
Tuesday 20 July 2010

Ford Model A’s 80th Birthday Celebration

Eddie & Cecile’s Ford Model A’s 80th Birthday Celebration
At Cranleigh Park Club November 2009

Photo 1
In Car Park Cranleigh Club (Old Forces Club) not far from Kentucky Service Station. We celebrated the event with our good friends mostly from Glenville Village Retirement Cottages Hatfield

Photo 2
Penny Harvey on Right (the Late Ian Harvey’s widow) with Glenville Village Cottage neighbours Harry & Norah Cruse & daughters with Julie & Sister who just arrived from the UK.

Photo 3
Cecile in the middle with our friends Tracey & Husband Chris. Sally & Wendy our neighbours from the Village.

Photo 4
Coleen & Kelvin Byrne who both over the years have kept Cranleigh Club running. Kelvin was in H.Q.Commcen in the Rhod Air Force days

Photo 5
Cecile & Myself with Steve Carson Chairman of Glenville Cottages.

photo 6
Shirley Hulley also from the Village, husband Norman was away in S A

Photo 8
Duncan McIntyre with Celesto Barman of Cranleigh Club
Photo 7
Cranleigh staff Ben Barman right withwith chefs Brian & Cyril

End of Article

Thanks to Eddie and Cecile for sharing their memories with ORAFs.

For information on the 1st Vintage Car Reliability Run Please see

1 comment:

  1. Dear Eddy Norris,
    I'm Gilda Fiumi Ganzerli; I write you from Italy because I'm searching some informations about my father, dead in 1976.
    I have found some letters and some documents, so I would try to reenact part of his life.
    My father's name was Enzo Fiumi Ganzerli, he was enrolled as a volunteer and served as a substitute in the RAF trade of Capo Campo from 28/10/1944 to 27/11/1946. He was in the RAF station in Thornill.
    My father had a great, good friend, probably english, called "Lu Hughes" (this is the name he used to sign letters...).
    I have found some letters and, reading these, I have understand that Sir. Hughes lived with his family, in 11 First Avenue in Umtali, South Rhodesia.
    So, I write you because maybe (I hope this...) you can help me with my research...
    Have you some informations about this person, Sir. Lu Hughes? He was a great friend for my father and I would like to know more about him and maybe, if it will be possible, i would like to contact persons related to him.
    Do you know someone who can help me to find some informations about Mr.Hughes?
    Thank you very much for reading and for the answers you will can write to me!
    Best Regards.
    Gilda Fiumi Ganzerli.

    PS.If you want write to me, my mail address are:
