
Wednesday 3 April 2013

Baby's Death Condemned


Defence Reporter
Chris Reynolds

A GANG of terrorists more than 20-strong have bayoneted to death a 6½ -month-old European girl.

The child was stabbed several times in the back on the veranda of the homestead being attacked by the terrorists.

Little Natasha Glenny, the youngest European victim of the terrorist war, was snatched from the care of a female servant before being murdered. The servant was not injured.

Fifteen minutes before the child was murdered her parents were ambushed by a separate terrorist gang. They escaped injury but were in hospital yesterday being treated for shock.

A Government spokesman said yesterday that the murder of Natasha illustrated the brutality to which terrorists have resorted in order to create the illusion of power their marxist masters expected from them.


'The incident forms another chapter in the catalogue of brutal murders, maimings and beatings inflicted on both black and white Rhodesians by terrorists who carefully discriminate between 'soft' targets such
as women, children: unarmed missionaries and tribesmen and the security forces' the spokesman

"The; latter are treated with, respect by terrorist; gangs  who invariably avoid them like the plague

"The  gang? responsible for this murder are of same calibre as the so euphemistically referred to as 'the boys' by certain religious and nationalist organisations who, at the same time, claim that violence is the
prerogative of those Rhodesians, black and white, who are maintaining law and order."

The terrorists murdered Natasha at a homestead UNABLE T READ children who have died as a result of terrorist activity since the start of Operation Hurricane nearly five years ago.

There is no record of how many black children have died in the war. Although a number of the deaths have occurred during crossfire between security forces and terrorists, the' majority have resulted from terrorist atrocities.

The first non-black child victim was in May, 1976, shortly after  stepped-up terrorist hos tilities in the country

This is the diary of death:

May 23, 1976: Mark van Vuuren (14), and his father, Jacob, shot to death after being flagged down by terrorists on a country road near Kezi.


June 6, 1976: Louberlie Habing (8), and her sister, Marianne (14) killed with their mother when the vehicle in which they were travelling detonated a landmine on a farm road near Chipinga.

A third sister, Yvonne (17), later died of wounds. A family friend, Shirley Wicksteed, an Umtali schoolgirl, lost both legs in the blast.

July 13, 1976 : Rene du Plessis (8), shot dead In a vehicle ambush 50 km south of Fort Victoria;

February 6 1977: Jairaj Giga (.15), an Asian, shot dead by a lone terrorist while, he was fishing at
the Maleme Darn in the Matopos;

March 11 1977: Sharon McRoberts (11), an orphan, shot dead when terrorists attacked her grandfather's Riverbend Farm, Shamva;

June 12 1977: Karl Ray du Plessis (5), shot dead in an ambush in the Wankie area. His brother, Marnie (4), later died of wounds sustained in the ambush;

July 11 1977: Lianne Phillips (3), shot in the stomach as she stood at the braai at the Shangani Club. She died of her wounds in hospital;

August 6 1977: Donald Brenin Mayor (16), died in the terrorist bomb blast at Woolworth's department store in Salisbury. His mother and sister and eight Africans were also killed:

September 29 1977: Natasha Glenny (6½ months) bayoneted to death near Chipinga.


ONE OF Rhodesia's youngest terrorist victims, Natasha Glenny, was cremated at a brief service at Warren Hills yesterday. Natasha, aged 6½ months, was bayoneted to death by terrorists on Highlands Estate in Chipinga last week. About 80 people attended the service.

Source: Rhodesia Herald Newspaper, dated October 3, 1977 which was made available by Rob Picton (Intaf) Thanks Rob.

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Ref. Rhodesia

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for the newspaper clippings and other items. Much appreciated. The war in Rhodesia is one of the most down-played occurences of insurgency and violence. Blogs such as yours are invaluable to preservation of that important time in history.
