
Saturday 7 April 2012

Federation's New Airliners

Extracted from the book 'Know your Rhodesia and Know Nyasaland - 300 selections from the Rhodesia Herald', published in 1956.

Viscount, Federations New Airliners

With the decision two years ago by Central African Airways to purchase four-engined Vickers Viscount turbo-prop airliners, these aircraft are now in regular operation over the Federation, swiftly traversing Africa. The Viscount has become a familiar sight arriving at and departing from the new Salisbury airport.

The photograph shows one of these aircraft just taking off.

In their decision to buy Viscounts the C.A.A. continued their policy of buying British. Because of the land-locked nature of the Central African territories it is inevitable that as the Federation grows in economic strength and population the national airline will have to provide more and more facilities to link its territorieswith the outside world and to increase the frequency of services within its borders.

It was to meet this demand that the C.A.A. Board requested authority to purchase four-engined, pressurised aircraft to replace the Viking fleet.

The first Viscount delivered to C.A.A. was named "Malvern" after Viscount Malvern, first Prime Minister of the Federation.

The Viscount was the world's first propeller-turbine airliner and production is included in the British Government's super priority programme.

It comes from the same stable as the Vickers Vimy, in which Alcock and Whitten Brown made the first direct Atlantic crossing in 1919 and Van Ryneveld and Brand the first flight from England to the Cape.

Other Weybridge-built aircraft include the famous Wellington bomber, the Viking which has proved so popular in all parts of the world, and the Valetta, used by the RA.F. (Royal Air Force) in transport and other roles.


Material made available by Nick Baalbergen, recompiled by Eddy Norris for use on "Our Rhodesian Heritage" blog only. Thanks Nic

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