
Friday 1 November 2013

Mrs. Carnegie's Grave At Inyati

THIS is the grave of Mrs. Mary Margaret Carnegie in the little cemetery at Hope Fountain, the long-established station of the London Missionary Society near Bulawayo.

It is an important memorial to Rhodesians not only because of the outstanding character of Mrs. Carnegie herself, but  because of the circumstances of her birth.

She was born at Inyati in 1862, the third European female child to be born In what is now Rhodesia.

At that time, three years after the founding of the station there, there were three missionary families living at Inyati, the Moffats, Thomas's and Sykes's—all honourable names in Rhodesian history.

Livingstone Moffat, born in April, 1860, was the first Rhodesian-born child; and David Thomas the second, born in July of that year.

Three, girls were born at Inyati in 1862; Mary Meta Moffat in March, Annie Thomas in April, and Mary Margaret Sykes  (later Mrs. Carnegie) in December.

Annie Thomas lived only two months, but the other two lived on and happily through the crowded years of Rhodesia's  early growth.

In their families are now growing up the fourth generation of colonial-born Rhodesians. Mrs. Carnegie,, lived for many years at Hope 'Fountain, loved and respected by pioneers and Natives alike.

Amongst her many capabilities, she was an excellent Sindebele linguist.

With her husband she translated books into Sindebele which are still in use, particularly " Pilgrim's Progress."

She died in December, 1940.

Source- The Rhodesia Herald (Newspaper) Thursday February 19, 1953 made available by Ray Thorne (RhAF)

Ray also made this available to ORAFs.

 Page 1 of this book reads:-


On Monday, the 26th December, 1859, six wagons out spanned in the Inyati Valley. Their occupants were William  Sykes, John S. Moffat and Thomas Morgan Thomas and their wives who, under the leadership of Dr. Robert Moffat, had  come to establish a mission among the Matabele, having been sent out from England for that purpose by the London  Missionary Society. They had gathered at Cape Town in July 1858, and had journeyed first to Kuruman, the  headquarters of Dr Robert Moffat, where they arrived in December of that year. From thence they trekked to the then  unknown country of the Matabele with two years' supply of stores. Much of their journey took them through deep sand and they knew what it was to be without water for days at a time. For four months they plodded on in burning heat until at length they reached the Matabele outposts, buoyed up by the expectation of a warm welcome from the  Matabele King, Mzilikazi, who had taken the trouble to send them a message in the early stages of their journey—'The  king longs exceedingly to look on the face of Mtjete (Moffat) again'. When lung sickness broke out among their cattle as  they neared Matabeleland, they sent a message forward to the king asking him for clean oxen to enable them to  complete their journey. These the King sent in the shape of a regiment of his soldiers who in spanned themselves and  dragged the wagons


Thanks to Ray for sharing this information with ORAFs - many a time the question as to who were the first born in Rhodesia has arisen - finally, an answer.

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Ref. Rhodesia

1 comment:

  1. Syd Polwarth Writes:-
    I had thought, perhaps wrongly in light of the article or perhaps it was Sby and not S.R. that it was a Miss Pascoe who became one of our teachers at P.E. as Mrs Hosking.

    Her children included Vince who married Celia van Buren, Brian van Buren's sister whose family farmed somewhere in the Eastern Districts perhaps Rusape.

    I think Tom Pascoe of Crowborough Estates just beyond Warren Hills was a brother and two of his sons were Ronnie, who married Anne Fischer from Headlands and Peter who were also at PE in their day.

    Ronnie is or was still in Harare at Easter this year
