
Saturday 29 June 2013

Regimental Association of the B.S.A.P - November 1936

Further supplies of Association cuff-links have been ordered and are expected to arrive shortly. These will be obtainable at 4s. 6d. per pair from the Hon. Treasurer, P.O. Box 584, Salisbury. Button-hole badges can also be obtained at 2s. each.


A profit of over £t8 was realised from the Regimental Ball held on the 2nd October. It is proposed to arrange a mixed golf match in the near future, to be played on the Depot course.


The annual re-union dinner took place at the Hotel Victoria at 8 p.m. on Saturday, xoth October, and was well attended by past and serving members of the Regiment and their guests.

Capt. Surgey, the Chairman of the local branch of the Association, presided over a company of approximately 60 people, and the function was voted a great success, the dinner provided by the hotel being excellent and the waiting very satisfactory.

Among those present one noticed the following old hands: George Sheppard, Ted Kiddle, J. A. Birnie, Herbert Haslam, W. H. Hewlett, J. M. Fitzgerald, Jack Bartter, Norman Blake, H. Lewis, Stewart Knight.

The serving members were very well represented, and practically everyone who could get leave came in from such far-away places as Nuanetsi, Gutu, Zaka and the Cordons.

We were all very pleased to have Col. J. S. Morris, C.B.E., Major Bridger and Capt. Bugler with us, and we feel that while such keenness is displayed by those at Headquarters and adjoining centres, there can be little fear of the Association languishing in the outside districts through lack of support.

Capt. Surgey, in a short speech, welcomed the guests and proposed the toast of "The King."

Mr. C. Deane-Simmons, our popular Civil Commissioner, proposed the toast of the Regiment and the Association, and this was ably responded to by Colonel Morris.

Mesdames Burton, Scott and Surgey very kindly attended to the flowers and table decorations, which were tastefully arranged in Regimental colours.

Ex-Regtl.-Sgt.-Major Yasi, of the K.A.R., who has now been engaged as our range boy, blew the necessary calls on the bugle. Sgt.-Major Burton, the local Secretary of the Association, put in a tremendous amount of hard work in connection with the general arrangements prior to, during and after the dinner, and it was mainly due to his efforts that the function was such a success.

We had a note recently from ex-Tpr. Espey. He is a constable in the N.R. Police at Livingstone.

During leave in Australia, S/Cpl. Finch met F. M. Hill, ex-B.S.A. Police, whose present address is: P.O. Box 1, Palmwoods, Queensland, N.S.W.

Ex-i/Sgt. Sheppard is at present employed at the Rhodesian Exhibit at the Empire Exhibition. We heard from him recently, asking for copies of The Outpost to display at the Rhodesian Stall.

Ex-Cpl. Cashel (1910 to 1922) was a recent visitor to Depot.

Ex-Cpl. Ward and ex-Tpr. Munro, M.M., were visitors from Umtali during the month. They came down for golf. The former is the secretary of the Umtali Golf Club, Hillside.


Source - B.S.A.P. magazine "The Outpost" Dated November 1936
Material made available by Lewis Walter (Intaf) to ORAFs. Thanks Lewis.

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Ref. Rhodesia

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