
Tuesday 19 June 2012

Matabeleland Motor Cycle Club Annual Supper and Prize Distribution Menu

By Iain Harper (RhArmy)

Here's a scan of a Matabeleland Motor Cycle Club Annual Supper and Prize Distribution Menu held on 20th December 1952 at the Matopos Hotel.

Note the back is signed by Val and Ken Robas - enjoying life in Durban and a host of others including Frank Riley and Merlin Jones. There is also a signature of Murell Love, wife of John Love. Some are hard to read and sadly most have deceased.

PS - Note the Menu - Ally Barrel, Valve Bounce, Power Slides etc. etc.

For ease of reference the Menu reads:-

The Queen
The Club
The Sport
The Visitors


Ally Barrel - Pilot's Jet - Valve Bounce
Wheel Patter - Power Slides


Petits Ferrous et Non-ferrous - Litter d'Umgusa
The ingredients for these dishes were contributed by the Umgusa Triumph Riders' Association. 

Fifty/Fifty - Roi de Redex - Methonal Clear 
Nitro Benzine - Ethyl Tomato


Steamed, Smoked, Fried or Roasted Martlett 
Turbot Blower - Waterworth Wonder
Eel Prangit


Pistons in Sump, with Ring Fragments and Melted Electrodes
Ferodo in Oil - Mustslip
Devils on Dualseats - Daytona Hot Dogs


Tiger Heads - Swing Arms - Oleo Legs - Rocker Feet
Undercut, Overlap and Intertown Sirloin, Purloin and Burnoil in Old Boars.


Flatspots on Big Ends, with High Ratios
Glissade de Glycol - Tommy Lemons with Jock
Jellied Muscles on Kenny from Jap


Nuts by Simmonds - Wines by the Dope Artists

Raspberries from Chronicle  - Sour Grapes from City Council


Thanks to Iain fr sharing his memories with ORAFs.

COmments are welcome, please send them to Eddy Norris at

1 comment:

  1. I see my Late Father Victor William "Max" Furmston signature here. He had a copy of this menu I saw as a kid, I wish I knew where it is now.
