
Monday 18 November 2013

Old Rhodesian Photographs

ORAFs from time to time receives old Rhodesian Photographs with very limited or in some cases no further information, also there are many old books on Rhodesia, whose copyrights are no longer applicable, so I extract these photographs for my own collection. In most cases the photos do require a bit of TLC so I refurbish them to the best of my ability, be advised, some cases take many, many hours of work.

I think it is wrong of me to retain such information in my archives and as such will be loading them on the "Our Rhodesian Blog."

I would like to point out that the work I do is for no or intended financial gain. If any feels they believe I have used the photographs and would prefer me to delete them - then please mail me on

Also to those that 'kife' (steal) photos and information from my work - please feel feel free to continue to do so but all I ask let people know you kifed them from ORAFs.

(Please visit our previous posts and archives

1 - A corner in the Laager in Bulawayo during the 1896 Rebellion. (Central African Archives)
2- Cecil Square, Salisbury, in 1890. The Union Jack was hoisted there on the 13 September of that year.
3 - Old Umtali in 1897 - a view of the township when it was being evacuated. (Central African Archives)
4 - Providential Pass at the approach to Fort Victoria, looking south. (Department of Public Relations)
5 - Old Bulawayo as the Column found it when they arrived.
The buildingwith windows in the leftbackground was the wagon shed with, next to it, Lobengula's two-roomed store, its plaster showing white.The pantry of Government House is said to be on the site of this store.
(Photo supplied by Mr. Aston Redrup

6 - The Court House, Fort Victoria, with the men of the Victoria Column, July 1893
7 - The Mazoe Patrol. Survivors of the party of fourteen who took refuge at the Alice Mine
The Mazoe Patrol. Survivors of the party of fourteen who took refuge at the Alice Mine,
And of the two relief forces sent to bring them to Salisbury. The author of the account,
 Hugh Pollett, is seen kneeling on the right in the front row.
 (Central African Archives)
8 - The Mopani tree on the site of the Shangani battle where Allan Wilson and his party fell
It marks the spot where James Dawson buried the remains.
He carved the cross and inscribed it 'To brave Men'.
(Central African Archives)
9 - Wagons of the Pioneer Column crossing the Nuanetsi river in 1890. (Central African Archives)
10 - Salisbury in 1896 a view from the Kopje. (Central African Archives)

11 - The European Quarters in old Bulawayo taken in 1893; it was on the site of Sauerstownship.
 (Central African Archives)
12 - The 'Indaba Tree' in Old Bulawayo. It still stands in the grounds of Government House. (Central African Archives)
Please note that photographs 1 through to 12 were extracted from the book Rhodesian Genesis written by Neville Jones, O.B.E., F.R.A.I for the Rhodesian Pioneer's and Early Settlers Society in 1952.

Source for the under mentioned photographs; Book "RHODESIA AND ITS GOVERNMENT by H.C;. Thomson - printed in (1898)

Photographs were extracted by Eddy Norris for use on the Blog "Our Rhodesian Heritage: which is administered by ORAFs.

Please note that no excuse is made for one word mentioned in this article, despised  by today's society but it was the term in those far off Rhodesian days. Please see it in that sense.

13 - Major Harding and the Mashonaland Native Contingent—Archer, Makoni's Son, to the left

14 - Mashonas at Andrada in Portuguese Territory—Kafir Piano lying on the Ground to the Left

15 -  Carrier Boys preparing for the March, near Andrada

16 -  Chirimba, Mashona Witch - Doctor in the Middle, with Mashona standing round him

17 -  Native Commissioner's Messengers. The Boy with a young baboon hanging on his arm

18 -  Cape Cart at the Devil's Pass in Manicaland

19 -  Mashona on High-road near Headlands

20 -  Mashona Iron-workers

Photographs made available by Fay Young nee Holland. Thank you Fay for sharing your photographs with ORAFs.
Thanks also to Mrs. Syd Wheeler.

(photo taken by Mr A. Speedie)



25 - The Umvuma barber  also takes in watches, record-players and radios for repairs. (November 1977)
Photo by Ben Maclennan

26 - YOU wouldn't find a better than the one above in London town  (November 1977
)Photo by Ben Maclennan

Memories of Rhodes
Bob Manser has made the under mentioned  photographs available to ORAFs.

Some photographs that I have not seen before, especially of the African stonemasons doing the first attempts of digging Rhode's grave in that hard granite with just hammers and chisels.

They are  from a very badly damaged book on Rhode's Will. Sadly most of the book fell apart, white ants and water damage but I saved some photos.


ORAFs records its thank to Bob for sharing these photographs with ORAFs and thanks also to the author
photographers and publishers of the said book.

28 - A view on the Inyanga Farm
29 - Excavating Mr. Rhodes's Tomb on the Matoppos.
Photo by L. Pedrotti, Bulawayo
30 - The Scene at the Burial of Mr. Rhodes.
The coffin is being lowered into the tomb, and the picture shows the slab, weighing  three tons, which covers the coffin
Photo by L. Pedrotti, Bulawayo


Memories of Rhodes and Groote Schuur
Bob Manser has made the under mentioned  photographs available to ORAFs.

They are  from a very badly damaged book on Rhode's Will. Sadly most of the book fell apart, white ants and water damage but I saved some photos.


ORAFs records its thank to Bob for sharing these photographs with ORAFs and thanks also to the author
photographers and publishers of the said book.

31 - Mr. Rhodes's last Portrait-
Photograph by E.H. Mills

32 - A Portrait of Mr. Rhodes taken in the Matoppos, 1899

33 - Groote Schuur

34 - Approach to Groote Schuur

25 - The Hall
 Dealers were in the habit of leaving curios in the hall for Mr. Rhodes's inspection

36 - The Library 
Showing stone figure of Phonician hawk from ancient gold working in Rhodesia

37 - The Drawing-room

38 - The Billiard-room

39 - The Panelled room

40 - Marble Bath-room, Groote Schuur

41 - Mr Rhodes's Bedroom.
The bed was made by local craftsman from a South African wood of great hardness

42 - The Dining-room.
The picture over the mantelpiece was purchased for the house by a relative.
But was afterwards removed by Mr Rhodes, who preferred a homelier portrait by Romney

43 - The Summer House at Groote Schuur (with the Devil's Peak in the Background)
This old restored Dutch belvidere is a favourite holiday resort of the poorer class of Cape Town.
 Family parties picnic there.

44 - The Cottage at Muizenberg where Mr. Rhodes died.
(By permission oj the proprietors of "South Africa.")

45 - The House in which Cecil Rhodes was born.
 (Per kind permission of Wm Blackwood and Sons)

The following collection was  made available by Eddy Norris

46 - Government House, Bulawayo
For a long while, this was one of the earliest of the British buildings built in the settlement of Bulawayo. It was built not far from the original Kraal of Chief Lobengula. In 1897: the new town of Bulawayo acquired the status of municipality, and in 1943 Bulawayo became a city.

47 - Indaba at Government House, Bulawayo

An Indaba was a meeting or conference. This Indaba is being held at Government House to celebrate the arrival of the railway line at Bulawayo.

48 - Williams' Consolidated Buildings, Bulawayo

This early, substantial building illustrates the lure of mining concerns and the initial draw of the British to the area. They would not find the hoped for gold or diamond deposits.
Robert Williams' company would ultimately be more successful in finding the less glamorous but still important copper deposits in Katanga in Northern Rhodesia. Robert Williams would still be influential in financing and directing the construction of the railway through Bulawayo as part of the larger Civilisation and Commerce plans that many contemporary imperialists held.

49 - Imperial Buildings, Bulawayo

Built on the old Kraal of Lobengula, Bulawayo would soon bring European buildings and styles to this Southern Central Africa.

50 - The way we see it!

An interesting 1970s view of Rhodesia during UDI from Meet the Rhodesians by Rose Martin

 51- The Imperial Hotel, Bulawayo

52 -Umgusa Estates Hotel

53 - Traction Engine

54 -Coach Leaving Bulawayo for Salisbury

55 -Main Street Bulawayo

56 - The Club, Bulawayo

57 - Rhodes - Livingstone Institute
The Rhodes-Livingstone was located in the town of Livingstone which was also the capital of Northern Rhodesia until it was relocated to Lusaka in the 1930s.

Photograph made available by Rob Burrett - Thanks Rob

58 - Rhino Hotel - Lundi River - S Rhodesia

Photograph made available by Brian Goodwin (RhAF) - Thanks Brian

59 - Refuelling Rhodesian Style 1959

The chap on the left is Johnny Willans (the car owner) , on the Right is Wally Hopton, Chap in the middle an Avionics type, name long forgotten, all RAF secondments at New Sarum 1958 to 60.

Photograph made available by Skatie Fourie - Thanks Skatie

60 - Ophie Howard - one of Rhodesia's finest motor cyclists
By courtesy of Stan Wilson

Source - Motor Sport Monthly News dated January 1970 which was made available by Skatie Fourie
Thank you Skatie

Sally Gaze Writes:-
Here are some photographs of Gordon Keith, another great Rhodesian motor cyclist.
Gordon won the Manx Grand Prix in 1964 on the Isle of Man on a 250cc  Greeves.

61 - Gordon Keith - Gordon's Brands Hatch (1964)
62 - Gordon Keith - Isle of Man (1965)
Thank you to Sally for sharing these photographs and memories with ORAFs.
ORAFs will be please to know that both Gordon and Sally on our mailing - two very special people

Following photograph of Salisbury Airport made available by Paul Dubois. Thanks Paul

63 - Salisbury Airport

Paul Dubois Writes:-
I would put the date around 1966/67. It is the Central African Airways fleet of Douglas C47B Dakota's and Vickers Viscount's. Your CAA contacts may be able to narrow it down for you if they can recall when the tails got the extra stripes?

Jeremy Boyd (RhAF) Writes

Given the 1 Sqn/Hunter aspect raised by Paul, it seems that 1962/3 is probably the safest bet.
In the photo the aircraft have all got the two thin stripes down the fuselage, one each side of the window line. That CAA livery didn't continue after 1964 with the break-up of the Federation. So it's definitely pre-1964 and post 1959/60.
Hope that narrows it down a bit!


  1. Thanx for this, really appreciate the time ans effort.

  2. Great pics. keep them coming! We borrowed the k word from the Muslims. In Arabic, it means heretic, unbeliever. They applied it to everyone who did not follow Islam.

  3. The photos are brilliant. My name is Matthew Cecil Rhodes; Cecil John Rhodes being my great, great, great Uncle. My Grandfathers name was George Cecil Rhodes. I would love to get a family tree to Cecil Rhodes and would love some help? My fathers name is John George Laycock Rhodes. All the best and again, thanks for the photos!

  4. great i loved this its part of my heritage

  5. Just accidentally came across this website. I enjoyed seeing all these wonderful photos. I don't have direct access to any myself. My name is Deborah Harris (nee Rhodes). My father was the late John George Laycock Rhodes. Hi Matthew (step brother) - I haven't seen you since you were a child but remember you and Stephen and your mother, Hilary, well. Regards and thanks for the opportunity to see this slice of history.

  6. I am looking for photos of Umvukwes and Kariba Hospitals where my deceased husband worked as a doctor. Can anyone help me?
