
Sunday 25 March 2012

Rhodesians in Antarctica

By Lewis Walter

1, Rhodesians in Antarctica
SS Europa

Thanks for most interesting articles on Rhodesians in Antarctica. Here are some photos of an alternative method of travel to that wonderful continent - under sail in a century-old three masted barque. Five days to cross the Drake Passage, encountering a gale of Force 11 on the Beaufort Scale, and later returning via Cape Horn

6, Rhodesians in Antarctica

Note the Rhodesian flag in the top left-hand corner of the photo of the young lady in the bar of the Ukrainian base at Vernadzky Island. This is at 65 degrees 15 South, and was taken on a previous voyage. I left another in the bar of the main Argentinean Antarctic base, and raised one on the Antarctic mainland to claim a portion for Rhodesia.......

2, Rhodesians in Antarctica
What are they?

3, Rhodesians in Antarctica
Cold Control Centre

4, Rhodesians in Antarctica
No models on-board!

5, Rhodesians in Antarctica
No model either

7, Rhodesians in Antarctica
Land Ho

There is an old whalers' saying : "Beyond 40 degrees South, there is no law. Beyond 50 degrees South, there is no God". We can add "Beyond 60 degrees South, you will find Rhodesians ! ".


Lewis served in the Southern Rhodesian Native Affairs Department which was later named Internal Affairs (Intaf) and was District Commissioner in several different districts of Rhodesia.

Thanks to Lewis for sharing his memories and photos with ORAFs. Lewis undertook this journey in 2010.

He has also visited the Amazon basin and hopefully ORAFs can get him to share a few lines and photos with us all.

Also please remember that comments are always very welcome. Send them to orafs11@gmail,com

ORAFs is currently working on another article from Lewis, it is entitled "Umtali to the Alps" It is the story of The Southern Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment 1942-45 who were initially based in Umtali and during the WW2 got to the Alps.

1 comment:

  1. Rex Taylor (RhAF) Writes:-

    I maintain sailing Kariba was far more pleasant. OUR models wore mini-bikinis or less! The only ice we saw was floating in a gin-and-tonic! Good to see the Rhodesian flag flying, I suspect that it doesn't fancy the cold either!
