
Monday 17 September 2012

Remember Guinea Fowl With Pride

Guinea Fowl, Remember Guinea Fowl With Pride

FLASHBACK . . . Just a year ago 180 boys marched through the streets of Gwelo protesting against the announcement by the Minister of Education that Guinea fowl School would be closed. The boys carried banners and posters as well as the school mascot — a large model of the bird after which the school got its name. Their protest march was vain.

Remember Guinea Fowl With Pride
Guinea Fowl School light in years though long In traditions died yesterday. But it died, at the final assembly with dignity and with pride.

The last scholars, past scholars, parents and members of staff from all over the country — and some even from South Africa — were there to hear the assembly bell sound for the last time at Guinea Foul and to take part In the dedication, by the Rev. Michael Veary of Gwelo, of the school Roll of Honour.

These scrolls, carved from old school desks. commemorate the 28 former Guinea Fowl pupils who have died in the terrorist war and they will in the future be housed ia the Guinea Fowl section of the Midlands Museum.

And the school bell it will still call pupils to morning assembly but at Chaplin School in Gwelo,the school with which Guinea Fowl, In Its 31 years' history, has had the closest connections. particularly on the
sporting: field.

Mr John Drinkwater. the headmaster, who had been at Guinea Fowl for 14 years, gave a simple but telling address.

Mr. Drinkwater told boys who are going on to other schools else where in the country: "It Is neccessary that you adapt yourselves but I know that at the same time you will remember Guinea Fowl with pride."

And at the end, after announcing the last hymn. Mr. Drinkwater told the boys he was going to tell
them, for the last of many times, to "sing up, chaps". They sang up.

II waa disclosed during the assembly that the school advisory council, which had disposed of some of its assets, would give financial help to the parents of scholars going on to other schoola and who would need kitting out with new uniforms.

It wm also announced that the Army would take over the school premises.

A telegram was read to the assembly—though there were many other messagea from  other
schools - from Alderman Ian Turner, a past parent who is now convalescing from a war wound In St. Giles.

This read: "We pay tribute to a fine school which made scholars and men—which life Is all about. A sad day for us all.

Yesterday marked the end of something very special in Rhodesia's educational set-up. and understandably. there were not a few tears.

Extracted and recompiled by Eddy Norris, for use on Our Rhodesia Heritage Blog, from material made available to ORAFs by Danny Hartman (RhArmy). Thanks Danny

Danny also writes It was announced in November of 1977 by the Minister of Education that Guinea Fowl School would be closed so presume it was at year end as the school term finished or early 1978. That’s the best I can do!!

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  1. I remember the headlines in various newspapers: "School Shot Down" "Education Ministry Fouls Up" "School Feathered For The Duration"
    N P-M

  2. I am desperately looking for the words of the war cry. My brother. Bob who was in Lancaster House has his grandchildren joining in with the War cry. We are trying
    to get my grandchildren to join in but we don't know the words. Please could some person send me the words so we can coach my grandchildren. Thank
    you so much.

  3. The war cry for Guinea Fowl School went like this (pardon the spelling):
    "Gublia Wah, Gublia Wah,
    Oonie Moonie, Coenie Moonie See'
    Wah Wah Whisky Who Are We
    We Are, We Are Guinea Fowl"
