Slipstream Magazine
The Airman's Magazine
Published from Thornhill every Friday.
(All editorial communications should be addressed to the Editor, R.A.F., Thornhill, Gwelo; business matters to the President, Editorial Board, Thornhill.)
Vol. 4. No. 20. Registered at the G.P.O. as a Newspaper PRICE 3d.
WHEN the R.A.F. first settled in Rhodesia, many airmen adopted the
practice of sending gifts to friends and relations in Britain. Many
a man surreptitiously enclosed a pair of silk stockings or some
cosmetics in his letters to his best girl, wife or mother. But
gradually over the last nine months he has found increasing
difficulties in obtaining the majority of commodities. Traders
became wise to the practice of airmen of sending gifts home, as did
the Customs authorities. 'To prevent the Rhodesian women from being
completely stocking-less, many firms introduced their own form of
rationing and kept their small stocks of this commodity for their
regular customers.
The popular practice of sending periodic parcels of foodstuffs
overseas has also been very much restricted. When we first came to
the Colony foodstuffs were plentiful and easily obtainable. Many
large stores made up "gift parcels" for home and the choice was
wide. Such commodities as butter, sugar and tea were sent to our
families at regular intervals to help them eke out their restricted
menu. Firms in the Union announced schemes whereby they would pack
and despatch parcels of foodstuffs to addresses abroad on receipt of
a postal order. It became the practice of air- men in the Colony to
put so much of their pay on one side each month to cover the expense
of sending gifts to Britain.
Then a form of rationing was introduced into Rhodesia. We could no
longer include certain commodities in our food parcels. The Union
began to limit its exports since the feeding and equipping of troops
up North monopolised such a large proportion of its products. No
longer did firms undertake to send food parccls overseas. Airmen in
the Colony had to make up their own packages providing their own
paper and other packing materials.
Recently a new law has practically stepped the sending of gifts
home. A list of goods which are not exportable from the Colony has
been issued and this includes foodstuffs such as tea, coffee,
condensed milk, mustard and pepper, as well as commodities such as
toilet requisites (including cosmetics), razor blades, hosiery,
footwear and clothing of all descriptions.
It is with regret that we learn of this new ruling, but we realise
the necessity for these wartime measures and know that airmen will
accept them in the best spirit possible.
These inconveniences, however, are small indeed when compared with
the privations suffered by the oppressed nations of Europe. It has
been said that 18,000,000 people in Europe are facing the
possibility of death by starvation this winter and a further
54,000,000 will suffer the greatest privations, with
steeply-increased mortality from resulting ill-health.
Belgium, for example, stands appalled at the prospect of the coming
winter months in which, it is feared, people will die in every
Belgian city of stark hunger. In Denmark and Holland nearly 80 per
cent, of the livestock has been slaughtered over the past two years
to make up for the deficiencies in feeding stuffs and cereals. In
Norway coal supplies have, each winter, been commandeered and sent
to Germany. Over the winters of war also all the French and
Norwegian cattle have been destroyed for feeding purposes. This
cannot be done twice.
By their advance into Russia the Nazis have destroyed the largest
granary in Europe—the Ukraine. Before the war Russia provided a
large part of the cereals needed by European nations, but to-day the
Russians have difficulty in remaining self-supporting and cannot
afford to export. As a result Hitler cannot obtain the food to feed
his "conquered" nations.
Whatever small inconveniences we may have to experience out here,
whatever new rationing schemes are introduced at home, they are as
nothing compared with the famine and disease that Hitler has sent
riding across Europe in his mad lust for power.
In the last war Germany was beaten mainly through our food blockade
and mass starvation among its peoples. Perhaps once again this may
be the main means of the collapse of the Nazi tyranny.
ANSWERS to examination questions have always been popular subjects
for scribes like myself, who are too unoriginal to make up their own
stories. But " 1066 and All That" was a best-seller, so here are
some examination stories which have come to light recently.
" What are the advantages and disadvantages of night flying?" ran
one question.
" I can't imagine a single advantage," wrote one pupil, " but the
disadvantages are all located in the layer of air about 30 feet from
the ground down to ground level."
"Pilots will wear parachutes at all times when flying, and
invariably when abandoning the aircraft," wrote another candidate.
You try it without!
"The engine drives the propeller," was the breathtaking statement on
one answer paper, and it continued, " but in the case of a constant
speed airscrew, if the engine ceases to fire, the propeller will
continue to turn." Perpetual motion? Inventions department take
necessary action.
That's enough of " Pupil Howlers" for this week, and the next howl
will come from that fellow " Sky Pilot " who pinched my page last
week while I was on leave.
Is nothing safe?
" The greater the angle of bank," said the instructor, " the greater
the loads on the aeroplane and pilot. For example, if we carry out a
turn with 75 degrees of bank, the load is four times what it was in
level flight."
The pupil pondered on this for a moment.
Then he said: " I see .... if I have a quarterpound block of
chocolate in my pocket, and I bank the aircraft 75 degrees, I've got
a one-pound block instead."
Lord Woolton please note!
" 3539 Dual?" called an instructor to the timekeeper.
" But we haven't a machine of that number, sir!"
"Machine?" said the instructor. "Don't he a fool! That's my girl's
telephone number, and I want you to remind me to call her up when I
get back."
My recent note about the chap who hit the target so many times with
his practice bombs that he was charged with " damage to Air Force
property," has come true in the shape of the pupil who recently got
an average error of one yard in four bombs doing Low Level! No
charge preferred, of course.
"It can not be revealed that there were more than 2,000 vessels
involved in the landing operations." (" The Bulawayo Chronicle," re
Maybe there were less. Oh—this secret war!----
It has just been revealed that there's a pupil who thinks you cut
the throttle and glide when you get in the " Green " on the Glide
Path Indicator.
Depends on the A.C.P.OUR "DUMB" FRIENDS
CPL. TWISTLEBOTHAM met a friend of his the other day who is a
"free-lance" journalist.
"What are you doing with yourself nowadays?" asked the Corporal.
"I'm working on my autobiography," said the journalist."What's it about?" asked Twistlebotham.
THE Flight Sergeant takes a great interest in me. The other day he
said: "Here YOU . . . . I can't remember your name .... how long
have you been an A/C2?"
"Three years," I said brightly.
"Three .... three years!" He ran his hand over his eyes. "My sainted
Then he looked at me and said: "There's a Trade Test Board next
week. You're on it. And if you don't pass
If you knew our Flight Sergeant you'd know why I trembled.
They gave me a piece of metal and a sketch of a square with a hole
in the middle cf it. The fellow at the next bench explained the
genera! idea.
"You file your piece of metal till it's the same as the drawing," he
I saw light. "With a hole in the middle, too?" I asked.
"With a hole in the middle," he replied im-patiently.
To cut a long story short I filed and filed at the beastly thing. It
got high in the middle and, when I got that down, it had risen at
the sides, but eventually it came to bear a slight resemblance to
the paper sketch.
Then another difficulty arose and I again consulted my friend on the
next bench.
"How do I get the hole in the middle?" I asked.
"Well," says he, "go down to Workshops and ask for the drill that
bores square holes."
"Oh!" I said, and sped for Workshops.
You know there should be a law against such fellows.
I had not recovered my temper when they took me before the officer
who was to give me my
"Now," said he, "how would you clear a choked jet?"
"Blow the jet!" I wasn't in the mood for questions.
"That's right," he said. "You'd attempt to remove the obstruction by
blowing. And now name me a unit of electrical power?"
"A what?" I echoed.
"A watt. That's right. You're doing well.
Now what must you remember before running up a machine?"
"Shucks!" I said.
"Yes—you must have chocks in front of the wheels." Then he said:
"Well, you seem to know everything .... send in the next fellow."
I never thought that I should be
An L/A/C with one G.C.!!
MARY had a little bear,
To which she was so kind,
And everywhere that Mary went.
You'd see her bear behind.
![]() |
"How Do I Look?' |
Owing to the unfortunate death of Air Commodore J. W. B.
Grigson, D.S.O., D.F.C., Acting Air Officer Commanding the Rhodesian
Air Training Group, Group-Captain R. J. Clare-Hunt reassumes command
of RA.F. Thornhill.
To the Editor.
Sir,—We were rather amused by the letter criticising your editorial
"Words of Wisdom." The writer could hardly have understood the
meaning of your article. Perhaps the words were too long for him.
In any case the last paragraph of his letter was even more absurd
than any misunderstanding there might have been caused by the
editorial. He says there is an "absence of wild and foolish
speaking'—on R.A.F stations." Let him come up to our flights some
time just after a soccer or rugby match. Come, too, after a cinema
show or after a recent kit inspection. He would hear things then
that would make him wonder whether he was living in a R.A.F. camp or
at a madhouse.
Or let him start an argument in his hut or billet. A good tip is to
start criticising a man's home town or his nationality. Instead of
considering the matter rationally or agreeing with some of the
arguments, he will more than likely hear that man shouting at the
top of his voice, trying to drown his neighbour, and coming out with
the most absurd statements possible.
Think again, Mr. Flight Mechanic!—Yours, etc.,
"TWO ERK3," Cranborne.
To the Editor.
Sir,—May I take the liberty of writing a few lines to P.H.C. of
Kumalo, whose letter you published last week. It appears that he is
not very conversant with good poetry otherwise he would know that my
verse was in iambic pentameter.
Nevertheless, I appreciate his congratulations and thank him. I can
assure him, however, that I am not still suffering from the kick on
the head, and he must remember that " Stonewalls take a lot of
knocking down."
By the way, P.H.C., I hear that you are now married. If this is so,
will you confirm so that I can dedicate a poem to you and your wife.
Ah—married bliss.—Yours, etc.,
To the Editor.
Sir,—Referring to a recent editorial of yours on the R.A.T.G. Art
Exhibition that is being held shortly, I should like to inform your
readers that the exhibition will be divided into nine sections.
These cover landscapes, portraits, still life, etchings and
woodcuts, black and white sketches, caricatures and cartoons,
posters and designs, crafts and modelling and Snally photographs.
It has also been announced that the wives of R.A.F. men may
participate.—Yours, etc.,
How else would you say it?
By "Sky-Pilot."
A GROVE of fir trees steepling a hill," was a literary descriptive
classic I came across in one of Dornford Yates's books recently.
What finer phrase could be used to conjure up in the reader's mind a
picture more graphic than that contained within those seven words?
Most of us have seen what can be done by a few strokes of the
artist's brush or the caricaturist's charcoal. The picture seems to
leap out from the paper and hit us in the face. A similar sudden
creation lies within the power of the author's psn, ready to darzie
the mind with a lightning delineation of scene or circumstance,
which is nothing less than genius.
All too rarely do we discover such gems, and to very few indeed is
that glittering creative spark given. Doubtlessly, many of us pass
over the brief words lying hidden within the prosiness of a long
paragraph, or else we lose them in the sudden starting of an
adventurous avalanche. But when they are caught and held, there
arises an undeniable demand to read and re-read the terse phrase,
until it becomes so securely seated in the mind as to defy memory's
What, for example, could exceed Clemence Dane's pen-flick
description of the "cold shoulder" "We met and she thought I was a
piece of glass"; or Mary Rinehart's caustic: "He's a very small
patch on the seat of government"?
By way of contrast, we have Rebecca West's delicious: "A little
nosegay of an old lady," giving a very different picture from Dale
Collins's: "A scorpion of a woman, stinging her way through life."
In a more matrimonial sphere, comes Helen Hull's vivid miniature of
the matutinal rite: "His breakfast was an affair of a hand groping
out from behind a paper," and G.W.D.'s ambiguous: " Wherever he sat
was the head of the table."
How great is the antithesis between the women created by
Thackeray's: "She entered as quietly as a sunbeam," and Ellen
Glasgow's: "She was regarded less as a women than as a memorable
occasion." For sheer suggestion of physical outline, the following
takes some beating: " His Adam's apple slipped a cog." "Already a
second edition of his chin had been published." "She was built in
terraces." "A fat hand corseted with rings."
While for masterstrokes of movement we have Stephenson's majestic: "
Clouds: the travelling mountains of the sky"; equalled only by Anne
Parrish's sleek "The cat poured itself through the fence." A
humorous comparison is O. Henry's ballroom pen-picture: " Across the
floor they sailed, a coquettish yacht convoyed by a stately
Perhaps with a more popular appeal is Graeme's super summing up of a
girl with oodles of S.A. as:
" An appendix girl, the kind that gets taken out." These are a few
samples of the gems adorning the crowns and coronets of the better
known literary luminaries. There are many others as yet not
disinterred from the unturned earth of lesser known works. We
collect all sorts of things, from bugs to beer cans and birds' eggs;
why not join the ranks of those who find a greater thrill in
unearthing a literary gem than the Egyptologist who unearthed
A collection of well-turned phrases and priceless pieces of
picturesque speech is a thing of joy and living beauty for ever.
R.A.F. Cranborne sent down fifteen competitors for the Rhodesian
Eisteddfod held this week, and as a result took away several awards.
The Cranborne singers, conducted by Sgt. Gathergood, gained a first
class in the Choir section, and two awards for their Male Voice
Quartette. Their Glee Singers, consisting of F/O Perry, Cpl.
Griffiths, L/A/C Bignell and L/A/C Work, also, won a first class.
Of the Individual events, both Cpl. Griffiths and L/A/C Lewis won a
first class in the Bass section, while Griffiths came first and
Lewis second in the Open Bass section.
In the Art section, Sgt. Oliver of Heany, exhibited three
watercolours, which were commended.
Other competitors were F/Sgt. Smith, L/A/C Hatfield, and A/C Hancox
of Bulawayo, and on the whole airmen put up a good show at this Rhodesian
WHILE not possessing the scenic beauty of many English counties,
Esses has many attractions to offer the tourist. The county is
bounded on the west by London itself, while the Thames forms the
south and south-western boundary- On the north and north-east it is
separated from its neighbour Suffolk by the Stour and the glorious
Constable country, while its eastern edge is the North Sea.
There could be no more fitting start to a description of the
Constable country. The Stour running to a joint estuary with
Suffolk's Orwell, is the boundary mark and the famous ariist's
favourite haunts—the sleepy little villages of Dedham, Flatford and
Stratford St. Mary—have all been subjects for his pictures.
A favourite occupation in pcace-time was beer, bread and cheese with
pickles at "The Sun" in Dedham, followed by a lazy trip up the river
to Flatford Mill.
A short cross-country run takes us to the coast, our first call
being Harwich, the English termini of the train ferry to Holland.
Further on we come to a small group of popular seaside resorts.
First there is Walton-on-Naze with its excellent golf course;
Frinton, the seaside home of London society, and lastly the more
popular resort of Clacton-on-Sea. A fast ninety-minute train service
with the metropolis made this a popular holiday centre for thousands
of Londoners. They were well catered for by that versatile showman,
Billy Butlin. at his huge holiday camp.
Another half hour's journey brings us to Brightlingsea, a yachting
centre and home of the famous Colne Fisheries. Colne oysters are
famous, and thousands of distinguished guests have attended the
annual Oyster Feast held at the Ancient Borough of Colchester, some
fifteen miles away. Colchester is proud of being one of the oldest
towns in the British Isles. Capital of Queen Boedicea's kingdom, it
was known as Camalodunum by the Romans, and many interesting ruins
are available for inspection. The Roman castle, rebuilt by the
Normans, the old Roman wall around the town, a Druids temple, and
the ruins known as King Cole's kitchen, reputed to be the home of
that legendary monarch, are all sights worth seeing in that
Making our way towards London and before reaching the county city of
Chelmsford, we pass through picturesque Kelvedon, Tiptree (the
strawberry-growing district), Witham and many other pretty villages.
Chelmsford, the central pivot of the county, is an important
industrial and agricultural centre. A few miles away is Braintree,
home of Courtauld and Rayon.
Returning to the coast we come to perhaps the most popular resort in
Britain, and what Cockney has not had his "two frippeny bits and two
pennorth, wiv' or wivout,' at 'Sarf' end," or Southend to the
uninitiated. The illuminations during Carnival Week used to bring
millions to this sea- side city and, with its 1¼ mile pier and the
famous Kursaal playground, there was no lack of entertainment.
Tilbury Docks provide an important termini for liners from all parts
of the world, and a fast train service to Fenchurch Street quickly
deposits the returned wanderer to the capital.
In the world of sport Essex has played a great part. The Essex
County Cricket Club, although never perhaps in the same class with
the counties of the Rose, has nevertheless produced many famous
players who have represented their county. Nichols, O'Connor and
Kenneth Farnes are known to all cricket lovers.
Professional football was not too well represented before the war,
but Colchester and Chelmsford both had professional teams trying
hard to secure entry into the Third Division, which their near
Suffolk neighbour, Ipswich, secured a couple of seasons before the
Yes—the traveller can find much to interest him In Essex, so after
the war, why not try it? Nothing is better than a real English "pub"
snack, washed down with a "Little Dan" from Essex's own breweries.
E.R.F.The Mystery of the Bloodstained Kipper
New Spine-Chilling, Hair-Raising Melod
By "J. McG."
In last week's bloodcurdling installment we told you how L/A/C Gills,
lovingly called " Binder" by his friends,surveyed life with dismay
after the joys of being " on the dole " in civilian life. He thinks
of committing suicide or giving himself up to the S.S.Q., but a ray
of sunshine suddenly enters his life in the form of a badly-dented
tickey. He tries to think of a scheme for making money from his new
found wealth. But Binder had forgotten one important detail. He had
borrowed that tickey from one, Haggis MacSorun, with a promise to
pay it back with interest at 12.00 hours— and the time was now 12.01
hours. Now grip your seats and read on—
A STEALTHY step, silent and eerie, approached slowly towards
Binder's abode. Our hero still sat on his bed dreaming dreams of
building a fortune with the aid of the badly-dented tickey. Suddenly
the door was thrown open wide. With a blood-curdling and
marrow-chilling cry of "Dun- dee for ever," Haggis MacSorun, twice
shove-halfpenny champion of Scotland, pranced into the room armed
with two knobkerries, six assegais, a claymore and a dirk, not to
mention such smaller armament as a brace of catapults, a pair of
peashooters and a water pistol loaded with vitriol. With one mightly
leap he hurled himself at Binder, but our hero was not to be
outwitted. His mind was as clear as mud, his brain raced like a
tortoise, while his trousers began to come down, since the mighty
workings of his muscles had broken his braces. As he ducked from the
blow Haggis aimed at his head, he made a bee-line for the door with
McSorun in close pursuit. Dropping the tickey as he ran, Binder
headed for the ablutions. However, the battle was over, for Haggis
pounced on the tickey and threw away his weapons.
Two weary hours passed away as Binder wrestled with the steak in the
Airmen's Dining Hall. With jaws aching and fingers sore, he returned
to the sanctity of the billet to prepare himself for an evening in
Night had fallen, as had Binder's arches, as he made his way towards
the glittering lights of Salisbury. Carefully avoiding the
brightly-lit streets, he made a detour in the direction of the
unsavoury part of the City, and eventually arrived at Lionbeer
Street. Taking a fleeting look around he was delighted to find no
one in sight except a crowd of airmen and one or two pupil pilots.
Hugging the shadows in the chilliness of the night, he made his way
deeper and deeper into the labyrinth of Lionbeer Street. Strange
words dropped from his lips as he banged his shins against a
The further he went the more he regretted having handed his gas-mask back to Stores.
"Blimey!" he thought, " I've often heard of the Breath of the
Orient, but this is the first time I've smelt It"
Stopping under a lamp-post, he pulled out a month-old copy of the "
Bundu Times." Carefully removing a piece of fish and a couple of
chips, he turned to the " Situations Vacant" column and read, for
the hundredth time, an advert which he hoped would be the means of
his financial salvation. It read:
Suddenly the light of the lamp was blotted out by a shower of
garbage which landed on Binder's head. The stench was terrific, and
was even stronger than that which emanated from the Kafir Brand No.
X Plug which was Binder's favourite tobacco. Wriggling like Salome,
our hero struggled for some minutes to rid himself of the potato
peelings, tea leaves, egg shells and mealle stalks, etc., but found
to his horror that something cold and clammy had gone down his neck.
He cursed the Clothing Stores for only having size 18½ collars in
stock. Wriggling still more, he felt the "thing " slide down the leg
of his trousers, slithering to the ground with a dull thud. Dare he
look at it? He must....
Augmenting the light of the street lamp with the beam from his torch
(stamped A.M.), Binder saw lying at his feet—A BLOODSTAINED KIPPER.
Picking it up he sniffed hard, his nostrils quivering with emotion.
"Blimey! Just like Southend," he murmured to himself.
But the blood—how did it get there? Binder had heard of blood
oranges, even blood puddings, and occasionally Warrant Officers were
referred to with that adjective, but kippers never.
Could it be possible that Haggis MacSorun had battered someone to
death with it?
(What is the mystery surrounding this sanguinary
vertebrate? Read next week's gripping instalment and get the dope.)
ANOTHER of our compatriots has left the nest, preparatory to
mounting: up with wings like an eagle. This fledgling is none other
than our old friend Sgt. Donaghy. It might not be inapposite to say
of our colleague and ourselves that we have grown in beauty side by
side during: these last few years, although it is a debatable point
whether a certain rotundity or a tendency towards Falstaffian
proportions tends to enhance pristine beauty.
No one could have packed more adventures into a brief span of years
than Zambesi Paddy, to refer to a sobriquet which was once given
him. Often have we sat at his feet and listened to his life story.
The adventures of Peer Gynt, Marco Polo and Ulysses were Sunday
School excursions compared to the exploits and peregrinations of our
N.C.O. He seemed to be a citizen of the world and take continents in
his stride; tiger shooting in India, big game shooting in Africa
were merely Incidentals In his triumphant onward march. We sometimes
suspected that he must be nonagenarian instead of a comparatively
young man in virtue of the tremendous number of adventures he had
had in his checkered career.
We are informed on the unimpeachable authority of his room-mate that
on one occasion he came in slightly the worse for excessive
consumption of a good vintage complete with a bottle of brandy. Very
craftily he decided to place the brandy in the wardrobe and
thereupon fell inside. It fell to the lot of his companion to fish
him out when he discovered he was still frantically clutching the
bottle. What we have we hold."
Sgt. Donaghy comes from Belfast, North Ireland, and was educated at
the Belfast Mercantile College. He started life as a clerk in the
employ of the L.M.S. Railway Co. The errant impulses lurking in his
blood (a tribute to his Irish pedigree), however, caused him to
rebel against this prosaic work and he joined the R.A.F. pre-war. He
left England in July, 1910, and eventually arrived at Guinea Fowl.
Subsequently he came to Headquarters, where we came in contact with
him and on diverse occasions have assisted him to tread the primrose
path of dalliance. Well, bon voyage to our friend!
Incidentally, what W/O was heard to remark as he watched the train
pull out with Paddy,
"Thank God and something about a football team."COMPETITION CORNER
WHAT is the price of eggs a dozen when two more eggs in a shilling's
worth lowers the price a penny a dozen?
Can you discover the values of the letters in an addition sum which reads
A man walks from A to B at four miles per hour and returns at three
and a half miles per hour. If the whole time taken is three hours
forty- five minutes, what is the distance from A to B?
But read my first, and here for a second come And see the broken
parts as quickly whole,
by gum!1. Take us in, good master landlord, and produce this glimmer quick.
2. Here's a stayer when you give it Orst its head and then—a stick.
3. Almost a mathematic genius summoned by the lunatic.
4. My good friend, well may you say it, for 'twill rarely take the trick.
A sum of money is shared among; a number, of men, women and children
in such a way that one man and one child get 6s. together, twelve
men and three women get 69s., together and three women and four
children get 13s. together. What is the share of each?
1. Seven.
2. Honorary-
3. Smith's weight is 8st. 91b. The weights required are 1. 3. 9, 27 and 81lb.
4. (a), Heading: (b), Sulphur; (c). Emerson; (d). Yew
5. 6½ miles.
Across: 1. Sloven: 4. Swop: 8. Literary man: 9. A face; 10. Isle: 13, R.-H-; 14. Jemmy; 17. Pantellaria; 18, Site; 19. Frayed.
Down: l, Sale; 2. Out of the net; 3. Enrich; 5. We must marry; 6. Ponies; 7, Ora; 11, Gropes: 12. Teller;
15. Wen: 16. Siad.
(We must apologise for an error in 13 Across of the above crossword, the solution being misread as "roam.")
1. Sorry that the Sappers are eventually hemmed in (6).
4. Embrace the criminal alter tea (4).
8. A soapy beginning to this decimated German district (11).
9. Of New York and of the ball (5).
10. Not regular, but first class and truly French (4).
13. Pretty steady, this (4).
14. Quiet! A monkey—or is it an apparition? (5).
17. He who pays the piper is entitled to do this (three words. 4. 3 4).
18. Girdle (4).
19. By the blunt end, a forbidding aspect (6).
1. Stratagem.
2. Luxury gaols? (two words. 6, 5).
3. "Out of this .... danger, we pluck this flower,safety." (N. Chamberlain or maybe Shakespeare.) (6).
5. Do physicians repair such a breach? (two words, 4, 7)
6. Colonel Blimp ejaculates (two words 3. 3).
7. A touchy bit of stuff (3).
11. Witticisms now. fissures once (6).
12. Turns sharply (6).
15. A big shot when troops travel (3).
16. Ecclesiastic (4).
(Solution next week).
Thought for the Week
He that wrestles with us strengthens
our nerves, and sharpens our will.
Our antagonist is our helper.— Burke.
EACH fear we fight and overcome becomes a reassurance for the next
contest. Each temptation beaten down gives added confidence in our
ability to conquer the next one.
Each adverse circumstance becomes a sparring partner, enabling us to
build up our strength and skill to fight the battle of life
GOURAY, on the left wing, scored first for Norton in this match
played on Saturday. From then on Belvedere had all the play. They
fought hard but could not equalise.
In the second half Belvedere were in the Norton penalty area for
most of the play, but good saving from Baker prevented an equalising
goal. Norton's next score came through Hodgson, but scon afterwards
Smith sent a straight shot into the Norton goal which Baker just
The last goal came from Greenfield for Norton to end a game which
might have been very different if the Norton team had been at all
off form. As it was, although Belvedere played well, they could do
nothing against the superior team.
Final score: Norton "A" 3, Belvedere "B" 1.
Mt. Hampden had an easy game to win in this match when they beat the
Norton players by 5 goals to 1. By half-time they had three goals to
Norton's nil.
The play was more even in the second half and Norton scored, but a
further two goals from Mt. Hampden decided the issue.
(We regret that other week-end Salisbury soccer reports did not come
through in time for publication.)
IN a match which lacked thrills on Sunday Heany 1 beat I.T.W. I by
14 points to 9. The Hillside team had some grave weaknesses and
twice lost tries owing to bad handling.
I.T.W. opened the score after a poor movement in which Heany's
full-back fumbled when fielding a ball. Shortly afterwards Starkey
carried the leather over for Heany after a polished movement that
went the length of the line.
Then Thompson, the I.T.W. fly-half, broke away and kicked over the
Heany full-back's head to bring the next score. From then on Heany
seemed to have the game when Haston and Starkey, the two wings, were
sent over the line in quick succession. I.T.W. got a final three
points from a free kick to finish the match with a 14—9 win for
In a fairly even game Old Techs played a good game on Sunday against
Heany and just managed to win by a margin of one point.
Heany started by doing most of the attacking, but were unable to
score. Then Old Techs went into the lead when Mahoney put a penalty
kick between the posts. Next an inside pass near the Old Techs line
which was caught by Colwill, the fly-half, put Heany in the lead.
Burris converted.
Just before the final whistle the Old Techs needed a try to get the
lead and they got this at last after a scramble on the line. The
convert was intercepted by a Heany rush.
Final score: Old Techs A 9, Heany A 8.
Other week-end results:
Kumalo A 6, Town A 3.
Milton 10, I.T.W. A 10.
Army 1 18, Induna I 10.
Heany B 13, I.T.W. B 6.
AT Raylton over the week-end I.T.W. A and Rovers fought a very close
game, but once again I.T.W.'s defence won the day. Up to half- time
the score was 1—1. Getty scored for I.T.W.
After the interval Getty scored again from a fine corner pass which
gave the goalie no chance. Jinks scored another for the Hillside
team which put the result beyond doubt.
It was a fine match providing plenty of thrills for the spectators,
and Rovers tried hard against a superior team. Score: I.T.W. 3,
Rovers 1.
In another match Queens won against Kumalo.
This game was uneventful although Queens certainly had the superior
players. Queens scoredtwo of their goals in the first half.
Kumalo played better in the second half, but there was no unity
between the forwards and passing was scrappy. Queens scored again in
this half to give them a 3—0 victory.
I.T.W. had little difficulty in winning this match by 5 goals to 2,
since Callies were short of several of their usual players. The game
was scrappy and uninteresting.
At Central on Saturday last the C.M.U. gained another two points by
their victory of 2 goals to 1 over Induna B.
Shortly after the commencement King crossed beautifully from the
wing to Harriman, who had little difficulty in beating the Induna
keeper. The C.M.U. worked very hard to make the first half more
decisive and succeeded just before half-time with a self-made, goal
by Harriman.
The second period proved interesting. The C.M.U. lost many a good
chance by poor finishing, while the Induna side battled very
strongly, but mostly on the defensive. Fifteen minutes from the
final Atkinson for Induna raced for a loose ball and secured a goal.
The pace improved at this period the Induna side making a mighty
effort for evens, but were not rewarded.
The neat footwork of Colbeck and Williams created good openings for
the C.M.U. throughout the game.
Author: C.J.
BY beating Moffat on Sunday, Thornhill goes to the top of the
league. The play was fast and furious, and for the first half Moffat
had most of the play. Several shots were made at goal, but wizard
saving by Humphrey stopped what looked like certain goals.
The only goal of the match came fifteen minutes after the kick-off
when, from a free kick just inside the Moffat half, Hines received a
pass from Jeffrey and put across a nice centre which Higgins had no
trouble in netting.
At the resumption of play the soccer was poor, and there was little
to excite the large crowd of spectators. Leitch had bad luck when he
brought Bushel, the Moffat goalie, to a full-length save, which Finn
managed to clear.
It was not until about fifteen minutes from the end that Moffat
seemed to put on a final spurt and made several attempts to score. A
nice shot from Nicholson looked a winner, but Humphrey rose to the
occasion. Pearson, Watt and Gibbons played well for Moffat, but
Humphreys was easily the best man on the field.
Had the Moffat forwards played together well, the score would have
been very different to the 1—0 win for Thornhill.
Thornhill: Humphrey: Kerswell, Kelham; Jeffrey, Cooke.
Morwood: Hines, Kulinel (cap).), Higgins, Leitch, Turner.
Moffat: Bushel: Botlomley, Finn; Hap Hal, Pearson, Watt:
Gibbons. Mulr, Robb, Whilmarsh, Nicholson.
Guinea Fowl opened the scoring five minutes after the opening,
following a good centre by the outside right. Then, McFarlane
intercepted a pass from Lever and netted the ball before Metcalfe,
in goal, could attempt to save.
Guinea Fowl retaliated soon afterwards with a sharp shot at goal
which left Huntingford helpless. Further goals were scored for
Guinea Fowl and Thornhill. Ramsden, at outside right, surprised the
Fowls' goalie and the spectators by dropping a long shot between
Metcalf's legs, bringing the half-time score up to Guinea Fowl 3,
Thornhill 2
Cochran, Shillitoe and Templeton having scored for the Fowls.
Thornhill's play improved immensely in the second half, and soon
after the restart, Webb equalised. Thornhill were now definitely on
top, although the Fowls' forwards tried hard. By the whistle three
more goals had been scored for Thorn- hill, two by Webb and another
by McFarlane, bringing the score to 7—3.
The game was spoilt by foul throw-ins by both sides, and there were
several free kicks caused by handling. As soccer it was a poor game.
THORNHILL 1st XV 15 pts., KUMALO 1st XV 14 pts.
THORNHILL surprised even their own supporters on the Gwelo ground on
Sunday by snatching a win over Kumalo by 15 points to 14 points,
after being down 0—14 at one stage of the game. The first half went
to Kumalo, who scored two tries, both by Tovey, an outstanding loose
forward, which were converted, and a dropped goal. Thornhill then
woke up, and four tries followed, none of which were converted, in
addition to a penalty goal. The scorers were Foster, Rode (2) and A.
N. Other. Solomon kicked the penalty goal.
Moffat 2nd XV defeated Thornhill 2nd XV at Moffat on Saturday by two
tries and a dropped goal to nil. Territorially, Thornhill had as
much of the game as their opponents, but the Moffat backs were given
more scoring opportunities by their forwards, who heeled from nearly
every scrum.
Bold played well for Moffat, and Davies, at full-back for Thornhill,
again played a sound game.
![]() |
A new kind of safari seen on the way to Bulawayo. Perhaps it is one of those "things a boy can make." |
F/Lt. Baron Marries A/C/W Lambert
A GREAT event for Thornhill took place on Saturday, July 3rd, when
Miss Barbara Lambert, one of the station's popular Waasies, and
F/Lt. Baron were married at the Shabani Church Hall. Miss Lambert is
the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. X. Lambert of Shabani, and
was, until a short while ago, working on the station, while the
groom comes from Stamford Hill, London, and is stationed at
The bride looked lovely in an ivory chiffon- velvet model gown, with
a beautifully cut bodice and full skirt. She wore a Brussels lace
veil, with a small heart-shaped headdress of orange blossom. She
carried a bouquet of peach blossom, which in its very simplicity was
most attractive, and against the rich ivory folds of her gown made a
delightful picture. She was attended by her sister, Mrs. U.
Stevenson, as matron of honour, and four charming little flower
After the ceremony the reception was held at the Hotel Nilton. Here
small tables were arranged In the hall, and flowers were in
abundance everywhere. The bridal table was lovely with its
three-tier cake, silver equipment and beautiful flowers. The young
newly-married couple stood to receive their guests under a lovely
ball made entirely out of flowers.
After the reception the bride and groom left by car for Gwelo en
route for their honeymoon, which is being spent at Margate in Natal.
We are sure all our readers will wish the young couple the very best
of happiness for the future.
According to the new R.A.F. Signals Manual just published, there are
three methods of communication on the camps in Rhodesia—Telephone,
Telegraph, and Tell a Waasie.
We should like to know who the four SUPERIOR Waasies are who refused
two lifts into town on Sunday—one from the owner of a two-seater,
and the other from the driver of a R.A.F. vanette.
Cranborne Cuttings
There was a general flutter in the Rest-room when it was announced
last week that we are getting our BLUE uniforms quite soon now. We
have been looking forward to the issue of these uniforms, and We all
HOPE to look much smarter in them.
There is much activity in the knitting line. The W.N.S.L. have been
kind enough to issue us with wool at a very moderate price, so all
the Waasies who can knit are very busy. The only condition is that
we have to show the finished article. Those who cannot knit or have
a home and family to look after, are having their jersies. etc.,
knitted for them by the W.N.S.L. This is very kind, and much
appreciated by the W.A.A.S. personnel.
We hear whispers of preparations for celebrating the second
anniversary of the Cranborne W.A.A.S. It is next month, and we hope
to have some details later.
ITALICS (The following/ poem ia written in reply to our article " Types I Meet in the Rest Room," published a fortnight ago.) END ITALICS
I hear that I'm a Glamour Girl—well girls, now ain't that fun?
I'm sure you all must long to be a Glamour No. 1.
What can it be, is it my eyes, or is it sex appeal.
Or is it my complexion—I assure you that It's real ?
I've not paid much attention to what the boys may say,
As long as I am neat and trim, and do my job O.K.
But I must say that our Rest Room is often like a zoo,
And you should hear the animals from twelve-thirty till two.
And Waasie 1 to Waasie 2 says, "Dearest have you heard,
What Waasie 3 has said of me—it really is absurd?"
Although I am a G.G. One, at least I'm not a cat,
No—no, in spite of all my faults, you cannot say Tm that,
But if your correspondent would like to know HER type,
She's one who spends HER working hours in mostly writing tripe.
M.E.O.W., Cranborne.
THE following classes will be held at camps in the Gwelo area during the week beginning the
19th July, 1943:
Monday at 19.00 hours T.T.B. Class.
19.30 hours French.
Wednesday at 18.30 hours Maths.
19.30 hours German.
20.30 hours Economics.
Thursday at 19.00 hours T.T.B. Class.
Monday at 18.00 hours Economics.
Thursday at 19.00 hours Current Affairs.
(N.B.: Change of time).
Tuesday at 18.00 hours Maths.
19.00 hours English.
20.00 hours Economics.
Printed by The Rhodesian Printing and Publishing Co, Ltd 9th Avenue. Bulawayo. and published by the Editorial Committee, Slipstream. R.A.F., Thornhill. Gwelo. S. Rhodesia.
Source: Copies of source document made available by Sarah Theobald. Thanks Sarah.
Extracted and recompiled by Eddy Norris for use on "Our Rhodesian Heritage" blog.
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Ref. Rhodesian Air Force
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Thanks for your great information, the contents are quiet interesting.I will be waiting for your next post.
Candy Lingerie
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