
Friday 5 February 2010

Chimanimani Hotel Brochure

Thanks to Diarmid Smith for sharing his memories with ORAFs.
ORAFs has been unable to determine a date for this brochure but the currency was in Pounds, Shilling and Pence.
If you can help then please mail

1 comment:

  1. Someone has just sent me the link to your site, with the brochure promoting the Chimanimani Hotel referenced. You've asked for any information as to the date, which I can't help with at the moment, but think the reference to the Union of SA, and the advice that the hotel was new at the time, might help.

    My grandparents, Captain EH (Ted) Allott and his wife Olive managed and possibly owned the hotel through all or part of the Second World War, before selling? and moving to Belmont Farm, a little nearer the Chimanimani foothills. He was very involved in many projects in and around Melsetter, including the building of the church, and the stone cottage above the tracks up the Chimanimani range.

    My mother, Rosemary, would often sing to entertain guests at the hotel, accompanied by her mother on the piano, during the war years. The latter, Olive, became an iconic figure in Melsetter, and was very involved in every facet of life in the village. She played the organ at the church for years, entertained at numerous functions on the piano, was a significant contributor to the WI (Women's Institute), the Village Management Board, was secretary of the local branch of the Rhodesian Front party, etc, etc. Quite a remarkable lady, she remained heavily involved in village life until her death at 94.

    The hotel brochure could have been produced during the Allott management, but looks like a later promotion. My mother was a very fine artist, and the figure drawings, though quite good, do not look like her work. She would have undoubtedly been roped in to contribute had she been around at the time of printing.

    Sadly, none of the family who could comment on the hotel's history are with us, but should those of us left come across anything further, we'll pass on the information.

    We've thoroughly enjoyed revisiting the past through your efforts, and hope you continue to publish your memorabilia and history.

    Kind regards,
    Mike Owen
    (Now living in Australia)
