 4 Troop will miss that clandestine shadow easing through the jungle with his rifle grenade at the ready. Also to Cpl John Foran who has returned to the Kangaroo land.
Boat Sec are a bit pressed at this time with OC Bong having left to regain the Commando's Drinking Team with Kotz. Welcome back.
The Big Red was saddened by the deaths of four members of the team: Cpl Ed Nel, Cpl "Doc" Rice, Tpr Chris Lang and Tpr Dougie Muir. Deepest sympathies to all families and friends. Soldiers and men, they won't be forgotten.
Also get well to all our wounded members: Sgt Dave Hoskins, Sgt Red Kerr, Cpl Blondie Leatham, Tpr Craig Dunlop, Tpr Tim Chapman, Tpr Harry Roberts, Tpr Mac McMenamin and Tpr Jerry Howarth.
With long cheers the Commando gave up some of their R & R for the Battalion Military and Sporting Events. While our streamlined Elite flung their bods over Chikurubi's Assault Course in immaculate "Spider Man" style our Drill Squad gave a good display on the square under the supervision and leadership of CSM Tony Edwards. Although we cracked the Assault Course time SIB are still trying to find out who dropped the 3 MAG belts!
The sporting events were given a full go with long coupons lost by Cpl Swart and Fish. The Commando came an inevitable FIRST. Rugby 1st, Tug of War 1st, Golf 1st, Soft Ball 2nd, Soccer 3rd, Squash 3rd and Volley Ball 4th.
On that note Cheers from the Big Red.
Firstly we would like to welcome back our OC, Captain P. A. D. Hean from the beaches of Florida and the arms of the Sports Editor of Penthouse Magazine. It's good to have you back, now let's go and joust!
Welcome must also be extended to 2Lt's N. L. Dent, B. Peck, and A. J. O. Maclntyre, or has the latter been here before? Further to the above we welcome CSM E. R. Jones on posting to the Commando. Last but not least we welcome all the new troopers from intakes 163 and 164.
On a sadder note we say goodbye to 2Lt Wayne (Voorvel) Furphy, the only person known to attract 7,62mm intermediate like bees to honey every time he went out. We also say a sad goodbye to CSM "Big Lou"' Thackwray on their ways to rivvy street and Base Croup respectively. Thanks very much for all the hard work, see you in the pub over R & R'i We also say cheers to all the troopers from Intake 161.
We wish the following a speedy recovery:
Tpr Elsnove after playing soccer with a ter rifle grenade.
Tpr Yosloo now entitled to wear a be nice to K Car techs T-shirt.
Tpr Swan, who stood in the line of flight of an RPG 2 rocket. We are glad to note that Jumbo Roberts is at last on the speedy road to recovery. Lastly Tpr Dunlop (1 Cdo); wounded whilst serving with us.
Must go to the following people: Maj P. A. D. Hean on reaching his majority. Captain A. B. Shaw on being promoted to Captain. Lieutenants F. Forbes and A. J. O. Maclntyre on being promoted.
Further congratulations must also go to Lt Fabian Forbes and wife Lisa on the birth of their son. Lastly Tpr Boolsen and his wife Sandra on their recent coming together ... in holy matrimony.
It will be remembered that in the last edition of the Cheetah 2 Commando issued a warning that no record was safe whilst we were in the bush. Well at the time of writing we are sitting on 110 CT's; whilst acknowledging that this is still not the record we would like to point out that we have not had one fatality whilst running up this total.
We wftuld like to thank I Commando for helping us with sticks during the first part of our present tour. Don't worry Owens, we will be sending you your share of beers.
Congratulations to 1 Commando for coming first in the inter-commando sports.
The enviable 6 Troop has undergone "long" changes over the last few months of the 1978 crew, only the following faithfuls remain: 2Lt Maclntyre, L/Cpl Opperman, L/Cpl van der Bosch. Tprs Otton, Carl, Boolsen and Patterson. (The last two mentioned being on the verge of promotion. Then last but not least our local UANC MP, chief Oscar Chikango. Also the brief support rendered by TF Troopers, Baldwin and Tatham was much appreciated over the election period.
The troop strength is now 27 men and we welcome the new and relatively new comers. It is also good to see the return of our Troop Commander, Mr. Mac Oppies and Ian Otter after their long absences of dubious nature. At time of writing Vaughn Carl is not with us. We'hear he has a peculiar swelling of the jaw, so we sadly doubt whether he will be able to enter for the Miss Fire Force complexion competition this year! At the mention of Big Bad Clayts, the newies tremble with uneasy expectation of our Troop Serge Mike Clayton. We oldies, however, know that his long absence is indeed very suspect. We also have a guy Paxton on the roll, but long time no see? Trust he'll be fit for action soon.
So many guys are getting "strung-up" these days that we wonder who will be next! Congratulations Jakobus Boolsen and Ian Otton. "Ons hoor, Kobus, dat in plaas van MA3 spesialeer jy in moeder kunde?"
Well done, Ferguson, on the efficient handling of your first casevae! Pity some fool taped down the giving set so badly? You have, however, been recommended for the Emily Hobhouse award. Also young Westwood, top in stick medies course eh! Trust you'll have better luck with your next "drip in action". While on courses, welcome Breeze and Crow to the 6 Troop Hell Drivers, but beware of the OC's eagle eye! It is about time we had more para support. Well done Vicious Vidal, Lazy Lazell and of course 11,2 sprinter, Flash Frongoulis! Last mentioned was seen to do a bulldozer drop at 20 knots. (Who other at the controls but Cpl Oppies!) To Arslan, better luck next time. A broken nose is no "Turkish" delight, so rather a broken wrist!
We regretfully note that 6 Troop's most serious injuries received of late were caused by drunken disorderlyness. However, Carl almost lost his potent power when a bullet grazed his bionic bkep! Also the commando peeping torn, Cpl McKens, almost acquired two new assistants when grenade shrapnel nearly gave Shunter Smith a third eye and Hawkeye Breeze a holy shirt!
Long have we awaited the keennness of Stick Leader Patterson, to assist us in keeping 6 Troop's kill rate at the top. Though for a time we feared that his Corporals Cadre "Mission mischief" had him spell bound to 2nd wave stops?
It is with utter disgust that we find a new. mongrel about camp, lifting its leg to 6 Troop's vehicles! It's a cocky hound and no doubt has a master of the same nature? By the way, Mr. Mac, what happened to the "hole in one" golfers at the inter-ccmmando sports.
The new chaps seemed to have a strange conception of Commando muster parades? How's your heart Rigger-mortis Rogues shuffling before the CSM almost barefoot, shirtless and not even wearing your 12,7 chest webbing!? With the arrival of ex-salusa scouters Kitzman and van der Merwe, the ranks of "Boere Kommondoses" have really swelled! We hope too that the fellows doing a certain para course are doing their "Dutch" homework, as "vanaf uitreiking van hierdie tydskrif sal die Troep taal Afrikaans wees."
The third of June saw a farewell to a first-class bunch of soldiers of Intake 160. Headed by 2 Lt Wayne Furphy with Keith Beck and Mark Pemberton, they now enter civvy street with visions of wine, women and song (not in that order). We wish them well.
With the departure of Intake 160 came the arrival of 163 and to them, the troop extends a warm welcome. Having been trained by Sgt Hodgson we can be certain that they will live up to the high standard 7 Troop has come to expect. 2 Lt B. Peck assumes command of the Troop with the promise of keeping it at the top.
The troop experienced the true meaning of "the flying circus" during the last bush trip, operating from 6 different Fire-Force bases in the space of a mere 6 weeks. During that period the troop saw a large fluctuation in strength with many members doing courses at the outset. Tprs Hahn and Gurr were away on
Troop Medics with Tprs Wilkins, Tapsel and Hutton aspiring to greater heights on a Tpr/L/Cpl cadre. Unfortunately Tprs Wilkins and Hahn "blew it" and are now doing a spell at coveted "Durban Beach". We also had Tpr Crause, complete with magnifying glass and floppy hat on an advanced trackers course learning to digest grasshoppers, kudus eyes and whatever. The return was seen briefly of "Dr. Marcus Welby" Ingram, who came back for his MA3 practical. We hope to see him back soon as "Doc" in the commando soon. To top it all 2 Lt Peck and Tpr Stevenson attended a para course, the latter having to drop out due to an injury. Rumour has it that 2 Lt Peck's limp is due to a "late oscillation" on one of his training jumps and has yet to be seen riding the slipstream into a "scene". The troop welcomes back Tprs Knight and "Sixpence" Kelly after injuries on op jumps. We are assured next bush trip will see the return of the men with sweaty palms, white faces and trembling knees up in the Dak wondering just how hard the ground will be after the break.
In closing 7 Troop must feel proud of its general standard of soldiering, particularly shown up by the "bee hive" activity of members doing courses and the active participation of all members to the commando as a whole.
We would like to say a belated welcome to a number of new members of the troop, namely 2nd Lt Dent, all new troopers from intake 163 as well as 164.
Unfortunately the troop has suffered a number of injuries since last writing. None of which have been too serious, luckily. L/Cpl Doyle was shot in the foot while escorting the ration vehicle and L/Cpl Doyne nearly lost his stomach while on temporary attachment to 3 Cdo.
More recently Tpr Elshove had to be casevaced as a result of a foot injury caused Dy a CT pencil rifle grenade, and Tpr Vosloo was nearly taken out by the K Car gunner who was convinced he was a gook. MuCh to the disgust of Sgt Firth. We wish them both a speedy recovery.
Tprs Brassen and Morgan have been on leave, Tpr Brassen going overseas and Tpr Morgan, much to the disgust of his mates, spent his leave in the bush. Tpr Metcalf is on leave and has also returned to the beloved homeland for a while.
Meanwhile back in the troop things have been busy. As a result of three consecutive "para" courses most of the troop will now be para trained allowing the old die-hards a chance to do some hell bourne work. There again, some may prefer the "Dak" after some of the mean hover drops to which they haverecently been subjected by G Car pilots.
We have also been hit by juke box mania and some amazing models have been seen. Hopefully this is a passing phase and things will soon be back to normal.
Once again 10 Troop has emerged as the "heavies" of 2 Commando with another unbeatable kill rate. We can thank for this, intake 163, and hope to say the same for 164.
We welcome 2 Lt Forbes to the troop and congratulations to him and his wife on the birth of their son.
The troop wishes Tpr Swan a speedy recovery after his recent encounter with the "red threat".
Tpr "Mad" Mike Shipton is back with the troop and we hope his grenade avoiding technique has improved.
Many thanks to Tprs Triegaardt and Oldrigde for excellent service and some amazing war stories.
When Tpr D. Joubert was asked why he did not wake up camp, he replied "I am sorry but I did not know where Tpr Reveille slept."
Jokes for the blokes
Since a top heavy maiden from Yonkers
Is equipped to make boob men go Bonkers
Poet Goldsmith might say,
Were he living Today
That whenever she stoops she conquers!
While revenge may consist of seducing your enemy's wife, sweet revenge is the realization that she's a lousy lay.
My poor wife seems to have a neurotic fixation that her collection of fur coats will be stolen, the man told the psychiatrist. "When I came home early one afternoon last week, I found she had gotten someone to guard them — and, in fact, stationed the poor guy inside the closet."
LOVERS (new, old and stale)
The O.C. is still hanging it in — broken pubic synthesis and all.
The 2i/c Lt Roger Carloni BCR is on R & R at that sleepy neck of the woods "Hootervilel", learning to be a
Combat (Vic Morrow) Team Commander, whilst no doubt ably supporting the officers Mess bar. We look forward to benefiting from his wealth of knowledge on classical war in our coin/mobile war setting.
W02 Johnny Norman DMM is also on R & R at the "college of knowledge" preparing for a POC course.
The A/Csm and CQMS Brian Lewis is hanging it in, suffice to say a few kilograms heavier and rounder. The
Government spent thousands of dollars explaining the procedure on how to vote, but unfortunately, they only half briefed the RLI. C/Sgt Lewis having clipped his fingers in the magical liquid, went and made his cross on the voting form with his invisible wet finger — next to his favourite "what the people 'want". He's a good soldier though!
2Lt Greenhalgh has had a few dress rehearsals with his new "pips", pending his promotion to Lt. He is acting 2i/c of the Commando but .is still in love! One consolation is that rugby has been dropped to third place in the order of merit.
We had two welcomes from "Hooters" in the last issue of Cheetah and we have another one in this issue. We welcome 2Lt "Scotty" Scott who, after being involved in a few fire force scenes has realised you can not do flanking and frontal attacks every time you get fired at. Welcome to the "A" team Scotty, and we wish you luck and soft ground on your para course.
Cdo HQ welcomes Cpl Grant Hughes onto its strength, Grant has decided that eight years of soldiering in the troops, without a break, is more than his fair share of the war. Grant is now cuffing it somewhere South of the Border. Enjoy it while you can, there's long grapht waiting for you.
Congratulations are extended to A/Sgts Charlie (Bubble) Warren, Dave (Save a Shekel) Cohen and Basil (The Peep) Dippenaar on their recent rise in status. We confirm that they can now drop their level of efficiency and lapse into the normal 3 Cdo Officers and Sergeants Mess tea and chibulies routine. It is not true that after their initiation into the WO's and Sgts Mess recently they attempted to shave W02 Samantha, the'Senior cat member of the Mess.
Sgt Charlie Norris is recovering from a CSW to the eye and is instructing on the Tpr-Lcpl cadre whilst recovering and getting his "baby face" good looks into shape.
Did it really happen, or was it just another cloud of passing Scotch Mist. Cpl Frank Neave has returned from
Ireland. No doubt much the wiser after a stay of some six weeks in the land of Guiness, bombs, Guiness and more bombs. Frank said he enjoyed his leave but was glad to be back in the bush where he can relax amongst the somewhat milder forms of battle.
The Cdo congratulates ex lovers, George Galloway, BCR, of Training Troop, and Percy Hodgson of the Gym on their recent marriages and we wish them and their new ladies all the very best for the future. To George Galloway and Percy Hodgson — thanks for your dedicated service to 3Cdo. Better soldiers will be hard to find. Enjoy your new vocations and good luck.
Farewell temporarily to Cpl Bruce Kidd to Training Troop. Only for a short while though — whilst you pass on the knowledge to future "lovers". Don't get too attached, you'll soon be back.
2Lt Smee is on "Snoogle Boogie" course, whilst the Cdo relaxes for a change. The CQ is especially pleased — no more cries of: "Colour where's the ice cream for my coke float?" No more out of tune yodelling as Lt Smee exercises his larynx in preparation for Rep's next production of "Oklahoma!"
2Lt Bob Harrison is having extended R & R whilst running the Tpr to Lcpl Cadre, and defending pure, "doe eyed", "butter wouldn't melt in their mouth" troopies on courts martial.
Basil "The Reep" Dippenaar. On reaching the Cdo's new location "The Peep" found to his utter disappointment and horror that, there were no steamed bathroom windows with the naked silhouetted form of the female species. His disappointment was short-lived — whilst wandering around listlessly, a perverted glee lit up his eyes when he spied a mascot baboon. Basil being a somewhat over zealous person and the
Bobo of almost similar disposition "hit it of! well". Basil was seen sitting hour after hour, contented, amused, and fascinated whilst pondering at the mannerisms of his new found friend.
The Cdo sadly bids Sgt Basil Dippenaar Farewell. Basil having reached the exulted rank of Sgt, must now learn the other aspects of being an appycM.T.O., i.e.: being good at nipple greasing, a petrol attendent and wash boy. Seriously — Basil has given the Cdo excellent service. With his dedication; coupled with devotion and sheer hard work he has ensured that the Cdo has been able to transport itself from one end of the country to the other with ease and very little hassles. In ending this "little tribute" to Basil we would however like to mention that we are going to miss him, especially when we recall things like:
Dip's to CQ —"aaghh colour, you k-k-know why the v-v-vehicles donts work, cause the ohuns don't p-p-p-pay their respects to them every morning."
The Cdo was then told to fall in and Sgt Dippenaar explained to the troops, in particular the drivers, stating:
"You p-p-p-peoplt's will p-p-pay your respects to your v-vehicles every m-m-morning or you'll just be in the
s-s-s . . ."
The O.C. was surprised when next morning lie spotted a troopie brace up and say "good morning T.C.Y., good morning Stores and good morning bowser".
Charlie "Wind your neck in" Warren. Charlie was over- joyed when he heard that the Cdo was once again deploying to the "Great Whites" hunting ground. So much sp, that he visited that well-known jewellers in Salisbury (the one that buys old gold) and with the money he got from gold fillings, rings and other "loot" he bought his future "lolly gobble" the ring she has been waiting for since the last issue of Cheetah. Now Charlie waits in earnest for the Cdo to be given a "liberty run" so he can place the great ring on her great white finger. ... So it was true.
When four bells ring.
Burr Burr, Burr Burr. Is it telefun time? No it's the call to arms of the steely eyed, hairy ringed killers of 3 Cdo. Lt. Carloni BCR in command.
Fuzz to Fire Force: "CIS H73 has been ambushed by ct's. The fire force is required."
Cdo 2i/c: "OK. Send details."
Fuzz: "Wait." (2 mins. later) "Sorry fire force is not required" (hangs up phone).
From OC R.AR (Dyke): (1 min. later) Burr Burr, Burr Burr. "Ct's have ambushed C/S, H73. The fire force is required."
Cdo 2i/c: ''But fuzz just said that fire force required."
OC RAR (Loud): "We're the only people who deploy the fire force around here."
Cdo 2i/c: "O.K. Send details."
OC RAR: "Locstat 246579 ch 6."
Cdo 2i/c: "Got it."
OC RAR: "What."
Cdo 2i/c: "The locstat, and details/' (hangs up phone).
Cdo 2'i/c (Shouts): "Call-out!! Where are the Pilots?"
Stop 2: "At the pool sleeping or eating."
Stop 1 (Greenhalgh) (Some wide awake subaltern): "The locstat is wrong!"
Cdo 2i/c to OC RAR: Burr Burr, Burr, Burr. "What's the correct locstat. the other one is wrong?"
OC RAR "I don't know, it's 8-10 km N.W. from here, I think." (hangs up)
Cdo 2i/c (Shouts): "Where are the pilots?!?"
Stop 2: "At the pool."
Air force Tech: "No they are not, I've just come from there."
(3 Minutes later arrival of blues)
K.1 (Mantovani): "How much fuel at Mabooi Camp, does anyone know?"
Cdo 2i/c: "F----knows!"
K.2 (Spence): "The K's will go and the G cars follow."
K.l: "The K's will go and the G cars follow."
OC RAR to Fire Force: Burr Burr, Burr Burr. "Why haven't you taken off yet!?"
Cdo 2i/c: "We are having a briefing."
OC RAR: "I don't see a requirement for a briefing."
Cdo 2i/c: "Ya Sir." (hangs up phone)
Cdo 2i/c (Shouts loud): "OK let's hurry up, no briefing."
Pilot Flying Yellow 2: (Mumbles)—Mouth full of sandwich) "What's happening?"
K.2: "We're taking off you follow."
K1: "We're taking off you follow."
Yellow 2: "Where's the fuel?"
K2: "At 3 Zulu located at campher..."
Yellow 1: "Who is 3 Zulu?"
K2: "Second wave" (chewing another sandwich).
Somebody: F---!"
Browns and Blues then dash for choppers, maps and sandwiches in hand.
OC RAR (over Radio): "K2 this is 59."
K2: "59, K2 go ahead." (mouth still full)
OC RAR: "They don't want fire force, they reckon an armed praw will do."
K2: "Yellow section shut down."
K1: "Yellow section shut down."
Cdo 2i/c: "F---!"
OC RAR (4 mins. later): Burr Butt, Burr Burr. "It's all over, they are not getting anything, the praw is busy on another task!"
Cdo 2i/c: Slams down phone, and proceeds to s - - - over all within ear shot.
Commando Sporting Competitions
Two very enjoyable days were spent recently when the Saints got together to fight a different kind of war. A two-day sporting festival to compete in seven sporting events, namely: rugby, soccer, softball, volley ball, tug of war, golf, and squash.
Commando Sporting Competitions
Two very enjoyable days were spent recently when the Saints got together to fight a different kind of war. A two-day sporting festival to compete in seven sporting events, namely: rugby, soccer, softball, volley ball, tug of war, golf, and squash.
The lovers, needless to say, walked off with the 3 main trophies, soccer, softball, volley ball, and were just pipped by one try for the rugby trophy.
Well done to the "Big Red" for taking the champion sporting commando trophy — the lovers being a very close runner up.
Condolences to Support, Base and 2 - thanks for turning up. Is it true that Sp Cdo did a bit of underdealing in the softball by batting their players twice and that all the squash teams bar the "lovers" reversed their seeded order ensuring that our number 3 seed played their number 1 seed?!!!
The lovers and their "Lolly Cobbles" at the "End of Bushtrip'' 3 Commando party!!!
Commando 2IC Lt Rodger Carloni presents an AK assault ride to the Maj Brucc Snelgar.
(The Commando achieved a total of 500 kills and captures in one year.)
(The Commando achieved a total of 500 kills and captures in one year.)
The following members all attempted to stop a 7.62 intermediate and received (JSW's kindly donated by USSR:
a.Charlie Norris ha* a neat little scar on his temple which lends a rugged look to his baby face.
b. L/Cpl Mark Johnson (new from Trg Tp 1 was wounded in the heel and arm. (he is now hack in Trg Tp.
c. Tpr Dobie Dawson had a hum start to his career, when he got shot through his rear end on his day in the bush. Not content with this, He got another rather nasty bump up his rear end recently whilst driving a vehicle from the MT yard to the Cdo block, he had a disagreement with a civvy car.
c. Tpr Dobie Dawson had a hum start to his career, when he got shot through his rear end on his day in the bush. Not content with this, He got another rather nasty bump up his rear end recently whilst driving a vehicle from the MT yard to the Cdo block, he had a disagreement with a civvy car.
d. John Connelly managed to get holed four times, but is up and about revoluting everyone once again. His left hand is still in working order and therefore he is still able to amuse himself.
e. Sgt (ind your neck in) Warren got a bit of shrapnel in the hand from the K car after an argument with the OC. We never hear the end of that from Charlie (the wound we mean).
f. Dirk Schillewaert's self-indicted wound was a result of his personal detonation of a Claymore.
g. Tpr Henry Rupping's shrapnel wounds to his stomach and shoulder were as a result of watching too much of the "Incredible Hulk" on TV. He thought that all redblooded "lovers" were immune.
h. The Cdo is attempting a take-over bid on Tsanga Lodge with our members presently re-charging themselves up there. We wish Bob Smith, Chris Wilkins. Neil Hooley, Alan Palmer-Jones pnd John Connelly a speedy recovery and quick return to Cdo life.
The above may (we hope) convince Army HQ that the Batallion's bid for danger pay on Fire Force ops is well overdue.
The above may (we hope) convince Army HQ that the Batallion's bid for danger pay on Fire Force ops is well overdue.
A new cave fighting squad from 164 intake was welcomed to the Cdo by the now battle-hardened members of 163. Welcome to 3 Cdo — we hope you have the sheer guts, fortitude, personality and sense of direction required of "lover" personnel.
Malcolm Nicholson has fnally pined up his first tape after baffling the 2i/c with a Perry Mason type defence on CO's orders. Keep taking those pills JOC.
Welcome to L.Cpl "Miss Piggy" Orylski from the muppet "Pigs in Space'' programme.
Tpr Tassios, the new "Tarzan" head butts walls (and Alex Nicholls) for practice and uses his MAG as a toothpick.
Trooper Kemm has decided that a spot of weapon training was needed by his "rock" mates so he gapped it with his rifle to the land of Tong and Sadza. Others who gapped it, because they couldn't take the pace were: Tprs Van Alstine, Flemming and Decety — thanks for the favour. Wa.....!
Farewell to Cpl Jimmy (Jimima) Gibson after most creditable service with the Battalion. A serious jouster with the Cdo and we wish him all the best in his well deserved rest in civvie street.
The Commando canteen, account soared last bush trip. With landing fees, first kill, friendship fees and farewells, many crates were consumed. Butch Fourie had a bad bush trip — his canteen account was below $100,00. Tex Morgan still thinks he can avoid hangovers by not going to bed and Van still does not think.
The OC and his team, ably assisted by "Sid Vicious" Cunningham, put a lot of hard work into organising the
"lovers look" Cdo party. Needless to say we had the best selection of "lolly gobbles" in the country. Remember ladies if you are after experience, good looks, personality, gentlemanly behaviour and consideration then pick a lover from 3.
Everyone made a night of it and really let their bananas ~er—hair down. So much so that Charlie Warren started something rather unique in this country — a disco kicking competition, the rules of which are fairly simple:
a. Drink vast quantities of your favourite beer.
b. Chase the Disco compere/owner around the dance floor/hall.
c. Have two "Subbies" chasing you.
d. When "Subbies" and Dicco compere owner are tired/scared/intimidated or all three — kick the disco eqpt
to pieces.
e. Pay $150,00 repair bill. We are not too sure if this will catch on, but Charlie enjoyed it.
The Winstonians (ex Churchill School boys) now have a firm hold on the Cdo, with the OC, 2Lt Greenhalgh and 2Lt Scott holding the reins. It is also interesting to note that Winstonians officers now outnumber the Makumbi's officers (ex Plumtree School) in the RLI officers mess (headed by the CO and two OC's). The moral of the story is — if you want your son to be an RLI officer send him to Churchill School.
It is with deep regret that the Cdo records the death in action of the following members of 3 Cdo. The OC officers and all ranks would like to extend their sincere condolences to the families, relatives and close friends.
730045 Tpr Mike Chance
Joined the Cdo 611 the 12th October, 1978. Served for one year with 11 troop. He was a young Rhodesian devoted and dedicated to the cause of fighting for his country. He was killed in action on the 15th May, 1979. His presence is sadly missed by the men of 3 Cdo.
126683 Tpr Robbie Francis
Joined the Cdo with intake 163 on the 10th June, 1979. Again another true Rhodesian. His time with us was far too short and he was killed in action on that day,
125542 Tpr Bruce McKend
A Rhodesian that joined the Cdo with intake 163 on the 10th June, 1979 and was killed in action on the 16th June, 1979. It is a sad loss to the Cdo that his stay with us was so short.
729874 Tpr Eike Elsaesser
Joined the Cdo on the 17th October, 1978 and served with 12 Troop for nearly a year. A Canadian who felt he was required in Rhodesia to help in the fight for a just cause. He fought bravely and was a good soldier. Killed in action on the 16th June, 1979.
729803 Tpr Steve Dwyer
Joined the Cdo on the 5th January, 1979. An American who helped fight for a peaceful Rhodesia. He was wounded in a contact on the 15th of May, 1979 with a minor head injury. After this, he was seen back in the bush after a rapid recovery but was killed in action on the 16th of July, 1979. Another good one lost!
727941 Sgt Hugh McCall
Joined the Cdo in mid-1976. He was an American totally devoted to fighting for Rhodesia. He was a most
professional soldier and attained the rank of Sgt after 3 years service with the Cdo. He was killed in action on the 16th of July, 1979. His quick-witted humour and soldiering skills will be sadly missed in the Cdo.
Heard in Passing
2Lt Harrison to Theurna (new from 163):
"Theuma you will carry an instant light hand illuminating."
"Where do I get a torch from sir?"
Overhead in a crowded 3 Cdo pub:
"Honey, as long as I have a face, you've got somewhere to sit."
Tpr Coles to the late Sgt McCall:
"Sgt can I go and get some insect repellant from Nicholson ?"
"No I'm going over to him, I'll get you some.'
"Here Coles, Nicholson said not more than two ounces must be taken.
(One minute later): "Jtesusus agghh, this tastes s . . . Sarge."
W02 Norman to Dimontell (new troopie): "Go and get yourself, kitted up and ready to move out on deployment. I want vou to collect the 12.7 webbing because you are carrying the 12.7.
Trooper dashes off, and spends half an hour trying to locate the webbing. "I couldn't find any webbing in the stores truck."
164 Passes Out

Photograph: Sgt T Anderson.
At mid-day, Friday, 27 July, 1979, Course 164 passed out from Training Troop RLI and were posted to their respective commandos.
Chaperoned by Sgt Andy van den Heever, I was given a royal reception and would like to thank the Commanding Officer and all ranks for their hospitality while I covered Intake 164's passing out parade for CHEETAH.
Lt Colonel Ian Bate, MLM, Commanding Officer 1 RLI, reviewed the parade of the 79 recruits including 22 who had indicated their intention of attesting as regulars.
The review followed an Open Day during which the Intake went through their paces as proud parents and family friends cheered them on. The assault course was dealt with in short order and Support made a sorry mess of the previous record of 10 minutes, 15 seconds. Sgt Major Len Monson, PTI, had much to be proud of as his six-man team finished the course in 8 minutes and 11 seconds.
At the POP the following awards were made:"
Best Overall Recruit (The Colin Lennard Trophy), 127415 Recruit Ascough, J. R.
Best Overall Marksman, 125742 Recruit Kemp, A. J.
Best Academic Award, 124265 Recruit Young.
Best Cross-Country Runner, 124458 Recruit Bronkhorst, B.
Speaking to these four men before the parade, I couldn't help feeling that these guys represented a real cross-section of what makes this country tick. Ascough is an all-rounder from Fort Victoria with an enviable sporting record. Young is from Oriel and his academic award is not surprising considering his three A levels and his intention to do a double honours degree at Durham University when he's stood down. Bronkhorst, from Chaplin, played for the first fifteen — which accounts for his cross-country award (no doubt it was
Guinea Fowl which drove him to such a feat). Kemp, the marksman, grew up in Marandellas and it's not surprising that one of his hobbies is shooting — perhaps somebody could lend him a Dragunov.
As one would expect from the Saints, the parade was spot on. Major Peter Cooper was Parade Commander and I remember similar parades at S Inf when Peter's rank; was a trifle lower but, his responsibilities considerably more formidable — no doubt the Brigade of Guards would agree!
Colonel Bate welcomed the men of Intake 164 into one of the greatest families in the Army — the RLI. In his address to their parents and friends he reminded them that the RLI's kill-rate was among the best in the world — in fact, from the first of January to the 22nd July this year, the RLI had accounted for 1 247 terrs. Colonel Bate pointed out that even as he spoke there were other members of the Regiment flying into a contact.
As one would expect from the Saints, the parade was spot on. Major Peter Cooper was Parade Commander and I remember similar parades at S Inf when Peter's rank; was a trifle lower but, his responsibilities considerably more formidable — no doubt the Brigade of Guards would agree!
Colonel Bate welcomed the men of Intake 164 into one of the greatest families in the Army — the RLI. In his address to their parents and friends he reminded them that the RLI's kill-rate was among the best in the world — in fact, from the first of January to the 22nd July this year, the RLI had accounted for 1 247 terrs. Colonel Bate pointed out that even as he spoke there were other members of the Regiment flying into a contact.
Summing up a regiment like the Saints is a tough job but, Colonel Bate put the entire philosophy of the RLI in one word - CLIMB.
C — Capability
L — Loyalty to country, unit and comrades
I — Initiative
M — Morale and Morals
B — Bravery-—but don't be stupid.
Colonel Bate emphasised to the parade that they had joined the most decorated unit in the Zimbabwe Rhodesia Army, and that morality, as well as morale, was one of the Regiment's hallmarks. Illustrating the point, he told of an old man in the TTL's who said to an RC priest that the RLI were welcome in his area any time. These, he said, were real men.
In closing, Colonel Bate wished the parade good luck, good hunting and urged them to keep climbing! It was indeed a sign of affection between all ranks that, as he left, the Colonel turned, and saluted the parade. And I doubt there was a dry eye in the audience as the parade marched off as the RAR Band played "When the Saints Come Marching In".
Dar Robinson is what some call a "nutcase". If he's still alive today I'll be most surprised. I felt that this article found in a magazine named STARCREST was exactly the right one for CHEETAH to show that there are other nuts and crazy guys in the world besides RLI troopers.
Dar (Studface) Robinson jumped from a Cessna 180 onto the wing of a Stearman in two tries last August.
The article read something like this:
Fifty-five miles through the Tehachapi Mountains 5.30 am at the Mojave airport Dar was working out some technical problems related to the rigging on the drag chute attached to the Stearman. The purpose of this chute was to slow the Stearman's airspeed down to about 125 mph in a dive so that Dar would be able to RV with the two-winged aircraft. After the drag chute problem was worked out a camera crew that was to shoot this particular stunt drove the 15 mile stretch to California City to film from an advantageous position (too many retakes of a stunt like this could cost long bucks). Another cameraman was on hand with his freefall camera set-up. His job was to follow Dar out of the Cessna 180 chase plane and film Dar's approach to the Stearman which was being flown by a Hollywood stunt pilot.
The wind was blowing like hell at California City as it usually did at 1.00 pm that afternoon as the first attempt began to get under way. At 12 000 feet the two aircraft, flying parallel to each other, came across on a jump run. Suddenly, the Stearman peeled off into a steep dive at the same time a puff of smoke fell away from the Cessna which streaked toward the plunging Stearman that was no hundreds of feet below. Dar's
exit was bad and resulted in him being too far behind the Stearman when it started its dive. It took Dar 30 seconds to reach it to make one entry try; he started falling into the prop after missing the wing and decided that it was too late to try again.
Back on the ground Dar was full of apologies, etc., etc., in a casual sort of way while he repacked his chute for the next try. At about 3.30 p.m. after killing a cheeseburger and coke he took off again to give it another try. There was an air of expectation about as the spectators watched the two planes take the gap.
The two planes lined up and came across the target as before. This time the Cessna and Stearman were side by side on the jump run. The Stearman peeled off into a dive at the same instant Dar jumped. The crowd on the ground followed Dar's smoke trail with their wristwatches. Dar caught up to the Stearman in about 20 seconds and was on the wing in about 30 seconds.
The pilot cut away the drag chute and began pulling out of the dive with Dar hanging on for dear life between the wing and the fuselage.
The narrator of "SUPERSTUNT" (an American TV programme) Lee Marvin, punctuated the "action" with flashes of intellect like, "It's 80° here on the ground but, at 10 000 feet it's only 10° above zero and Dar can only stand on the wing for a few seconds ..." or "A few engineers have said that they just don't know what will happen when Dar touches the wing . . . the aircraft could lose control".
But, between us, and in spite of my laughing, ridicule and envy, Hollywood stuntman Dar made' "150" jumps to practise for his stunt, DID leave one aircraft, fly over and climb onto the wing of another. We all know that anyone of us could have done it in 10 seconds (!!!) but he did it, not us.
Some of the things Dar will be attempting in the future...
2—4 Minute Burn
Dar will suit up, climb on a pair of skis and speed down fully engulfed in flames.
Trampoline Record
A helicopter will suspend a trampoline 60 feet below with Dar performing twists, summersaults, etc. The trampoline will be 600 feet above the ground with neither a net nor catcher.
Cargo Plane Freefall
From an altitude of 18 000 feet, Dar will drive an auto mobile out of a cargo plane free fall it to approximately 7 000 feet deploy a canopy and glide it safely to the ground and drive it away.
High Fall Record
With his newly engineered airbag Dar will break his own record by jumping down from 40 stories (about twice the height of the Monomatapa ! ! !)
Plane to Pilotless Plane Transfer
Dar will jump from a Chase plane at 12 000 feet the same moment as his target plane noses down and plunges toward earth. The pilot of the target plane will bail out, leaving the plane locked into a nose dive. Dar will climb into it at about 5 000 feet, pull the plane out of its dive and land it.
Jokes for the blokes
H-r-r-e in Scotland, we play golf in all kinds of weather-r-, the club pro proudly told the pretty American
tourist. "When it snows, we play with r-r-red balls."'
"It's those silly kilts," giggled the girl.
What is the difference between a pregnant woman and a light bulb?
You can unscrew a light bulb!
What is the difference between a pregnant woman and a light bulb?
You can unscrew a light bulb!
"Alright son! So you've found a beautiful big shell on the beach
—now go away and let daddy sleep!"
With this edition of "Cheetah" we greet our avid readers with the news that the "Elite" are currently the main RLI jousters. having killed 135 CTs in one bush trip; breaking 1 Commando's record by 22. This figure does not include another task done in the line of duty, for want of pushing the figure too high and discouraging other Commandos' from performing well.
Unfortunately the Commando sustained a high number of casualties, the obituaries appearing later in these notes. Also wounded during this period were "Mad Dog" Hillyer, Terence 'The Merc" Tangney (shot by Tpr Astle in error), Tony Creig (shot by the gooks in error) and "Blood Nut'' Pitman, the MT rep who-went along for the ride. Para injuries were also numerous during the period and included Cpl Mike Roussouw (broke both feet and now known as "Foetus"), Sgt Rob Beech, Dwings and various others.
Since that bush trip we have once.again been dispatched to the far corners of Rhodesia in COMOPS ruthless hunt for CTs which we joust with using considerable grace and panache, and an awful lot of ammo.
Since the last "Cheetah" we have welcomed a considerable number of people to the Commando including nearly 60 members of Intakes 163 and 164. We welcome them and wish them luck. They at present are all sighing with relief at not having been posted to any of the other Commandos. We also welcome to the fold Capt Mike Jack as the new 2 i/c; he was fortunate to have been educated at the British equivalent of
Plumtree, attended Sandhurst, Oxford and other inconspicuous institutions, and is now endeavouring to instil the social graces in every van Schalkwyk he sets his eyes on! We also welcome Sgt Trevor Hodgson as the new 2 i/c of Recce Troop and Cpls Roy Meyer and Billy Coetzee back from civvy street.
Also, we extend- a big welcome to 2Lt Ian Ward from Intake 163 and presently on para-course.
The Commando has also reluctantly said farewell to a number of members, the most notable being Lt Vernon Prinsloo, on posting to 5 (Indep) Coy. Vernon, an ex-Enkeldoorn financier ( teller in Rhobank, Enkeldoorn), A balding retired pugilist will always be remembered for his "go for it" attitude, particularly in pursuit of the fair sex. The twanging of elastic and shedding of nylon accompanied either by groans of pleasure (or displeasure) and screams earned him the nickname of the "Mudzi Mauler"' for his extraordinary
ability to get to grips with a problem shortly after its introduction to him.
Also amongst other farewells were Ian (the Gin) Traynor, Tpr Keith Astle who was probably the best shottist in the Commando. This is based on the irrefutable evidence that he managed to shoot Terence Tangney in cover in a scene, which deserves an honorary award of the President's Medal.
Also amongst other farewells were Ian (the Gin) Traynor, Tpr Keith Astle who was probably the best shottist in the Commando. This is based on the irrefutable evidence that he managed to shoot Terence Tangney in cover in a scene, which deserves an honorary award of the President's Medal.
Much has already no doubt been written in this issue about the inter-cdo sports. Suffice to say, the Elite were always in the running and the owens hung it in right to the end. The rugby team although lacking in talent made up for this deficiency in spirit, and they had to be kept in a cage between games. Heinz Klose in particular was devastating in attack and defence though he never saw the ball the whole game. All the other sporting teams performed with great gusto, and Dick Tandy is to be congratulated on possibly the worst game of golf ever seen on the RLI chip 'n putt course.
1. The new 21 /c on K car orientation, and being asked to give a correction to a target from a herd of warthog replied, "Right, from the wild boar, go right 50 etc."
2. "Parachuting is my life," Buzzard Doulgeries comes under considerable pressure from the Cpls and spends most of his day roped to his perch on top of a crocodile.
3. Pete Binion, the Commando arms dealer has been apprehended selling an authentic looking toy pistol to several troopies for $20,00. On being lectured about the severity of his crime, he protested "But Sir, I did him a favour, I bought it back for $5,00,"
4. Chunky Mclver on R & R at Kariba found the local transport amenities somewhat lacking and helped himself to some available transport. After a cross country trip with chunks at the helm, a brand new Datsun 120Y resembled a bog wheelers reject, and Chunky spent the whole weekend phoning his OC asking him to pull rank.
5. A very successful sods opera was held in conjunction with the blues at Grand Reef resulting in an excellent party and an awful lot of laughs. We hope to repeat the exercise soon.
1. Lance Corporal Martin Overbeek - 4.4.79
2. Trooper Mike Moore - 17.4.79
3. Trooper Russell Poole - 19.4.79
4. Trooper Andrew Stanley - 20.4.79
5. Trooper Ken Myburgh - 16.5.79
A Portrait of a Waster
RLI Prize Giving
1. Lt Col Ian Bate, opens the inter-CDO Sports Prize Giving evening, with him are
Maj Pat Armstrong and Mrs. Gili Parker who presented the Trophies.
Maj Pat Armstrong and Mrs. Gili Parker who presented the Trophies.
1 CDO — Rugby
3. Tpr James Wessels
1 CDO — Golf
4. L/Cpl Rex Harding
1 CDO — Tug-o-war
5. C/Sgt Brian Lewis
3 CDO — Volley Ball
7 Sgt Dave Cohen
3 CDO — Softball
3 CDO — Softball
8. Cpl Peter Harvey
Base Gp — Squash
9. Maj Pete Carndell
OC 1 CDO — Champion Sporting CDO
10. Mrs. Gilly Parker receives a bouquet of flowers from Carrie Taylor after her presentation of trophies.
11. C/Sgt "'Bugs" Williams
Rugby Sgts Mess vs Officers Mess
728892 Tpr LANG, C. F. - 4 June 1978
123360 Cpl RICE, P. O. - 4 June 1979
726466 L/Cpl NEL, E. F. - 4 June 1979
126683 Tpr FRANCIS, R. - 10 June 1979
729874 Tpr ELSAESSER, W. E. - 16 June 1979
125542 Tpr McEND, B. J. - 16 June 1979
727941 A/Sgt McCALL, H. J. - 16 June 1979
729803 Tpr DWYER, S. M. - 16 July 1979
124307 Tpr BRIEL, J. A. - 6 September 1979
730093 Tpr COLEMAN, A. J. - 6 September 1979
123929 Tpr CROW, J. M. - 6 September 1979
119928 Tpr ENSLIN, B. L. - 6 September 1979
729689 Cpl FRY, G. H. - 6 September 1979
729937 Tpr KING, S. E. - 6 September 1979
123027 Tpr NEASHAM, C. J. - 6 September 1979
730099 Tpr PROSSER, D. R. - 6 September 1979
Capt M. F. iPearce - 26 June 1979
Capt J. M. du Plooy - 6 September 1979
On the 6th September 1979 eight serving members of the Battalion and an ERE officer were killed, in the crash of an aircraft during a raid into Mozambique. The bodies of the men were destroyed in the crash and so could not be recovered. In order that the battalion could pay its last respects to its fallen comrades, a memorial services was held in front of the RLI memorial statue on the 12th of September.
Those remembered with honour were:
Capt J. M. du Plooy
Cpl Fry, G. H.
Tpr Briel, J. A.
Tpr Coleman, A. J.
Tpr Crow, J. M.
Tpr Enslin, B. L.
Tpr King, S. E.
Tpr Neasham, C. J.
Tpr Prosser, D. R.
The service before the Statue was attended by over a thousand relatives and friends. The Government was represented by several ministers, including the Acting Prime Minister, Mr Edward Mazaiwana. Representatives of the Security Forces were headed by the Commander of Combined Operations, Lt
Gen Peter Walls GLM, DCD, MBE, a former CO of the Battalion.
Maj the Rev C. W. A. Blakeway and Maj the Rev A. Smith conducted the service. During his address Maj Blakeway (the RLI Padre), reminded everyone present of the need to live life to the fullest and highest possible standard. Only in this way could we hope in some way to repay the debt which we owed to the men who had died defending our country. He pointed out that whilst we may grieve, we could also draw strength and resolution from their death by harkening to the cause for which they had died. The greatest tribute we could pay to our fallen comrades was to become better people, and that we could do so only by trusting in God. Following the address, three volleys were sounded by a firing party after which a two-minute silence
was observed. Two trumpeters from the Band of the Rhodesian Corps of SignaJs played the Last Post and Reveille, Members of the Security Forces then came forward in solemn file to salute the Statue in paying their last respects to the fallen.
The Signals Band, which had played the hymn, "For all the Saints" at the beginning of the service, then played the Regimental March, "The Saints". This was quite appropriate when one remembers that it was first played by jazz bands after funerals in New Orleans.
by Lt C. Naude

In April 2009 a team led by Rick Van Malsen located the crash site of the Puma helicopter.
Rick story and photographs can be read/viewed at the link below:-

Chic - Chick

Photograph: Mike Blackman
In 1960 it was derided for the first time to include a Regular European Battalion in the Army order of battle and is a result No. 1 Training Unit was established at Brady Barracks, Bulawayo. No. 1 Training Unit not only provided personnel for the Battalion, which was formed later, but also provided personnel for C Squadron, The Special Air Service, and thevSelous Scouts a reconnaissance squadron.
The 1st Battalion, The Rhodesran Light Infantry, was officially formed on 1st February, 1961. This day is now recognised as the Regimental Birthday.
In the latter pari of 1961, the Battalion moved from Bulawayo to the new barracks in Salisbury, Cranborne
Barracks, having just returned from operations on the Northern Rhodesia-Congo border.
In 1964, the organisation and role of the Battalion was changed from the conventional infantry unit to a Commando Battalion. The wearing of the Green Beret was also introduced.
Colours were presented to the Battalion on 19th June, 1963, by the then Governor, Sir Humphrey Gibbs, K.G.M.C., O.B.E., on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
On 27th June, 1970, the Regimental Colour was trooped before the Prime Minister, The Honourable I. D. Smith, I.D.
Regimental traditions which form an important part of Battalion life, are gradually being built up. Two are noteworthy, namely the Regimental Quick March, "The Saints", and the mascot — the Cheetah.
For the past few years the Battalion has borne the brunt of border control operations in Mashonaland and has been engaged in numerous, most successful operations against terrorist gangs that have infiltrated into Rhodesia.
(a) To establish liaison between the Regiment, E.R.E. and ex-members.
(b) To nurture the traditions of the Regiment.
(c) To organise social functions for re-union of all ex-RLI E.R.E. members.
(d) To rehabilitate wounded ex-soldiers.
(e) To render guidance to members leaving the Regiment.
(f) To offer welfare assistance to widows.
(g) To assist with the Public Relations of the Regiment.
(h) To raise funds.
(i) To implement any projects which may, from time to time, be approved by the National Executive Committee.
Branches at:
Head Office:
Life Membership:
He must have served irt the Regiment and badged R.L.I.
He must pay Life Membership Subscription of Thirty Dollars ($30,00)
Full Membership:
He must have served in the Regiment and badged R.L.I.
He must pay Annual Subscription of Three Dollars ($3,00) per calendar year.
Associate Membership:
He must have served in the Regiment for a minimum period
of one year, as an attached personnel; in other words, any other Corps other than R.L.I.
He must pay Annual Subscription of Three Dollars ($3,00) per calendar year

The following advertisements appeared in this issue of the Cheetah.

Text reads:-
Vacancies exist In the Army for -.uitably qualified young men who wish to take up Trade Training in January. 1980. Applications will be called for In October, 1979 and those consdered suitable will be called for Interview and selection in November. 1979
A minimum of two "O" levels are required. English and Maths being essential. However, preference will be given to those with "M" and "A" levels which will enable successful candidates to pursue their Trade Training to Technician status or even Graduate level.
Candidates should be between the age of seventeen and twenty years as at 1st January, 1980.
Candidates will have to pass a medIcaL examination.
Basic military training will be undertaken in January, 1980 and will last for approximately 20 weeks.
Trade Training will commence alter a satisfactory standard of basic military training has been achiovod.
Training which Includes attendance at Salisbury Polytechnic and other training establishments will be both theoretical and practical
Vacancies exist for:
Vehicle Mechanics (petrol and diesel)
Auto Electricians
Panel Beaters and Spray Painters
Instrument Technicians
Armourers (fitting and turning)
Ammunition Technicians.
Schools that have students interested in taking up a military trade career can arrange for a visit to the school by an Army team by contacting:
Deputy Director RhASC,
Army Headquarters,
Private Bag 7720,
Lt. Col. P. B. Gilchrist

Extracted and recompiled by Eddy Norris for use on Our Rhodesian Heritage blog from scanned images made available by Ken Reed. Thank you Ken.
COmments are always welcome, send them to Eddy Norris at