Monday 9 December 2013

Sir Roy's Farewell Parade

Parade was held at Glamis  Stadium on the December 08, 1963.

Sadly the cover from this programme was lost so we start at page 1

H.M Queen Elizabeth

Sir Humphrey Vicary Gibbs, GCVO, KCMG, OBE, PC

Sir Roy Welensky KCMG - Federal Prime Minister

The Deputy Prime Minister,
Minister of Economic Affairs,
Minister of Defence and
Minister of Power
The Hon. Sir Malcom Barrow,
C.B.E., M.P.

Foreword by the Minister of Defence
It is naturally with very mixed feelings that I will be watching this final parade of the Rhodesia and Nyasaland Army, but it is indeed a fitting tribute that such a parade should be held in honour of the Federal Prime Minister.

The Federal Army has built up a magnificent tradition and standard of morale and efficiency in the ten short years of Federation.

Although this force is now to be split. I am confident that its members will serve in their new roles with the Governments of Her Majesty's Service to the same high degree that they served the Federal Government, and I would like to take this opportunity of  wishing them well in their future careers.

FOREWORD by Major General J. Anderson, C.B.E.
Chief of General Staff
Rhodesia and Nyasaland Army

Today is for us a memorable but sad occasion. Memorable in that we have all units of the Rhodesia and Nyasaland Army represented on parade, but sad because it is the last time that this will happen, and because we are saying farewell to the Federal Prime Minister—who has played such a prominent part in building up and equipping our Army to what it is today

The officers and men of the Army are proud of their association with Sir Roy and will always treasure the memory of one who showed the keenest interest in our activities and who gave us his unlimited support, whatever the circumstances.

To Sir Roy and Lady Welensky we say 'Farewell' and wish them the very best in the future.

To all ranks of the Army, many of whom will be serving in other Armies, I would like to say that we hope to continue some form of affiliation with you. even if only through the medium of sporting activities or weapon meetings.

Good luck to you all

The Rhodesia and Nyasaland Army is represented on Parade by]

No. I Detachment
The Rhodesia and Nyasaland Corps of Engineers and The Rhodesia and Nyasaland Corps of Signals

No. 2 Detachment
1St  Battalion The Kings African Rifles (Central Africa Rifles)

No. 3 Detachment
2nd Battalion The Kings African Rifles (Central Africa Rifles)

No. 4 Detachment
1st Battalion The Northern Rhodesia Regiment

No. 5 Detachment
1st Battalion The Rhodesian African Rifles

No. 6 Detachment
1st Battalion The Rhodesian Light Infantry

No. 7 Detachment
'C Squadron The Rhodesian Special Air Service Regiment

No. 8 Detachment
Representing the Territorial force: Depot The Royal Rhodesia Regiment

No. 9 Detachment
Rhodesia and Nyasaland Army Services Corps

Keeping the Ground
The Rhodesia and Nyasaland Medical Corps
The Rhodesia and Nyasaland Army Pay Corps

Escort to the Reviewing Officer
The Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment (Selous Scouts)

The Parade forms up on the Inspection Line facing the Saluting Dais, in the Order of Precedence shown in the Parade State. The Keepers of the Ground are posted on the perimeter

The Reviewing Officer, escorted by; Ferret Scout Cars of the Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment (Selous Scouts) arrives and is received with a General Salute. Only the Regimental Colours on, Parade are lowered in salute. The lowering of She Queen's Colour is an honour reserved for Royal Personages and certain of H.M. The Queen's representatives.

The Parade Commander invites the Reviewing Officer to inspect the Parade.

The Parade marches past the Reviewing Officer in Slow and Quick Time.

As for the General Salute, only the Regimental Colour is allowed to 'fly' during the Salutes on the march.

The Chief of General Staff presents the Federal Prime Minister with a plough and a disc harrow, bought with subscriptions from members of both the Regular and Territorial Forces.

After the presentation, the Chief of General Staff orders "Three Cheers" for Sir Roy Welensky, in which spectators are invited to join.

The massed hands of the 1st Battalion The Kings African Rifles, the 2nd Battalion The Kings African Rifles and the 1st Battalion The Rhodesian African Rifles give a display of marching and counter-marching.

Representative aircraft from each squadron of the Royal Rhodesian Air Force fly past by squadrons.

A General Salute is given to the Reviewing Officer on his departure.

The Colours arc marched off the Parade.

The Parade will finally march past the Chief of General Staff and off Parade.

Spectators are requested to stand and gentlemen to remove hats—
When Colours are marched on and off;
When the Colours pass during the March Past and on
The arrival and departure of the Reviewing Officer.

All spectators are requested to remain in their seats until the last troops have left the Parade Ground.

Major F K. Horne; Rhodesia and Nyasaland Engineer
Major. P J. English. Rhodesia and Nyasaland Signals
Warrant Officer (Class 1) T. Brider Rhodesia and Nyasaland Engineers

Lieutenant Colonel T. P. J Lewis
Captain M. C. C. Prichard
Ensign of the Regimental Colour. Second Lieutenant T. H. Hammond
Lieutenant (Bandmaster) F. Sutton
Regimental Sergeant Major T. A. Ruane
Regimental Sergeant Major Garnett Kafinya. B.E.M.

Lieutenant Colonel T. L. Passaportis
Major R. D. Rowell
Ensign of the Queen's Colour. Lieutenant P. J. E. Hill
Ensign of the Regimental Colour, Second Lieutenant D. I. Pullar
Lieutenant (Bandmaster) L. P. Smith, D.C.M.
Regimental Sergeant Major G. Walsh
Regimental Sergeant Major John Mpopo. B.F.M.

Lieutenant Colonel P. D. Slater
Major D. P. Wilcock
Ensign of Ihe Queen's Colour. Lieutenant G. C. Raubenheimer
Ensign of the Regimental Colour, Second Lieutenant I. R. Bate
Regimental Sergeant Major R. H. Hurst
Regimental Sergeant Major Lameck Mbewe. B.E.M

Major G. J. Macpherson
Major C. J. Horn
Ensign of the Queen's Colour Lieutenant M. G. Bowman
Ensign of the Regimental Colour. Lieutenant P. J. E. Hill
Regimental Sergeant Major J. P. H. Fourie
Regimental Sergeant Major Malambo, B.E.M.

Lieutenant Colonel R. A. Edwards, D.S.O, M.C
Major P. A. Conn
Regimental Sergeant Major R. F. Reid-Daly. M.B.E.

Major F. W. D. Coventry Rhodesian Light Infantry
Captain P. S. Rich
Squadron Sergeant Major R. H. G. Standish. B.E.M.

Lieutenant Colonel J. A. Veiteh. Rhodesian African Rifles
Captain E. B. Cutter. Rhodesian African Rifles
Regimental Sergeant Major R. P. Du Preez. Kings African Rifles

Major E. A. Bean
Captain S. H. Forsyth
Warrant Officer (Class I), H. P. Schlachter


The Selous Scouts were formed in February. I960, one of the three all- European Regular Force units formed at that time. The unit, which is one squadron Strong, is equipped with Ferret Scout Cars and is stationed at Ndola. under the command of Major P. F. Miller.
In 1963 an affiliation with the 11th Hussars was announced and the regiment was permitted to wear the Battle Honour "The Second  World War" awarded to the Southern Rhodesia Armoured Car Regiment

The Regiment which is commanded by Major P. F. Miller is to be disbanded on the dissolution of the Army and the Scout Cars divided between Southern Rhodesia and Northern Rhodesia


Prior TO The outbreak Of the last war. Southern Rhodesia Light Battery was formed. The majority of its early members left the Colony in February, 1940. to serve with the 4th Field "Regiment -Royal Horse Artillery in North Africa and Italy. In 1940, a new Gunner Unit was formed under Colonel A. H. Macillwaine and iis members saw service in the Anti-Tank and Field Artillery Units of the South African Forces in North Africa and Italy. When Territorial training was re-started in 1947, the Southern Rhodesia Artillery was formed and played an active part until placed in suspended animation in 1956.

In 1959, a Volunteer Ceremonial Saluting Troop was formed, and named "The Governor General's Troop". The majority of its members were ex-members of the Southern Rhodesia Artillery.

In November, 1961, the First Regiment was reactivated, absorbing the Governor General's Troop.

The Regiment, which is equipped with 25-pounder guns, is based in Salisbury. The Unit is commanded by Lieutenant Colonel E. R.  Fothergill. O.B.E., M.C. E.D and will return to the Southern Rhodesia order of battle.


The Rhodesia and Nyasaland Corps of Engineers was founded in 1957, in succession to the Southern Rhodesia Engineers which were placed in suspended animation in 1956.

In these days of science and mechanical power, military engineering is highly varied. It has one firm purpose- to support the Army throughout the theatre of war and to make sure it gets the engineering it needs to live, to move and to fight.

The Rhodesia and Nyasaland Corps of Engineers are organized as follows:

This squadron fulfils the prime function of construction and maintenance of military installations. It comprises both European and African Engineers.


This squadron supports the Army in the field in all field engineering, demolitions, airfield and road construction, bridging and water supply, Field Engineers are trained in Salisbury by the Regular Officers and NCOs of the Corps. The Director of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Engineers is Major F. H. Rose.

The Rhodesia and Nyasaland Corps of Signals succeeded the Southern Rhodesia Signal Corps in 1957. The Corps is responsible for all communications within the Army, except internal unit communications, and for the maintenance and repair of all signal equipment in the Army.-

The Corps consists of—

No 2 and 4 (Lines of Communication) Signal Squadron and the School of Signals, which comprise both European and African personnel.

No. 5 and 6 Signal Squadrons. The Corps will revert to the Southern Rhodesia Order of Battle. Elements of Signals will be included in the Northern Rhodesia Order of Battle. The Director of Signals is Lieutenant Colonel D H. Grainger, O.B.E. E.D.


The first levies of this battalion were raised from the Atonga at the end of the nineteenth century for the purpose of suppressing the slave trading of the Yaos. Further companies of Anyanja and Yao were soon added. At this time, the regiment was designated the "The Central Africa Regiment" but this title was changed to "Kings African Rifles" in 1901. Instruction in the early days was carried out by Sikh non-commissioned officers, a photograph of one of whom appears on this page.

The battalion look part in the quelling of the Ashanti rising, in 19(H). It subsequently served with distinction in both world wars,seeing active service in Somaliland, Abyssinia, Madagascar and Burma. Since World War 2 the battalion has seen active service in Malaya.

In 1957 the Regiment was re-designated "Kings African Rifles (Central Africa Rifles)".

This battalion which is commanded by Lieutenant Colonel T. P. J. Lewis will remain in Nyasaland after the dissolution of the Federation.


This battalion's history is closely allied to that of the first Battalion. It was formed in 1899, with the nucleus of its first companies provided by the First Battalion- It served with distinction in the same theatres as its older sister. On the dissolution, this battalion willbecome the Second Battalion of the Northern Rhodesia Regiment; because of this, its Colours, shown on this page, are to be "laid up" in Zomba before the battalion rebadges in January. 1964. The battalion is commanded by Lieutenant Colonel T. L. Passaportis.

When the Charter Company look over the administration of Northern Rhodesia in 1895. two police forces were formed, the North Eastern Rhodesia Constabulary and the Barotse Native Police, in North West Rhodesia. In 1911, when North Eastern and North Western Rhodesia were combined, these police forces combined to form the Northern Rhodesia Police. This force consisted of a small  section of Town and District Police and a larger military company.

The military branch saw active service throughout the 1914-18 War. In April. 1932, the police and military branches split and the title "Northern Rhodesia Regiment" was adopted a year later. The Regiment saw service in the Second World War in Africa and Burma, and in Malaya since the war

The Battalion is stationed near Ndola and is commanded by Lieutenant Colonel F. D. Slater. It will return to the Northern Rhodesia  Order of Battle on the dissolution of the Federation.

In May, 1940. it was decided to form an African Regiment in the Colony of Southern Rhodesia, just as it had the Rhodesian Native  Regiment in the 1914-18 War.

The Battalion first saw active service in Burma, during the Second World War. It went to Egypt in 1952, in a General Duties capacity, and after retraining went to Malaya, on active service, in 1956.

In 1952. Her Majesty The Queen approved that the Regiment should succeed to the Battle Honours of the Rhodesia Native Regiment, which are now emblazoned on its Colours, with the Battle Honours awarded to the Regiment in the Second World War.

The Regiment, which is stationed in Bulawayo, will return to the Southern Rhodesia Order of Battle. It is commanded by Lieutenant Colonel S B. Comberbach.

The Regiment was formed at Bulawayo on the 1st February. 1960, and is the first Regular European battalion ever to be formed in the Federation. The Badge of the Regiment is a silver lion and tusk, surmounted by a crown above a Light Infantry bugle.

The Battalion moved to a new barracks in Salisbury in October, 1961.

This unit is commanded by Lieutenant Colonel R. A. Edwards, D.S.O., MC., and will become part of the Southern Rhodesia Order of Battle on the dissolution of the Federation.

This Regular Force European Squadron was formed at the same lime as the Selous Scouts and the Rhodesian Light Infantry.

Its picked men arc trained for delivery by sea. air or land in the deep penetration reconnaissance and raiding role.

A Volunteer SAS Squadron from Southern Rhodesia served in Malaya in 1951; also under the title of "C" Squadron.

The present Squadron, which is stationed at Ndola, under the command of Major E. W. D. Coventry, will become part or the Southern Rhodesia Order of Battle and will he stationed in Salisbury after the dissolution of the Federation.

This is the Training Depot of the Royal Rhodesia Regiment. It was opened in October, 1955, at Llewellin Barracks, Heany. Here, trainees undergo four and a half months continuous training under regular instructors of the Federal Army. On completion of this period, trainees are posted to the Territorial Force Units to complete their Peace Training Liability.

This Unit will continue to provide the same service to the Southern Rhodesia Army after the dissolution of the Federation. It is commanded by Lieutenant Colonel J. A. Veitch.

Trainees on parade today are representing the whole of the Territorial Force.

The Regiment is represented today by Depot, The Royal Rhodesia Regiment Its history dated to the 1890 Pioneer Column which consisted of the Pioneer Corps and the British South Africa Company Police.

The Pioneer Corps became the military ancestors of various volunteer units which, after taking part in the Matabele War of 1893 and the Rebellion of 1896, gave rise to the Southern Rhodesia Volunteers. From these volunteers a unit, the Rhodesia Regiment, was formed, for service in the South African War of 1899-1902, where it assisted in the Relief of Mafeking and took part in the Elands River Battle.

During World War 1, the Regiment served in South West Africa and Tanganyika. The Colours and Battle Honours of these regimentswere transferred to the present regiment in 1927. During the Second World War. personnel of the Regiment were drafted into the British Army and Colonial Units and saw service in every theatre of war In recognition of this world wide service and the war service of earlier Rhodesia Regiments His Majesty King George VI conferred the title "Royal" on the Regiment in 1947.

The Regiment has nine battalions, four of which are "Active" and the remainder Reserve battalions. The Battalions in Southern Rhodesia remain on the new Order of Battle. After the 31st May 1964. service in the Northern Rhodesia Territorial Force will be non- racial and on a voluntary basis

The Chaplains Department cares for the spiritual needs of servicemen, their wives and families. Chaplains cover the Church of England, Roman Catholic Dutch Reformed and Free Church Denominations.

Catechists work amongst African personnel in the Battalions. and a large number of Officiating Chaplains are always available to those who require guidance and advice on any problem The Deputy Assistant Chaplain General is (Rev.) B. Nisbet. M.A., BD

The Rhodesia and Nyasaland Medical Corps inherited its tradition from the Southern Rhodesia Medical Corps.. formed for war service in  1939. and which served in East Africa before being absorbed into the Royal Army Medical Corps The Southern Rhodesia Medical Corps  was revived after the war as a Territorial Force Unit, with companies in Salisbury and Bulawayo. It was placed in 'cold storage' in 1957.

The Rhodesia and Nyasaland Medical Corps was gazetted as a Regular Corps of Ihe Federal Army on 8 February. 1957, and was affiliated to the Royal Army Medical Corps in December. 1957. It was greatly honoured in May, 1960, when, in Salisbury, H.M. The Queen Mother presented! to the Corps an historic Royal Army Medical Corps sword, dating back to June 23, 1898.

The task of the Corps is to supply medical and health services to Regular members of the Federal Army and Royal Rhodesian Air Force, and their dependants.

In addition, the re-embodied Southern Rhodesia Medical Corps Territorial Force Medical Officers and Other Ranks, are part of the Corps and are permanently attached to Territorial Force Battalions, for whom they supply medical facilities during training periods or on operations.

The Corps will continue in its task of medical care for the new Southern Rhodesian Army and Air Force The Deputy Director of Medical Services is Colonel R. H. Bathgate-Johnston, T.D.

The Rhodesia and Nyasaland Army Services Corps provides Ihe Army's material needs and is divided into three main branches

Ordnance and Supply (Regular Force)—is concerned with the provision and control of all Army supplies and equipment;

Workshop (Regular force)—maintain and repair the vehicles, weapons and instruments in use in the Army, The Workshops' stall are all qualified tradesmen;

Supply and Transport {Regular and Territorial Force)—embodies a regular Askari Platoon and two Territorial Force Coloured Afro-Asian and Eurasian Platoons. There is also a Territorial Force Air Supply Unit, to assist in supporting Units in the field.

Various Territorial Force elements support the Ordnance and Workshop Units.

The Corps will continue to form part of the Southern Rhodesia Order of Battle. The Director Army Services Corps is Lieutenant Colonel  F. A. Amos.

Whatever their role in the Army, all soldiers must be paid, and the Pay Corps issues and accounts for all military pay and allowances.

To fulfil this task. No. 1 Pay Unit provides the staff of the main Pay Office and unit paymasters and clerks in each unit. It has a Territorial Force element to augment the Regular Unit.

The Corps also maintains all Regular. Territorial and Reserve personnel records; No. 1 Records Unit is staffed by members of the Rhodesia and Nyasaland Infantry, attached for this purpose. In all. some 200,000 personal records and pay accounts are maintained.
A number of personnel files will be returned to Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland, which will maintain pay and records elements. The Corps will revert to the Southern Rhodesia Order of Battle. The Chief Paymaster is Lieutenant Colonel V. T. Bratton.

Formed in July, 1961, from the Education Branch of the Rhodesia and Nyasaland Corps of Infantry, the Corps is responsible for the Education of all Askari and their children, at primary level.

Under the auspices of the Corps there are children's Schools and Unit Education Centres in all African Units. The Depot Rhodesia and Nyasaland Army Education Corps at Inkomo Garrison undertakes the specialist training of clerks and educational instructors and the education of the Junior Leader Unit at Secondary level.

The Corps will continue to provide this service for the Southern Rhodesia Army, with the exception of the Junior Leader Unit, which is to be discontinued. The Director of Army Education is Major E. G. Thomas.


Thanks to Rob Thurman (RhAF) for making the scanned images available to ORAFs.

For ease of reference and reading, ORAFs has included the text from each image

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At 9 December 2013 at 20:34 , Blogger Swanditch said...

Question: If the parade was held in 1953, why does the text refer to units having been founded in 1960 and 1961?

At 10 December 2013 at 07:53 , Blogger Rhodesia Remembered said...

My error - Parade was in 1963.
Eddy Norris

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At 16 May 2020 at 11:08 , Blogger Unknown said...

Are there any photos of the 1963 parade held in Glamis Stadium. I was right hand marker of the RR Depot unit representing the RRR on the parade. I recollect a photo in the Sunday Mail after the parade in which our unit was clearly 'on parade'. Grateful if any photos are available.


Terry Pearse

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