Umtali High School (UHS) Magazine 1936
We hope that this year's edition of the magazine will be duly
appreciated, but we feel that until it is better supported by the
school in general we cannot expect to make it as interesting as we
should like. People complain that the magazine has always been a
mere record of events. It still is, and always will be until we get
the support that we ask for. Despite this handicap we have done our
We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the following
" The Plum tree School Magazine," " St. George's College Chronicle,"
" The Bulawayo Technical School Magazine," " The Chaplin School
Staff Notes
During the year there have been many changes of staff. At the end of
1935 we said good-bye to Mr. Freeman, Mrs. Harvey, Miss Matthews,
and Miss Store resigned, and to Miss Wyche and Miss Barnard on
In January, 1936, Mr. F. J. Watmough, Miss J. C. Mackay, Miss H.. M.
Simonson and Mr. J. T. C. N. Mears came new to the staff, Miss
Wilson, Miss Richards and Mr. M. A. Davis returned from leave and
Miss Baker was- transferred back from Salisbury.
For the second term Mr. J. D. Slaven and Mr. G. E. J. Caswell
replaced' Mr. Watmough and Mr. Mears, respectively, on transfer to
Salisbury, Mr. D. J. Avery deputised for Mr. Russell on leave, Mr.
G. Z. Anderson, Mr. H. J. Theron and Miss A. Brent were new-comers,
and Mr. Hutchinson and Miss Home went on leave.
At the beginning of the third term Miss Simonson and Miss Harvie
went on leave, Mr. Anderson joined the Survey Department, Miss C. J.
Kemp came vice Miss Harvie who is on leave and a year's exchange,
Miss P. M. Palmer and Miss F. M. Elmhirst replaced, respectively,
Miss Coutts and Miss Richards, both transferred to Salisbury. To all
three we extend a hearty welcome.
School Notes
Head of the School: T.Y Louw, Joan Procter.
School Prefects: N. J. Rose. B. Evershed, M. Jansen, A. J.
Moore, Janet Garvin, Mona Harrold, Phyllis Coventry.
Day School Prefects: J. Jarvis, S. Phillips.
House Prefects: N. James, R. Lark, W. Pretorius, L. de Bruijn,
Elizabeth du Plessis, Barbara Taylor, Mary Roberts, Ronella Koster.
Captain of Rugby: M. Jansen. Vice-Captain: N. Rose.
Captain of Cricket: W. James. Vice-Captain: M. Jansen.
Captain of Tennis: R. Lark.
Captain of Boxing: N. James.
Captain of Hockey: Joan Procter.
Editors of Magazine: Barbara Taylor, V. B. Pope
Speech Day, 1936
The Annual Speech Day was held in the Beit Hall on Friday, the 17th
April, and this year the School was honoured by the presence of the
Governor, Sir Herbert Stanley.
The School choirs and music pupils provided a short concert which
preceded His Excellency's speech and the Headmaster's report. Mr.
Hill commenced by welcoming Sir Herbert Stanley to the Umtali High
School and thanking him for so kindly consenting to present the
The Headmaster remarked that examination results had been fairly
gratifying and he was also pleased to hear complimentary accounts of
old Umtali High School pupils. He mentioned especially that P.
Joubert had been awarded a Rhodes bursary and was considered one of
the best classical scholars this Colony has produced.
As well as the regret occasioned by the retirement of Mr. and Mrs.
Freeman, the Headmaster said that the School had suffered a severe
loss in the resignation of Mr. Condy. Mr. Hill wished to welcome Mr.
and Mrs. Cowie, old friends of his, in Mr. Condy's place.
Keen competition and a sporting spirit had been shown in games and
athletics and the newly established Girls' Games Committee had
already proved its value by reorganising the girls' games in an
effective manner. Other School activities such as the Scout and
Guide movements had flourished.
A definite sign of progress was the establishment of a Music Club
which, through the tireless efforts of Miss Richards and Mr. Davies.
had already held several meetings and comprised some 60 members.
During the year, £4,000 had been spent on additions to Chancellor
House and the two new class-rooms were already in use, one serving
temporarily as a library.
The thanks of the School were due to the Municipality and the Old
Borderers' Association for their generosity in the matter of
bursaries and contributions to the library and sports funds.
The Governor, in reply, thanked the Headmaster, staff and pupils of
the Umtali High School for the kindly welcome which they had
accorded him and remarked that they could justly be proud of their
School. His Excellency considered the School motto, "Ex Montibus
Robur," a most apt one and also one that required much living up to.
Sir Herbert Stanley said that he had been asked by Lord and Lady
Baden-Powell to convey their greetings to the Scouts and Guides and
added that he himself had been agreeably impressed by the excellent
turn out.
In conclusion, His Excellency, as a mark of his appreciation,
offered a prize for the best poem written by a pupil during the
year, and amid applause asked the Headmaster to give the School a
whole holiday.
Mr. C. Eickhoff, the Chairman of the School Advisory Committee, in a
short speech proposed a hearty vote of thanks to His Excellency.
The ceremony concluded with the singing of the School Song, and
theNational Anthem, and three cheers for the Governor.
Standard I., Barbara Ball;
Standard II., Patricia Hutchinson;
Standard III., J. Methuen;
Standard IV., J. Groom;
Standard V., D. Ruxton and Rita Cocker;
Form I.M., Sarah Botha;
Form I.L., J. Nieuwhoudt; Form I.R., Nancy Condy;
Form II.R., Evelyn Farquhar;
Form II. L., Mansell.
Junior Certificate.-—English, Barbara Taylor; Latin, Barbara
Taylor; French, Barbara Taylor; Domestic Science, Barbara Taylor;
Mathematics, N. Tapson; Physical Science, N. Tapson; Afrikaans,
Cornelia Kruger; History, E. Gericke; Bookkeeping, A. Myburgh; Art,
J. Higham.
Form IV.—L. de Bruijn.
Matriculation.—Latin, Helen Orner; History, Gwendoline Brent;
Art, Gwendoline Brent; Bookkeeping, R. Lenton.
School Prize for Music.—V. Murphree.
Taalbond Lower Examination.—Higher Grade: Cornelia Kruger
(with distinction), Marie du Preez; Lower Grade: J. N. Heyns, E. F.
Gericke, C. van Rensburg, N. P. van der Merwe.
Class I.—E. F. J. Gericke, C. A. L. Myburgh,* N. A. Tapson,*
Barbara Taylor,* C. de W. van Rensburgh.*
* Awarded Beit Scholarships.
Class II.—J. A. Bezuidenhout, J. H. Deall, J. N. Jarvis,
Helena Kloppers, Cornelia Kruger, V. B. Pope, N. P. van der Merwe,
R. H. Waring.
Class III.—N. C. Bowker, E. W. Bull, Mairie du Preez, Maurine
Gates, J. N. Heyns, J. M. R. Higham, N. E. F. Hill, B. T. Holman, C.
Lecanides, P. Markides, Verna Murphree, Elizaoeth Nicolson, Mary
Roberts, Hilda Scott, D. N. J. Walton, T. V. Webster.
Class II.—K. J. Cocker, A. F. Cockerell, Doreen Edmonds, R.
P. Lenton, Helen Orner.
Class III.—Jean Bisset, Maurine Burton, B. Evershed, Joyce
Tench, G. L. Watkins.
School Leaving Certificate, 1935, Class 2.—Gwendoline Brent
(distinction in Art and History).
Intermediate.—Maurine Gates, Verna Murphree.
Higher.—Gitta Juster (honourable mention), Kathleen
Lower.— Doreen Fisher, Audrey Frost, Daphne Whitehead, Joan
Elementary.—Margaret Neaves (honours), Phylliss Brent (honouraoie
mention). H. Bresler, Millie Heron, Dorothy Mayrick, Dorothy Sells,
Agnes Taylor.
Primary—C. Donaldson (honourable mention). P. Ferreira.
Patricia Hutchinson.
Rhodes Trustees English Prizes, 1936—Matriculation: Amy
Form II.: Cecil Browne
"The Admirable Crichton"
His Excellency the Governor honoured the first performance of the
School Play with his presence on Friday, 17th April.
The following account has been kindly written by a visitor:—
To produce "The Admirable Crichton" is an ambitious task, and
producer and School alike are to be congratulated on their
presentation of this play in April last.
V. B. Pope, as the Hon. Ernest Woolley, proved himself to be an
accomplished actor and made the most of his natural histrionic
ability throughout the play. T. Y. Louw played the part of the
well-trained Butler to perfection. He has a good voice, a
well-developed stage sense, and held his audience. He failed to be
quite convincing as " the Gov." in the third act, but gave so fine a
performance in the last act that only the keenest critic would have
noticed his short-comings in act three.
Lady Mary (Maurine Gates) is another member of this cast with a
well- developed stage sense. Her acting was convincing throughout,
and her voice, though soft, was clearly audible at the back of the
hall. She was well supported by her sisters, Lady Agatha and Lady
Catherine (Phyllis Coventry and Peggy Nicolson). They had small, but
by no means insignificant parts, and to appear natural as they did
when there is little to say and less to do is no mean
Lord Loam (W. Pretorius) warmed to his part as the play progressed.
To play the part of an eccentric peer when the speech and manners
are foreign to one's nature is a difficult task. Amy Eggleston, as
the Countess of Brocklehurst, was perhaps the surprise of the
evening. A more hard and aristocratic old lady never set foot in a
Mayfair drawing-room. Both W. James, in the part of the sporting
though somewhat brainless parson, and A. Parker, as Lord
Brocklehurst, tied to his mother's apron strings, showed a
keenappre-ciation of their parts. Tweeny (Barbara Taylor) and Miss
Fisher (Joan Procter) did not fail in their support of the cast.
Tweeny's part was well learned, though more might have been made of
it, for the part allows of unlimited acting.
The scenery and lighting effects were excellent, and I have not seen
them bettered in a School production. Looking back down a vista of
six months there only remains a keen sense of pleasure in watching
these young and talented people of the Umtali High School, and I
hope I shall be present when the next production is offered to the
The cast was as follows: The Hon. Ernest Woolley, V. B. Pope;
Crichton, T. Y. Louw; Lady Agatha, Phyllis Coventry; Lady Catherine,
Peggy Nicolson; Lady Mary, Maurine Gates; the Reverend Treherne, W.
B. James; the Earl of Loam, W. Pretorius; Lord Brocklehurst, A.
Parker; Mrs. Perkins, Maurine Bower; Monsieur Henry, C. Walker; Mr.
Tompsett, R. Lark; Miss Fisher, Joan Procter; Miss Simmons, Marian
Winson; Mademoiselle Jean, Margaret Rake; John, W. J. Rose; Tweeny.
Barbara Taylor; a stable boy, N. A. Tapson; a Naval Officer, H. M.
Jansen; the Countess of Brocklehurst, Amy Eggleston.
We are specially indebted to the kindness of Messrs. Meikle's
(Umtali), Ltd., for lending us the furniture used in Acts T. and
IV., and to Messrs. Sudbury and Lumsden for invaluable assistance in
connection with the lighting of the stage.
The Junior School Concert
The Junior School concert was held on the 13th and 14th of August.
One unusual thing was, that there was no performance from the
Kindergarten, as they'had decided to give their own little concert
some time in the third term.
The first half mainly consisted of vocal items. There was one piano
and two vocal solos. One dance, which the audience seemed to enjoy,
was the " Wood Elves' Dance." It was done by two girls who took a
great interest in it. The School Orchestra made its first appearance
on this occasion. As the orchestra was changing conductors for the
next piece the Senior School Choir and the Junior Choir came on to
the stage to sing, with the orchestra, " Land of Hope of Glory."
The second half was a musical play, called, "The Charcoal Burner's
Son," by V. Hely-Hutchinson. This was rather an ambitious
undertaking, but it was carried out rather well. Judging by the
applause given by the audience they nenjoyed it very much.
The School is very grateful to the members of the staff who helped
in its production. They also are grateful to the parents for the
making of costumes.
M.C., Std. V.
The Athletic Sports, 1936
A large crowd of visitors was present at the Annual School Sports
which were held on the new Upper Field in the Chancellor House
grounds. The weather was ideal, as has always been the case. The
meeting was most successful, and all the events were very keenly
contested. Congratulations are due to the champions in the various
Senior Victor Ludorum: Rose.
Middle Victor Ludorum: Devine.
Junior Victor Ludorum: Gale.
Senior Vietrix Ludorum: M. Roberts.
Middle Vietrix Ludorum: M. Rodgers and H. Delport.
Junior Vietrix Ludorum: A Venter.
Four School records were broken this year by the following (the
event is placed first, followed by the holder, the new record, with
the old record in parenthesis):—
100 yards, Senior Boys: Rose, 10 2-5 sees. (10 3-5 sees ).
220 yards, Senior Boys: Rose, 23 2-5 sees. (23 1-5 sees.).
High Jump, Middle Boys, E. Klette, 4ft. 9iins. (4ft. lOins.).
Long Jump, Senior Girls: P. Coventry, 14ft. (14ft. lin.).
A pleasant interlude was the gymnastic display given by the boys of
the Senior School under the supervision of Mr. Hodgson. The boys
showed a great improvement and were very keen.
In asking Mrs. Bain at the end of the day to present the prizes, Mr.
Hill thanked the public for their attendance, which contributed very
largely to the success of the meeting. He also thanked the judges
for their services; and congratulated Mr. D. M. Miller on the
success of the Sports. It is due to his efforts and his training of
the boys, that such a high standard has been attained.
The House points were as follows:—
Moffat, 216; Livingstone, 180½ Stanley, 135.
The prizes and certificates were then presented by Mrs. Bain.
This year, our team sent to the Inter-School Sports was not as
successful as last year, but it maintained the good reputation the
School had already earned.
Inter-School Sports
This year the School was represented by a group of twenty-two boys
at Salisbury in the Inter-School Sports: sixteen athletes and six
boxers. Umtali obtained second place in both the Senior and Junior
100 Yards—W. J. Rose, tie for place).
Hurdles—W. J. Rose (tie for place).
220 Yards Relay (2nd place).
440 Yards Relay (3rd place).
100 Yards—W. Hall (1st place).
High Jump—Klette (2nd place).
880 Yards—Gomes (3rd place).
Shuttle Relay (2nd place).
The School had a fairly successful Rugby season, comfortably winning
the local Second League Trophy. In the match against Prince Edward
the School lost by the narrow margin of three points to nil. In one
way the School was fortunate to keep the score down to 3—0 as Prince
Edward should have had at least one more try. On the other hand, the
School was very unfortunate in not scoring at all, as two
comparatively easy penalty kicks at goal went badly astray.
On the whole the team, as such, played good Rugby. Towards the end
of the season it was pleasing to see that forwards and backs began
to combine, opening up the game much more than at the beginning of
the season. The forwards were rather weak in the loose. Their main
faults lay in not keeping together, and, incidentally, not keeping
up with the ball, and, in not backing up one another. The backs were
inclined to be on the slow side, both in attack and defence. The two
centres were often at fault in drawing their man before getting rid
of the ball.
The thanks of the School is due to Mr. Longhurst, who so kindly
assisted in coaching the First XV. We hope to see him again next
RODRIGUES.—Full-back. Has a safe pair of hands and tackles
very well. His kicking is as yet not too accurate, and his
positional play should also improve with more experience.
LARK.—Wing three-quarter. Is fast and runs straight. Has the
ability to squeeze through in a tight corner, but must learn to use
the reverse pass bwhen necessary.
KLETTE.—Wing three-quarter. Is fairly fast but has the fault
of hesitating before he starts his run, thus losing valuable time.
Has a dangerous cork-screw run, but is rather weak on the defence.
ROSE.—Vice-Captain. Centre three-quarter. Is essentially a
wing. Has a dangerous cork-screw run. Handling rather weak. Has
scored several individualistic tries.
JAMES.—Centre three-quarter. Has a fairly safe pair of hands,
is good on the attack, but is inclined to be rather slow in coming
up on the defence.
BOTHA.—Fly-half. Handling is still rather shaky and he is
somewhat slow off the mark, but with more experience he should shape
HIGHAM.—Scrum-half. A plucky little player. Was chosen to
tour with the Rhodesian Schools' Team. He is rather slow in getting
rid of the ball, and does not talk enough to his forwards.
JANSEN.—Captain. Forward. A good player in the loose,
although at times he is inclined to take it a little easy in the
tight scrums. As a leader of the forwards, could have kept his pack
together better.
WALKER.—Forward. A hard worker who never slacks off, but is
always after the ball.
LECANIDES.—Forward. Did most of the hooking for the team. A
hard worker who never spares himself.
DE BRUIJN.—Forward. Very good in the loose, and always ready
to back up a movement. Inclined to rest a bit in the tight scrums.
EVERSHED.—Forward. Never shines in the loose, but can always
be trusted to pull his weight.
LOUW. Forward. Very useful on account of his weight, which
was, however, often not used to the best advantage. Should learn to
move a bit more quickly.
WEBSTER.—Forward. Still rather inexperienced. Should develop
into a useful player when he learns to " battle " more in the loose.
McLEAN.—Forward. Unfortunately missed some of the matches
owing to absence. Useful in the loose, but does not put everything
into the game.
The following have also played for the 1st XV.: Theron (fly-half),
McKechnie and Warburg (forwards).
This match was played on the 27th June, at Umtali.
Up till half-time Umtali pressed eagerly. Le Seuer, about whom we
had already been warned played excellently, but James marked him
well and managed to parry his attacks.
Prince Edward got the best of almost every set; scrum, and this gave
them the opportunity to attack, and the Umtali forwards were
constantly harassed by Popkiss, the Prince Edward fly-half.
Nevertheless our forwards managed to keep in the Prince Edward 25
practically all the first half and the result was that at half-time
no points were scored by either side. The final score was 3—0 in
favour of Prince Edward, who scored in the last ten minutes of the
The Umtali forwards worked very hard and this was undoubtedly the
best game the Umtali three-quarters played during the whole season.
This match was played on the Salisbury ground on the 27th June.
Umtali won the toss and elected to play up-field. In most of the
first half the play was in the Umtali territory, until finally the
Prince Edward three-quarters broke through the Umtali defence, to
score far out; the try was unconverted. Prince Edward 3, Umtali 0.
There was no further score before half-time.
From the restart Umtali attacked ferociously and several times
reached their opponent's 25, only to be repulsed by the splendid
kicking of the Prince Edward fly-half. The Umtali pack were very
much smaller and lighter than their opponents, nevertheless they had
a fair share of the scrums. Once again by a good three-quarter
movement, the Prince Edward men obtained a try in the corner which
was unconverted. The game resulted in a win for Prince Edward by 6
points to nil.
Boxing Notes
This year the boxers have been under the supervision of Mr. J.
P. Hutchinson. As has always been the case, the juniors showed far
more keenness than the seniors.
The Inter-House Boxing Tournament was held in the Gymnasium on the
8th April, 1936. The results of the fights were as follows:—
OLWAGE v. KIRKOS.—A very amusing fight. Olwage, who seemed to be
afraid of Kirkos' blind swiping, often ducked so low that his head
nearly touched the floor. Olwage won.
MATIATOS v. ARMSTRONG (Mosquito Weight).—From the beginning Matiatos
had the fight in his hands. Armstrong fought well but was unable to
resist Matiatos' left. A win for Matiatos.
SYMES v. ERASMUS (Gnat Weight).—Both boxers fought well, Symes
giving a good display of footwork and feigning. A win for Symes.
REID v. JELLIMAN (Midget Weight)Reid, one of the School's best
boxers, gave a good display of class boxing. An easy win for Reid.
HACK v. MACKENZIE (Paper Weight).—Both boxers went hard at each
other. Hack was inclined to put a bit too much style into his
boxing, but nevertheless won the fight.
HIGHAM v. VAN DER LINDE (Feather Weight).—Both were experienced
boxers, and fought steadily. Higham showed the most attack but Van
der Linde parried his hard hits successfully. The result was a draw.
DEVINE v. JAMES (Welter Weight).—James was by far superior to Devine
and in the last round the fight was stopped. An easy win for James.
LARK v. WARBURG (Middle Weight).—Both boxers were out for a knockout
and started at lightning speed. In the second round Warburg went
down for a count off. seven, but refused to give up. A win for Lark.
WATKINS v. EVERSHED (Light-Heavy Weight).—Evershed stood up well and
gave Watkins a good run, but in the last round was unable to stand
up to Watkins' hard hitting. The fight was stopped.
ROSE v. JANSEN (Heavy Weight).—Rose, a very hard hitter, was more
experienced than Jansen and won the fight.
The tournament was concluded by speeches from Major C. V. Bowles,
and Mr. Condy, who presented the House Cup and the cup for the best
loser, won by Livingstone and Jelliman, respectively.
Inter-School Boxing
The boxing spirit has not increased this year, but the School was
fortunate in having such representatives as it did. The Juniors as
usual show more keenness than the Seniors; nevertheless,
considerable progress has been made, and the standard of boxing is
steadily improving. Our thanks are due to Major Bowles and Mr.
Hutchinson for their coaching, and they are to be congratulated on
the creditable account the boxers gave of themselves at the
Inter-School Championships this year which were held at Salisbury.
We sent six boxers to compete, and James won his way to the finals
in which he beat Crane, of Technical.
Fly weight: Matiatos (Umtali) beat Goulding (Technical).
Bantam weight: James (St. George's) beat Symes (Umtali).
Feather weight: Reid (Umtali) beat Smith (Plumtree).
Light weight: Ward (St. George's) beat Mackenzie (Umtali).
Fly weight: Leggo (Milton) beat Matiatos (Umtali).
Feather weight: Reid (Umtali) beat McLaughlin (Prince Edward's).
Welter weight: Karassclos (Technical) beat Higham (Umtali).
Feather weight: Griffin (St. George's) beat Reid (Umtali).
Middle weight: James (Umtaii) beat Crane (Technical).
We take our hats off to (BOLD)
J.K.T. who, we learn, has recently attained regal honours in
ascending the throne of Nkana as " Queen of the Copper Belt" !
Reuter reports thus: " She wore a pearl-grey bathing costume edged
with crimson. The Master of the Revels presented the beautiful
contestant (applause) with a cheque for ten guineas, and placed a
beautiful copper crown on her head."
Believe it or not!
J.M.D., we hear (indirectly, of course), has sacrificed a promising
pugilistic career for the nobler profession of Florence Nightingale.
We hope she will never become absent-minded and hand a patient a
straight left instead of the . . . er . . . thermometer.'
British Paramount News-Reel
D.L.N.E., who has been scouring the Louvre and l'Academie Francaise
for inspiration, has at last settled down at the Central School and
is busy mixing an aesthetic colour-scheme with which to paint London
and Paris.
Pathetone now presents "Something for the Gentlemen!"
N.C.B., our immaculate and debonair man-about-town, recently
invented and patented a new, infallible brand of Anzora hair-suet,
which is now on sale at Boots and all leading chemists. Mr. B.
confesses that this is the preparation he uses to keep his own
inimitable thatch in perfect condition, but refuses to
reveal the formula to unscrupulous bargain-seekers.
"Farewell, a long farewell, to all my greatness!"
The marshy waterfowl, with a clatter of saucepans and the sizzle of
" Deep Fat Frying," has forsaken co-education to seek " another
haunt of coot and hern, and make a sudden sally" amongst the female
of the species.
We heartily congratulate Miss H.M.S. who has recently been "
parsonified, conjugally matrimonified" and has sailed away across
the stormy seas to take up her abode with
" Tyne coal,
Road rails, pig-lead,
Firewood, ironware, and cheap tin trays."
De Bello Form IV; Commentarius Primus
Kalendis Octobribus puellae belli gerendi causa contro pueros tela
ad scholam attulerunt. Adortae cos impeditos inopinantesque
pungnatum est acriter usque ad meridiem. Tandem pueri multis
vulneribus acceptis cum non diutius impetum earum sustinere porsent
legatos ad puellas pacem petitum miserunt, sed hae negabant se
facturas esse finem belli. Proclio hoc modo redintegrate insignis
calamitas inlata est in puellas. Fenestra fracta magnus tumultus
clamorque ortus est. Pueri perterriti timore se mandaverunt fugas.
Cum haec cognovisset properandum est magistro magno itinere ad
pugnam cum duobus legatis. Ibi repperit puellas solas. His T. Mariam
Elmam prseficit et iussit exercitum duci ad hibernas in fines
detentionis. Quo pro- fectus est in citeriorem scholam ad conventus
Omna haec gere bantur consulibus A. Johanno A. Russello et B. B.
one o'clock for the total score 95.
The home side took the field after lunch, and the opening Prince
Edward batsmen played steadily for a short time until Richards was
caught by Warburg off James with the Prince Edward score at 13.
Putterill made a top score of 42, which included some brilliant
hitting. Apart from this, there was no exceptional score. Near the
end of the Prince Edward innings it seemed as though they would win,
and this would have been the case had it not been for the brilliant
play of Evershed and the bowling of James. The last Prince Edward
wicket fell at 91, just four runs behind the Umtali total.
For Prince Edward, Tulley, Putterill and Irvine each took two
wickets, and for Umtali James took 7 for 34, Smith taking the
The scores were as follows: —
(1st Innings).
M. Jansen, b R. H. Evans: 14
Warburg, b Cornish: 3
Evershed, c R. D. Evans, b Tulley: 12
Watkins, c Thomas b Irvine: 8
James, b Putterill: 38
Hill, e Popkiss b Tulleyl: 3
Lark, c R. D. Evans b Gordon: 0
Rose, c Thomas b Richards: 1
E. Smith, c Irvine b Putterill: 4
Theron, c R. H. Evans b Irvine: 0
Parker, not out: 0
Extras: 12
Total: 95
Bowling Analysis.
Putterill, 2 for 9;
Tulley, 2 for 24;
Irvine, 2 for 8.
(1st Innings).
Richards, c Warburg b James: 2
Matthews, c Theron b James: 10
R. D. Evans, c and b Smith: 11
Thomas, c Parker b Smith: 1
Putterill, c Evershed b James: 42
R. H. Evans, c Jansen b James: 2
Popkiss, b Smith: 0
Irvine, c Evershed b James: 3
Tulley, c Evershed b James: 5
Gordon, not out: 8
Cornish, c Evershed b James: 2
Extras: 5
Total: 91
Bowling Analysis.
James, 7 for 34;
Smith, 3 for 22.
The match was played on the 24th October, 1936, on the new field at
Chancellor House. The weather was dull at first, but it became very
warm in the afternoon.
Umtali won the toss and elected to bat. The opening batsmen,
Evershed and Warburg, made 28 between them. By the start made, it
seemed that Umtali stood a good chance of winning, but the last six
wickets fell quickly. Higham played a stolid innings, and made top
score of 20. Lark made the second highest with a total of 19, which
included a good six. Austin took 5 wickets for 17 for St. George's.
Umtali was dismissed shortly after tea for a total of 88.
St. George's opening batsmen played steadily. Morris was dismissed
for five when the score was at 10. S. Olver made a top score of 82,
and Usher and Kerr made 24 each. The St. George's team was all out
with a total score of 184.
For Umtali, Parker bowled steadily and took 4 wickets for 30, and
James took 4 wickets for 38.
The scores were as follows: —
(1st Innings).
Evershed, b Austin: 10
Warburg, b Maclean: 16
James, c Morris b Austin: 4
Higham, c Austin b Clegg: 20
Godfrey, b Savage: 1
Jansen, c S. Olver b Usher: 0
Lark, c Usher b Austin: 19
Rose, c Reid-Rowland b Austin: 6
Baker, b Austin: 0
Hill, not out: 1
Parker, lbw b Maclea: 0
Extras: 9
Total: 88
Bowling Analysis.
Austin, 5 for 17;
Maclean, 2 for 21.
(1st Innings).
Morris, b Rose: 5
Usher, lbw b James: 24
S. Olver, c Evershed b James: 82
Reynard, b Parker: 4
Austin, c Jansen b Parker: 17
R. Olver, lbw b Rose: 1
Maclean, c Evershed b Parker: 0
Savage, lbw b James: 7
Reid-Rowland, b James: 8
Kerr, lbw b Parker: 24
Clegg, not out: 0
Extras: 12
Total: 184
Bowling Analysis.
Parker, 4 for 30;
James, 4 for 38;
Rose, 2 for 30.
On the 21st March, 1936, Umtali High School sent up to Salisbury for
the second time a colts team to play Prince Edward. The weather
proved to be fair, and the pitch was hard and fast. Umtali won the
toss and chose to bat. Marsh and Hall, our opening batsmen, put up a
good show against the bowling, but it proved too good for them, Hall
being the first to break the partnership after making four runs.
Marsh soon followed Hall, and from then the luck seemed to change,
the wickets falling steadily until Du Preez and Hack started a
partnership, taking the score from 17 for 4 to 52 for 5, Hack being
bowled by Macdonald. Our luck again changed, and the wickets fell
steadily, until Markides and Van der Merwe, our last two batsmen,
faced the bowling, staying in for about an hour, Van der Merwe
eventually being caught behind the stumps, so ending the innings
with Umtali's score at a total of 75 runs.
Prince Edward School went in to bat for about three-quarters of an
hour, when the match was stopped for lunch, the score being 26 for
4. During the lunch hour it poured with rain, and after resumption
of play, the wicket proved to be dead, the batsmen eventually taking
toll of the bowling. The Prince
Edward innings ended for 171, an easy victory. Van der Merwe took
the majority of wickets.
The Cross-Country Run
The cross-country run during the 1936 season has made rapid and
gratifying progress under Mr. D. M. Miller's able supervision. The
proposed League Run system of last year with a Slow and Fast Pack
was put into practice, and has been received with much enthusiasm.
At the outset of the season all runners were in the Slow Pack, but
thereafter in all runs the first 15 home were promoted to the Fast
Pack. This gave the Juniors a more sporting chance, as the Slow Pack
was given three minutes' start.
Stanley easily won the League, with Livingstone second and Moffat
The final run of the season was for the Individual Championship, and
every- body started scratch. Gomes came first, winning the medal,
while M. Jansen and P. Reid came second and third respectively. His
time for the 4½ miles was 24 mins. 25 secs., but N. Jansen's record
of 23 mins. 19 sees., set up in 1935, still stands. We wish next
season's runners all the best of luck in reducing this time.
An Hour of Dreams
I climbed a hill as night came down,
And saw the outline of the town
Just as I gained the hillock's crown,
All dewy sweet and still.
Darkness now softly fell on me,
And as I sat I longed to be
Among the lights that I could see
Twinkling below the hill.
As one by one the stars came through,
Bats and owls about me flew;
A gnarled old tree the wild birds knew
Strove to retain the moon.
Amused, I sat and watched the fight—
The moon and tree both fought with might,
But then she slipped, not bruised—but white,
Out on her path, star-strewn.
On, up, she rose; up, up so high,
And as she went she lit the sky;
She kissed the stars as she passed by,
For some were still asleep.
She bathed the flowers in moonbeams' light
And washed and paled their colours bright,
But they remained a wondrous sight
Clustered about my feet.
A rush-bound stream the town outlines,
In snake-like twists and turns it winds,
Until at length the wood it finds,
Through which it disappears.
From where I sat this stream appeared
Like a rope of glittering diamonds, seared
In places where the moon had dared
To hide the moonlight's wares.
Some sleepy owl in a distant tree
Tu-whoo'd and woke my reverie;
So, sighing, I stood up to free
Myself of beauty's dears.
A farewell glance I turned and gave,
Then leisurely down the hill I strayed,
Down to my cottage in a garden sprayed
By a weeping willow's tears.
M. G. (Form IV.).
1st Umtali Scout News
The Scouting this year has made rapid progress under the supervision
of Scouter McCosh. Many improvements in the troop have taken place,
and the enthusiasm towards Scouting all round has increased.
During the winter term the Scouts held four successful camps, one of
which was held for patrol-leaders and seconds or seniors only, and
thus knowledge was obtained both from the Hovers present and from
the camp itself for the other camps.
Six of the 1st Troop Scouts represented Umtali at the First South
African National Jamboree, held at East London from January 7th to
15th. They were Patrol Leader Higham, and Scouts Marsh, Hack, Hobbs
and Corbett.
Successful ambulance classes were held under Rover A. Martin, and
much knowledge was gained.
The strength of the troop now remains at 41, and although we regret
and feel the loss of Troop Leader Gericke, the troop is progressing
in much the same way as of old.
A School Dance
A school dance is, after all, from the economic point of view, a
charitable affair. The funds are low, so Johnny, Willie and Jane
must do their best to persuade their mothers to make a cake or some
sandwiches—notice, always, there first comes the question of "eats."
Then the school chefs—the females— work hard to provide jellies and
jam tarts—they must not be burnt for fear of spoiling Henry's
digestion, then he would be in a bad mood for the next dance. But
enough of eats—they are pleasant to look forward to (especially
amongst the juniors), but, as before mentioned, on these occasions
they are
not always good to look back on.
Let us now come to the point of view of those for whom the dance has
been very kindly arranged. At last the long-looked-forward-to time
has come; rude remarks are passed that it was about time "they" did
decide to have one! Smith hasn't got his collar on straight, so he
goes dashing about trying to get someone else to put it on for him,
but is calmly told to go about his business. There is only one
available mirror on the premises, and the prefects have taken it to
the study. Despite all the confusion, all are at last ready, and are
dismissed after "just a few words of warning" to behave themselves.
Brown waits to cadge a lift from the master, for fear of getting his new "longs"
The next scene is the dance hall—half-past seven, and the orchestra
has not yet arrived.
"I might have known this would happen," says Robinson dubiously,
going off to give his collar some more attention. But at last they
do arrive, and are clapped on to the stage. The music proceeds, and,
"Watch me!" says Brown.
He gets up and sails like a swan across the room to find a partner,
and is the first to take the floor. The first dance is very
successful, and when it comes to an end everyone claps loudly; but
the strength of the orchestra is already waning, so there is no
response. There is an immediate dash for the chairs—there are not
enough to hold all the couples, so some have to go outside "to take
in the fresh air." Beware of the eye of Monsieur le Professeur
There will surely be another lecture for this.
The music starts again, but few take the floor. The admirable
Organiser is running around, tearing his hair, and hurrying couples
in "before the orchestra gets too annoyed."
"O, My Vaderland!" he cries.
The Headmaster roves the ground just outside, and soon he is seen
escorting in two unfortunate little fellows, one under each arm, who
have come to his notice in some dark shadow. Meanwhile, in one
corner of the hall Jones moves out of the small crowd that has
gathered there. He beckons to Smith and
points, "I'll dance with that one," he says, "if you dance with the
one next to her."
The boys don't seem too enthusiastic to-night, so it is decided to
have a "Leap Year" dance. The music begins, but little comes of the
change; there are only a few "selected" couples on the floor this
time. The fore-mentioned Organiser scowls and repeats to himself,
"This is the last time I organise a school dance!"
At last the interval is announced; the juniors run for the
refreshments— they are not so bad after all—and enjoy themselves
there; "For," they say, "we cannot enjoy themselves otherwise."
"We want a 'Tap' dance," is the next cry. This seems popular, and
the floor is crowded. Brown casts his eye, and it falls upon some
unfortunate creature who loses his partner. Robinson creeps warily
up to a couple, but there is nothing doing with this man—he is a
senior. "Run away and play," he says airily.
But all the same, the dance is thoroughly enjoyed, and when the band
stands up to play "God Save the King," all are dismayed, and leave
with the words: "It's the best I've been to."
V. P. (Form IV.).
The Swimming Gala, 1936
This year the School Swimming Gala was held through the kindness of
the Municipality in the Municipal Baths.
Being the first school festivity since the boys' and girls' houses
were joined, very keen competition was shown by the competitors,
both male and female, in the upkeep of their house. Amongst the best
events was the Junior Boys' Diving, in which Mackenzie excelled
himself by a display of superb diving, scoring full points. Woodward
also proved himself worthy of his house.
Thanks were due to the school staff, who very capably organised the
whole proceedings. Thanks also went to Mr. H. Eltringham, the
secretary of the Town Swimming Club, for coaching the polo teams.
At the conclusion of the afternoon, Mr. Hill expressed his pleasure
in seeing the Convent represented in an inter-school race. He
thanked the judges, Major Bowles, Mr. Valentine and Mr. Alexander,
and especially Miss McKay, Miss Coutts and Mr. Hodgson.
Mrs. A. Bain, the Mayoress, commented on the fact that it had been a
very pleasant day, and that she had enjoyed it as much as the
children. After congratulating the winners and consoling the losers,
Mrs. Bain presented the prizes.
The results were as follows : —
Two lengths, senior boys: 1, Woodward; 2, McKechnie; 3, Coaten.
45 1-5 secs.
50 yards, girls: 1, Jean Collie; 2, M. Harrold; 3, M. Bower. Time,
36 2-5 secs.
100 yards championship, boys (under 16): 1, Mackenzie; 2, Heekes; 3,
Gomez. Time, 81 1-5 secs.
100 yards championship, senior boys: 1, Watkins; 2, Heekes; 3, P.
Reid. Time, 73 4-5 secs.
One length, senior boys: 1, Woodward; 2, P. Reid; 3, Moore. Time 21
1-5 secs.
50 yards championship, junior boys: 1, Mackenzie; 2, Stokes; 3, Condy. Time, 36 2-5 secs.
House team race, girls: 1, Livingstone; 2, Moffat; 3, Stanley.
House team race, junior boys: 1, Stanley; 2, Moffat and Livingstone.
50 yards championship, senior boys: 1, Woodward; 2, McKechnie; 3,
One length, senior girls: 1, M. Harrold; 2, J. Collie; 3, M. Bower.
Time, 24 4-5 sees.
Inter-school race, senior girls: 1, Umtali High School; 2, Convent
House team race, senior boys: 1, Stanley; 2, Livingstone; 3, Moffat.
Time: 85 sees.
Boys' water polo: 1, Livingstone; 2, Moffat; 3, Stanley.
1, Livingstone, 147; 2, Stanley, 96; 3, Moffat, 80.
Boys: Senior, G. Watkins, 10; Junior, Mackenzie; 100 yards under 16:
Girls: Mona Harrold, 11.
Senior boys' champion (runner-up): Woodward.
Senior girls' champion (runner-up): J. Collie.
Two lengths, senior boys : Woodward.
50 yards, senior girls : J. Collie.
50 yards, senior boys : Woodward.
Two lengths, junior boys : Mackenzie.
25 yards back stroke, girls : M. Harrold.
100 yards, boys (under 16): Mackenzie.
Junior boys' champion: Mackenzie.
Junior girls' champion: V. Martin.
Junior boys' champion (runner-up): Stokes.
Junior girls' champion (runner-up): P. Smith.
Eight courts have been in full use throughout the year, and two new
ones are being made. They will be ready at the beginning of next
year. With ten courts at our disposal, there will be ample
opportunity for every girl to put in an adequate amount of practice
each week.
The girls are interested and anxious to improve, and some good work
has been done in practising strokes and developing court craft.
It would be more satisfactory if each girl had her own racquet,
chosen especially for her, because using a different racquet each
day, as the girls who use school racquets must, is a decided
Matches in 1935 were played in November, after the magazine was
published, as they will be this year. Next year we hope to have
matches throughout the year.
These girls played for the school last year:—
D. Edmonds and D. Edwards, J. Proctor and K. Waterworth, J. Davidson
and D. Lowth.
P. Lark won the junior singles championship, D. Lowth and P. Lark
the doubles, D. Edmonds the senior singles and D. Edmonds and M.
Burton the senior doubles.
November 2—Hillside Ladies v. School: 79—38 (lost).
November 5—Park Ladies v. School: 57—42 (lost).
November 12—Park Ladies v. School: 66—33 (lost).
November 16—Old Girls v. School: 188—113 (lost).
The 1936 championships are nearly finished, but the results will be
too late for this issue.
We have played one match against Hillside Ladies' "B" Team, which we
lost (5-—4 setts), and have fixtures with Penhalonga, Park and Past
D. LOWTH is a steady player with a variety of strokes. Her drives
lack length very often, and her back-hand is weak, but her volleying
is good.
J. BUCHANAN is quick and uses her speed to advantage. She has a weak
service, and is diffident about coming up to the net.
H. KLOPPERS is steady. Her service and back-hand strokes need
considerable practice.
M. JORDAAN has an easy style and some good strokes. She would be
much better if she practised consistently.
M. HARROLD is good at volleying and quick and active on the court.
Her service is unreliable and her back-hand should be stronger.
J. PASCOE has improved considerably. She places well and comes up to
the net whenever possible. She does not anticipate, and seems very
slow in consequence.
M. E. ROBERTS strokes do not justify her style. She is perhaps a
little too careful in preparing to play the ball and not careful
enough in hitting it. She is quick and active.
First Teams.
8th February: Moffat v. Livingstone—5 setts to Livingstone.
14th March : Livingstone v. Stanley—7-2 setts to Livingstone.
28th March—Stanley v. Moffat—5-4 setts to Moffat.
Second Teams.
8th February—Moffat v. Livingstone—7-2 setts to Moffat.
14th March: Livingstone v. Stanley—6-3 setts to Stanley.
28th March: Stanley v. Moffat—7-2 setts to Stanley.
Hockey practices throughout the term were Well attended, and there
was general improvement, particularly among the beginners. We are
having a new field made, so that next season we shall use two fields
every day. This will make a great difference. Every girl should try
to have a stick of her own.
We had a successful season, in that we held our position of last
year at the head of the Ladies' Hockey League in Umtali; but we have
a lot to learn, as we found to our cost when we played the High
School, Salisbury, in the Inter- School Ballantyne Cup match at
Salisbury on 4th July. They beat us 10-nil. Our girls were
outclassed completely, but they played well, enjoyed the match
immensely, and learned a good deal from it. It is a pity that we
cannot meet strong teams oftener.
The First Team.
GOALKEEPER.—J. Garvin played exceedingly well all through the
season. She uses her feet to advantage and comes out to tackle at
the right moment. She won her colours and will be missed sadly next
BACKS.—The backs are weak, inclined to muddle and hang back in the
circle. A. Eggleston has weak strokes and is handicapped severely in
consequence. By the end of the season she understood inter-changing
and positional play much better. J. Buchanan improved noticeably
each time she played. She works hard and puts all she knows into her
HALVES.—M. Harrold (c.h.) is good, quick and reliable. She played
well in all matches and understands the game thoroughly. She won her
colours. P. Coventry should be much quicker. Her hitting is weak,
but she showed some improvement. P. Nicolson was disappointing in
matches and should be much bettor. Next year she will understand the
game more.
FORWARDS.—The forwards did not pull well together and were very weak
indeed in the circle. They receive passes badly. J. Procter held the
line together and did nearly all the shooting in matches. She is
quick, and a reliable player. She was a most enthusiastic captain
and did a great deal for the team. She won her colours. B. Taylor
(left-inner) is slow and cannot shoot, but she passes well and
rushes the defence in the circle. M. Parks (right-inner) was
disappointing and missed numerous opportunities of
shooting in matches. Both she and B. Taylor should practise
stick-work and shooting from the edge of the circle. J. Pascoe (left
wing) improved latterly and ought to be good next year. M. E.
Roberts (right wing) began the season badly, but improved rapidly.
She is fast and will be a very good wing in time.
Results of Matches.
10th June: 1st XI. v. Town (won 1—0).
24th June: 1st XI v, Raylton (won 1—0).
15th July: 1st XI. v. Town (lost 2—0).
18th July: 1st XI. v. Raylton (won 5—0)
22nd July: 1st XI. v. Town (won S—1).
29th July: 1st XI. v. Raylton (won 7—0).
House Matches.
6th June: Stanley v. Moffat, 3—1 to Moffat.
25th July: Livingstone v. Moffat, 2—2, draw.
30th July: Livingstone v. Stanley, 5—1 to Livingstone.
3rd August: Stanley v. Moffat, 2—1 to Moffat.
6th August: Livingstone v. Stanley, 9—1 to Livingstone.
10th August: Livingstone v. Moffat, 6—4 to Livingstone.
This season all the girls have improved their strokes, the beginners
are progressing well, and all girls who can swim at all can dive.
It is a matter for regret that every girl in the School does not
take swimming, but it is satisfying to see so general an improvement
among those who do. Some of the seniors have become really
proficient and have acquired a high standard of watermanship..
We were disappointed that we could not send a team to Bulawayo to
enter for the Inter-School Gala, but we hope to do so next year.
Our School Gala was very successful (the results will be found
elsewhere); J. Collie's swimming was noticeable, P. Nicolson dived
particularly well and M. Harrold is to be congratulated on winning
the championship for the third time.
A number of our girls swam in the Umtali Swimming Club Gala and did
well. The team: M. Harrold, R. Koster, E. Posthumus, M. Bower, M.
Cole (res.).
Moffat House Notes
This year Moffat set up a record by winning the sports for the first
time, girls and boys both competing well. In cricket we were beaten
by Livingstone but defeated Stanley. In Rugby our seniors were
beaten, but the juniors were more successful. We had bad luck in the
swimming gala, two of our best swimmers being ill; nevertheless we
came second.
In the boxing tournament and cross-country we were defeated, but in
future years we hope that the day scholars will give more support in
these activities. In the Inter-House tennis tournament we drew for
the first place with Livingstone. Our position was due to the
brilliant play of B. Evershed who proved himself to be outstanding
by winning the singles championship.
Our chief fault this year has been lack in unity, but next year we
hope to resume our old form both in the seniors and juniors.
Livingstone House Notes
This year for the first time the girls and boys houses were united
and so far the system has worked well. It has served to increase
competition and to increase interest in each other's activities.
Livingstone won the swimming, losing the first place in the Athletic
Sports by a narrow margin. In the boys' tennis tournament we tied
for first place with Moffat, but won the mixed doubles tournament
fairly easily. We won the boxing and the cricket during the first
term, coming second in Rugby and in the cross-country runs.
The league matches in Rugby and cricket have served a very good
purpose in that they provide games for those who are not playing for
a School team on Saturday afternoons and so increase interest in
these games. Livingstone was fairly successful in both cricket and
Rugby It-ague matches and our partial success will play a great part
in the final decision of the House positions.
We have great hopes that we shall come first in the final and on the
whole wc think it will be a very successful year for Livingstone.
Stanley House Notes
This is our first year under the new mixed House system, but despite
the change we have got on fairly well. We unfortunately came last in
athletics, but then it takes some time to make a perfect
During the first term we lost the cricket, but the third term holds
better promise. In the second term we won the rugger and the
cross-country fairly easily. We feel proud, as it is the first time
for at least five years that Stanley has won the rugger.
In the Tennis Tournament we did not do as well as we expccted to,
but in the mixed doubles we did much better, thanks to our partners.
Swimming and boxing are progressing favourably, and by next year we
shall be in full swing—a timely warning to the other Houses.
Captain: T. Coventry.
Vice-Captain: J. Garvin.
House Colour: Red.
Motto: " Semper parata."
Throughout this year Moffat has progressed steadily, strongly
supported by the House mistresses, Miss Shimwell and Miss Harvey,
and all its members.
Together with our brother House we only managed to secure third
place in the Annual Swimming Gala. At the Athletic Sports, however,
our most ambitious expectations were fulfilled, in that we came top
with a fairly wide margin. Mary Elma Roberts once more obtained the
Senior Vietrix Ludorum, for which we congratulate her. We were
beaten by Livingstone in the tennis matches, and also in the hockey,
but in these matches much keenness was displayed. In the combined
House tennis match, the first of its kind, we came third, but we
live in hopes.
We congratulate Janet Garvin, who has obtained her hockey colours.
Captain: Joan Proctcr.
Vice-Captain: Mona Harrold.
Colour: Green.
Motto: " Carpe Diem."
Livingstone has done exceptionally well this year, but we were
unfortunate in that we lost our Captain, Joan Procter, who is
training as a nurse at Bulawayo. We wish her the very best of luck.
At the end of the second term, Miss Richards, the senior House
mistress, and Miss Simmonson, the junior House mistress, also left
This year the Livingstone boys and girls were combined, and in this
way we headed the list in the Swimming Gala. Mona Harrold gaining
the greater number of points. Unfortunately we did not retain the
championship cup. In the Athletic Sports, Livingstone managed to
come second, being beaten by
Livingstone did exceptionally well at hockey. We drew one match with
Moffat, and won the other three matches. Joan Procter and Mona
Harrold gained their hockey colours.
The tennis House matches were played during the first term.
Livingstone beat both Moffat and Stanley in the senior matches, but
lost to these Houses in the junior section.
Deportment girdles were won by Maurine Gates, Marion Meikle, and
Martha Kruger, whom we congratulate.
House Mistresses: Miss Baker and Miss Wilson.
House Captain: R. Koster.
Vice-Captain: P. Nicolson.
Colour: Blue.
Motto: " Persta atque Obdura."
Although 1936 has not been an outstandingly brilliant year in the
history of our House we are nevertheless confident that the future
holds many succcsses for us.
This year boys' and girls' Houses have been amalgamated and the
system seems to work well. House mistresses have also been
appointed, and we welcome Miss Baker and Miss Wilson to Stanley.
In spite of the fact that we were beaten by both Moffat and
Livingstone in hockey, tennis and sports, we do not despair as there
seems to be much promising material amongst the juniors. This was
especially noticeable in swimming, in which activity we gained
second place.
Deportment girdles have been awarded during the year to M. Elliott
and L. de Kock, whom we congratulate.
Stanley girls, we are sure, will go on from strength to strength if
they bear in mind the House motto, "Persta" (Be steadfast).
Guide Notes, 1936
In April a Rally was held in Salisbury in honour of the Chief
Guide's and Chief Scout's visit to the Colony. Fifteen Guides
attended and came back inspired and revived after contact with the
Chiefs. The impressive Rally at Government House and the "Guides'
Own" in Beit Hall will remain fresh in our minds for many years. On
the King's Birthday we joined the Scouts, Cubs and Brownies in the
renewal of the Promise Ceremony, and on the last night of last term
we invited them to a Camp Fire in the School grounds. This was much
enjoyed by all.
Owing to illness no camp was held this year.
A big step forward in the history of Guiding in Umtali is the
formation of a Raylton Company with headquarters at the Public
At the Annual General Meeting of the Local Association in October
some of the Patrols put on string, handicraft and handywoman's
exhibitions which were much admired.
We notice there are still a few girls who have not joined up as
Guides and we would like to take this opportunity of inviting them
to do so.
Well, Good Guiding, Good Hiking and Good-bye!
Umtali Cadets
Umtali cadets have had a very active and interesting year.
With increased enrolment three platoons received training and in
addition specialist sections were formed for signalling and band.
Great keenness has been shown by all and the 1st Platoon received
high commendation on two parades in public. They formed a Guard of
Honour for H.E. the Governor on the occasion of the opening of the
new Government Offices. At the Umtali Agricultural Show, on August
7th and 8th, the cadets gave a display in rifle exercises, platoon
drill and field work. On both these occasions they received
compliments on their efficiency.
At the Umtali Weapon Meeting in July three cadet teams competed and
gained valuable experience. Good scores were made Sgt. P. Reid and
Cpl. Lark. The unit was also represented at Chipinga and Melsetter
Sgt. Reid attended the Bisley at Salisbury and recorded several
successes among them being the Cadet Aggregate.
It is pleasing to note how consistently the keenness of boys for
cadet training has been maintained and it augurs well for next year
when the unit hopes to give a good account of itself at camp, which
is to be held unless rumour is still a lying jade.
Committee, 1936: T. Y. Louw, Ronella Koster, Maurine Gates, J.
Jarvis, Peggy Nicolson, V. Pope, C. van Rensburg, Mary Roberts,
Barbara Taylor, J. Walton.
The new temporary Library quarters have not been capable of
accommodating the number of books we now have, and we are still
further handicapped by the fact that the room, which is really a
class-room and is urgently needed as such, has been used by pupils
studying commercial subjects. We hope the
Library has varied the monotony of the typewriter, for judging by
the state of the Library after they have been working there, they
must have done a good deal of reading. We are anxiously looking
forward to seeing the foundations of the new Library commenced next
Approximately 250 volumes have been added this year, chiefly through
the generosity of friends. We gratefully acknowledge donations of
£10 from the Old Borderers' Association, and a similar amount from
the Umtali Municipality. Books have been received from Mrs.
Kleinschmidt, Dr. O. E. Jackson, Mr. Norris and M. Jansen, besides
various members of the staff, to each of whom we express our
The Library is in a very satisfactory condition and continues to
expand. We have now well over one thousand books. A pleasing feature
is the number of children who are presenting books: we hope others
may follow up this very good work.
The thanks of all children are due to Miss Harvie, the Librarian,
now in England. Her enthusiasm has had much to do with the good
progress made.
Old Borderers' Association
The Old Borderers' Association has shown a fair amount of activity
this last year, socially and in sport; and whenever possible has
given help to the School and Old Borderers.
The following donations were given: Miss Hibbert, £3 3s., who has
been very ill; School Library, £10 10s.; Jubilee Fund, £2 2s.; and
milk for school children, 10s. A successful dance, held in July,
increased our revenue by £16.
Congratulations to Messrs. E. Blatch, G. Gammon, P. Viljoen. E.
Gagnepain and Misses Peggy Heron and Pam Miller on getting married,
and to Messrs. J. Nesbitt, J. Ward, H. Perrem and Mr. and Mrs. J.
Gray on the birth of daughters, and to Mr. and Mrs. C. Norris and
Mrs. Latham on the birth of sons. Congratulations also to Misses K.
Gray, K. Waterworth, Messrs. J. Livingston and I. Deere on becoming
engaged. To the above the Association wishes all the very best.
The Association has suffered a grievous loss through the deaths of
Mrs. Barry Ronan (nee May Bland), Mr. Viljoen and Mr. Fred Binnie,
who were all keen Old Borderers and the Association offers their
deepest sympathy to all relatives. The Association is also very
unfortunate in losing the services of Mrs. Hartung and Mr. L.
McDowall, who are transferred to Salisbury and Bulawayo,
respectively, as they were very keen members and did a lot of good
work for the Association.
The School has suffered a big loss in the retirement of Mr. J. H.
Freeman, and the Old Borderers presented him and Mrs. Freeman a canteen of cutlery at the last Re-union Dance. They were also presented a
silver plate with their names engraved on it and the date of the
Messrs. E. Livingston, J. Stevens and K. Went have all had enjoyable trips overseas and Messrs. H. Phillips, R. McLeod, C. Coaton, I.
Lapham, E. Palmer, G. Gammon, I. and T. Meikle, J. Cockerell and C. Clark have
all had enjoyable trips to the Union.
Congratulations to Mr. E. Palmer on having been elected President of
the Eastern Farmers' Federation.
This year for the first time the Association is trying a mixed
dinner and it is hoped it will be a great success. The Salisbury
Branch of this Association had their Annual Re-union Dinner on the
5th September, but unfortunately no one from here was able to
The Old Borderers had a good season last year coming second in the
Town League. In the annual cricket match between the Past and
Present the Past won by about 40 runs. Past batted first making 207
for 4 declared, mainly due to a good second wicket partnership of
180 runs between P. Edwards (94) and C. Coaton (90). School made 167
of which Cockerell carried his bat for 73 not out. It was a very
good as well as a keen game.
Congratulations to F. Gammon, P. Edwards and J. Parks for being
chosen for representative matches.
The Old Borderers team again had a very good season gaining a triple
success, winning the Town League (Valentine Cup), the Knock-Out
League (Black and White Cup) and had the honour of being the first
winners of the Lark Shield which was presented by Major Lark for the
Country League Competition.
The team were fortunately under the captaincy of W. Myburgh again,
who has always ltd his men well and some very good games were
witnessed. The only match the team lost was against Old Hararians in
their annual fixture, when they beat us by 22 points to 9. This
happens to be the first defeat the Old Boys have suffered for three
seasons. The team travelled down to Beira to play the Beira Amateur
Sports Club whom they beat 16—9 in their annual fixture.
Congratulations to G. Gammon, A. Mackintosh, C. Coaton, J. Parks, C.
Brown, H. Myburgh, A. van Heerden, J. Webster and K. Went for being
chosen for representative matches.
The second team again suffered from the shortage of players, many of
them going into the first team and thus the School easily retained
the Taylor Cup. It is hoped that most of the pupils leaving School
will join the club so as to strengthen the second team.
The Old Borderers team again were the winners of the League going
through the season without losing a single league match. The team
travelled down to Beira with the Rugby team where they suffered
their only defeat against the Sports Club by 2 goals to 1 in their
annual fixture. Congratulations
to I. McLeod for keeping goal so well that day. Congratulations to
W. Myburgh, F. and G. Gammon, L. McDowall, P. Edwards, I. McLeod, C.
Clark and A. Mackintosh for being chosen for representative games.
An Athletic Club was formed by the Territorials. Rhodesia Regiment,
and its lists of members included the following Old Borderers, J.
Parks, P. Stuttaford and N. Jansen who represented the Club at the
Garrison Sports, Salisbury. Parks came second in the high jump and
hurdles; Stuttaford second in the
880 yards and Jansen second in the 2-mile steeplechase.
Congratulations to the above for their good performances.
Hon. Secretary, Old Borderers' Association.
To My Macushla
While night is here and all day's cares are gone,
Your voice will lull me to my long-sought rest;
The night-jar sings his mournful note alone,
And night-winds sweep from out the distant West.
The thought of flowers and all their fragrance sweet
Is banished from my mind when you are near;
The myriad sounds of fairy footsteps fleet,
Oft heard, in thy sweet presence disappear.
Come then, my love, I pray you ne'er to leave
My side, for all my soul does yearn to know,
E'en when the shades of night their mantle weave,
That we will never learn the smart, the woe
Of lovers forced to live their lives apart,
But dream all time away, fond heart to heart.
T. Y. L. (Form V.).
Lady Jacaranda
Lady Jacaranda,
In her purple gown,
By September and October
Is shown around the town.
The gentle breeze caresses her,
It makes her feel so gay,
She drops her skirts and tresses,
On which the fairies play.
O graceful Jacaranda,
When the wind did pass that way,
She smiled a smile of shy delight,
And turned her head away.
And when the days awaken,
Purple carpets gay,
Beneath the Jacarandas lie,
To introduce the day.
P.H., Std. III
The End
Extracted and recompiled, from a hard copy of the magazine which was made available to ORAFs by Roger Higham, by Eddy Norris and for use on the Our Rhodesian Heritage Blog. Thank to Roger.
Comments are always
welcome, please mail them to Eddy Norris at
and they will be loaded to this article.
Ref. Rhodesian,
Umtali, Umtali High School
Labels: 1936, Higham, The Borderer, UHS
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