
Tuesday 28 January 2014

Memories of Northern Rhodesia

Bridge Sole Writes:-

Wendy Altona-de Klerk (Werner) kindly made the following text and photographs available to ORAFs.

She also has a beautiful old walking stick made of tightly knit copper wire which has a small silver plaque on the top of the handle with the inscription, "From Cecil John Rhodes to J H Lawley"

My great grandmother and Wendy's grandmother, was the first woman to fly north from South Africa to Northern Rhodesia in that aeroplane which eventually crash landed.  Wendy has all of the original photographs taken of that flight and the crash.  I have attached copies of these photos that I took with my cell phone.

The photos of the flight from South Africa to Northern Rhodesia

Photo 1

Photo 2
Photo 3

In actual fact, the house where Wendy lives in Hermanus was where the first UDI for Northern Rhodesia was ever signed.  So there is lots and lots of history there.

Attached a fewother images: 

Photo 4

The house with the arches was my great grandparents and grandparents home on Hereford Farm, Lusaka.  This is where my Mum and Wendy and their siblings grew up.

Other images shown of how they crossed flooding rivers with cattle, how they crossed the vehicles etc.
Photo 5

Photo 6

Photo 7

Business Interests

Photo 8

The above book contained the under mentioned information.

P.O. Box 12

The co-operative principle is well established in Rhodesia, especially in connection with the agricultural and kindred industries, such as dairying", etc. Northern Rhodesia has its example in the same connection in the North-Western Rhodesia Farmers' Co-operative Society, Ltd., which was started about sixteen years ago with about only 40 members, and has succeeded so well that its members now number 140, representing- about 80 per cent, of the producers of the territory. The nominal capital is £50,000, of which £10,000 has been paid.

Each member contributes about £125 to the reserve fund by the deduction of 3d. per bag of produce; and when the sum in question has been attained, it becomes the sole property of the Society. If a member resigns he leaves his reserve fund behind, but retains his share, which he is at liberty to transfer to any other member within three years. If at the end of that time the said share has not been transferred, the Society takes it back at par if so requested.

The Society markets the  produce to its  member —maize, wheat, beans, nuts, etc.—at the best possible rates. Its premises occupy an area of six acres, and they have their own railway siding. They were erected in 1925 in place of the small establishment near Counsell s Hotel, where the Society started its activities, and include an excellent Greenhill plant, capable of turning out 30 bags of 200 lb. each of meal per hour, also a Tattersall plant for the milling of wheat. The machinery is driven by a Crossley suction gas-engine and a Crossley oil-engine.

At the time of writing the Government is very keen for the organisation of a co-operative society in connection with the cattle industry of the country, under the management of the North- Western Rhodesia Farmers' Co-operative Society Ltd., and there is every likelihood of that being accomplished very soon.

The Society is affiliated to the Federated Farmers' Co-operative Association of South Africa, Ltd., and the manager-secretary is Mr. Harry Rich, A.I.S.A.

Photo 9 - Premises of North-Western Rhodesia Farmers' Co-operative Society, Ltd.

Thanks to Wendy for sharing these truly wonderful photographs and memories with us. Thanks to Bridge for her assistance and also thanks to Dave and Brenda Jenkins for the contact.

Photo 10- and 11 made available by Eddy Norris. Source Guide to the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland -1959

Photo 10 - Chingola 1959

Photo 11- An enterprising hotelier has erected a small hotel in this '' Kondwanamwali' tree.
Kafue National Park. N.R

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Ref. Northern Rhodesia


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