
Sunday 9 December 2012

Mr. G. F. Croll (CAA Area Supt. Lusaka)

Here we have the genuine article—a Rhodesian born and bred; and a vintage job at that, as GORDON CROLL's mother came to Rhodesia the hard way— by ox wagon in the 1890's.

Gordon is modest about his educational attainments, as he is about everything else, and talks about "scraping through exams". In point of fact he not only passed all the right exams at the right time, but also represented his school (Prince Edward, Salisbury) at rugby and swimming, and during his final year was elected Head Boy and won the Dax prize.

After a year in the Government service, Gordon got caught up in that other business which kept most of us occupied  from 1939 to 1945. He served with the field artillery in the Middle East and U.K., and was demobbed with the rank  of lieutenant in 1946, in which year he joined SRAS, thus becoming a founder member of CAA. His duties, mainly  on the Traffic side, have taken him to many places on the CAA network. Well-merited promotion recently came his  way in the form of his appointment to the important post of Area Supt., Lusaka.

Gordon's wife is also Rhodesian born and bred; she was one of CAA's original air hostesses. Husband and wife are  both keen on gardening, a subject on which she happens to be something of a fundi.


Extracted and recompiled by Eddy Norris from the SCAANER of October 1960  publication which was made available by Dave Vermaak

Thanks to Dave for sharing his memories with ORAFs.

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Ref. Rhodesian Aviation

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